Monday, December 5, 2011

Namewee has joined the ecowarriors with this funky new video!

Ever since Namewee returned from Taiwan about 4 years ago - and almost immediately created controversy with his Negarakuku video - I've been monitoring his artistic output with interest and growing admiration. This young lad from Muar most definitely has energy, talent and the necessary technical skills to convey his feelings on just about everything through punchy videos and catchy numbers. I have yet to catch his first full-length feature film, Nasi Lemak 2.0 - but it's fairly high on my list of must-watch productions.

This is the first time I've seen Namewee address the bigger issues of emotional disconnect, environmental rape and human greed. And he does it with powerful sincerity. I hope this video goes viral worldwide, captures the imagination of the young, and contributes to a planetary-scale reassessment of our life goals.

Thanks, Namewee, and more energy and power to you, young warrior!

[Brought to my attention by Mary Maguire]