Friday, December 30, 2016

The Fig Leaf Syndrome (revisited)

“Is that a gun in your pocket, Big Boy, or are you just happy to see me?”– Mae West


How often I’ve heard this uttered in connection with financial and political shenanigans of every strain which, disappointingly, always seem to fade from the public memory before anything can be resolved, or anyone brought to book.

And each time I hear about cover-ups, the image of a fig leaf pops unbidden to mind. Is there a connection? Of course there is. In moments of luminous clarity, the universe has always shown itself to me to be essentially one inexhaustibly funny, punny conundrum.

TRANSPARENCY is a much bandied about term these days. I’m not too comfortable with the word “transparent.” It implies invisibility – which, in turn, suggests unaccountability – a hidden hand, someone or something difficult to see. Like the Emperor’s multibillion dollar new suit. So why don’t we use the more organic description: NAKED?

Why do we get so steamed up by the idea of nakedness that we actually have laws against it? Indeed in some countries there are laws to prevent Official Secrets from being exposed. In effect, the Cover-Up is actually a protected form of official behavior, and my thesis is that this inbred fear of public exposure is ultimately linked to our attitude towards sex - whether we view it as a profane or sacred act.

The fig leaf was the preferred form of cover-up in Europe for parts of the human anatomy deemed “private.” You find it in old paintings depicting Adam and Eve after their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Why the fig leaf? Why the need to conceal this unmentionably delectable portion of our bodies? After all, the human body has been described as a Temple of Divinity, the Sacred Abode of God.

The Old Testament explanation is mind-bogglingly simplistic: having disobeyed God by eating the Forbidden Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, Adam and Eve lost their innocence and knew Shame. But why did the Maker set them up for such a Fall? Is God basically a cosmic Peeping Tom masquerading as Scientific Curiosity?

Interestingly, the Malay word for genitalia is kemaluan – from malu which means (what else?) shame. However, the Arabs allude to the female sexual organs with the richly suggestive expression, al ghaib – “the concealed” or “the invisible” – in other words, “the Mystery of Mysteries.” (Male genitals do not enjoy such poetic licence, for obvious reasons. Colloquially, the penis is given names like batang and butoh – the onomatopoeic equivalents of “dong” and “dick” – with all their bluntly bellicose and brutal, yet cute and comical, connotations.)

Famous Nudes

SINCE THE FIG LEAF SYNDROME gained prominence during the Renaissance, we must assume that it was a purely aesthetic choice, reinforced by convenience – for, in Italy, which produced the famous nudes of Raphael, Rubens, Da Vinci and Michelangelo, the fig tree grows ubiquitously. It’s easy to imagine how the first fig leaf cover-up was conceived: here’s Leonardo happily painting his mistress in her garden under a fig tree, but when he reaches below the waistline he suddenly realizes that he can’t go for complete realism without inflaming papal passions and getting hauled up by the Almighty Church of Rome. Just then the fig tree sheds a leaf which flutters lazily down in front of his model – and gets strategically integrated into the final portrait.

In the Middle East such problems did not arise. Patriarchal notions of modesty forbade the realistic depiction of biological forms, so artists confined themselves to the abstractions of sacred geometry - wherein maleness could be represented by lines and angles, and femaleness by arcs and orbs. The dome-and-spire leitmotiv found in Christian and Islamic architecture gained wide popularity, not least because of its potent subliminal reference to forbidden pleasures. And don’t forget the genital worship suggested in the design of all pagan temples: lingams and yonis, phalluses and vulvas, lines and circles, plugs and sockets everywhere one looks.

At the root of the Fig Leaf Syndrome, a primal trauma lies buried beneath countless generations of guilt and resentment. All myths point to the source of our existential angst and collective schizophrenia: SEX! SEX! SEX! Yes, what Adam and Eve discovered after eating the Forbidden Fruit.

Plants have been doing it for aeons – but, really, you can’t get too worked up over the mechanics of pollination. Animals do it but can’t really help it and, then, only seasonally – and therefore they feel neither good nor bad about it. With animals, sex is totally guilt-free and rarely kinky. However, when WE decided to get into the act by sliding down the Timechute into physical space, we externalized our male-female polarities and got titillated by the principles of attraction and repulsion: at last we could experience the hormonal rollercoaster ride of biological necessity and non-specific year-round lust. It was so wonderfully heady and exhilarating. At least for a while…

Then we realized with profound horror that we had traded in our original, immortal, asexual androgyny for the ephemeral delights and infernal agonies of mortal, animal being. We were packaged in meat. We were The Word made Flesh!

Wherever we turned we saw images of ourselves. This Hall of Mirrors was a regular funhouse, but narcissism eventually gets out of hand. As sexually-split entities inhabiting gender-differentiated bodies, we could now enjoy sticking our protruding bits into every inviting orifice and eventually turn SEX into the biggest business of all time – simply by making it illicit unless sanctioned by a secular or religious authority.

Moral Responsibility

I USED TO WAKE UP in a cold sweat, heart pounding, from dreams in which I would find myself attending a grand buffet where everyone was formally attired, and all of a sudden I’d realize I was wearing a T-shirt – and nothing else! Worse still were the episodes in which I would walk through a door and onto a stage, facing a packed hall, with absolutely no idea how to entertain the audience and no memory of any script. Slowly it would dawn on me that my predicament was even more ludicrous than I’d thought: people were squirming in their seats and tittering because I was completely starkers. Classic nightmares, boringly Freudian – but what did they reveal, apart from my modest assets?

Some people are very secretive. I’m the complete opposite. No question of right or wrong: it’s the way we’re horoscopically or psychologically constituted. However, I’ve always felt that one has a moral responsibility to evolve towards greater openness, greater honesty, greater transparency… in other words, NAKEDNESS.

In which case my scary dreams of public exposure weren’t necessarily a bad thing – merely an indication that deep down I was still afraid of getting hurt. To be more precise, my social ego was afraid of losing status. Without the protection of one’s fig leaf or sarong or double-stitched jeans, one is susceptible to malicious attack or ridicule. One is vulnerable – but is it such a healthy thing to be invulnerable? Isn’t it much healthier to be in direct contact with RAW REALITY and the NAKED TRUTH?

I’ve tried it. It doesn’t hurt. And once your reputation is ruined you never have to worry about it again.

All You Gotta Do Is, Act Naturally…

“… for Heaven, just Heaven, sends a fearful religion to cruel souls.” – Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, 1788

THE PATRIARCHAL RELIGIONS - the ones that see God as a father figure - have one thing in common: the misguided notion that the naked human body is an utterly reprehensible, prurient object – a terrible thing that must be covered up from public view. In such a society, it’s okay to exploit the poor and deceive the masses – so long as you keep your trousers on!

How else is it possible that some humans can wander into an old-growth forest with all its splendor and majesty and breath-giving beauty – and whip out their chainsaws? Me, I could only think of whipping off my clothes and jumping into the nearest river with a wild whoop of pure abandon. Call me a pagan. The raw beauty of Mother Nature is the only embodiment of divinity on this Earth that can make me fall to my knees and weep for joy.

A few years ago I was walking with a friend through the jungle towards a magnificent waterfall when I came upon a Land Rover full of forestry officers. I nodded a friendly greeting and one of the men came over, ogled my companion, and asked me point blank: “Have you seen anyone swimming naked around here?” I was taken aback. Was this guy a mind reader or something? I responded evenly: “Why do you ask?” The fat forestry officer with the sleazy aura of a Hollywood-type South American border guard explained conspiratorially: “We don’t want people to come into our state forest reserve and do immoral things.”

If I could beam myself back to that instant in time and space, I would have retorted: “Do immoral things? What, you mean like LOG the place? You don’t wish to see this beautiful country DENUDED, is that right?”

Instead, I merely smiled sardonically and walked on, shaking my head in disbelief. For hours afterward I felt an involuntary shudder whenever the image of that hypocritical sleazebag flashed into my head. Good heavens, the wriggling can of worms some folks have for brains! Perhaps I ought to put up a sign outside every forest reserve: “SNOG, DON’T LOG!” Or “DON’T BE RUDE, COME IN NUDE!”

Is it any wonder, then, that in a patriarchal society, prominent people are often the target of sexual innuendoes and outright scandal? The idea of “immorality” is always applied to sexual indiscretion, but never to breaking the Golden Rule - Do as you would be done by – which is, essentially and ultimately, the only true measure of morality.

[Originally published in JOURNAL ONE, 1996. First posted 1 February 2007. Reposted 7 August 2014 & 5 June 2015]

Saturday, December 17, 2016

In Grateful Memory ~ Jim Morrison's "Universal Mind"

JIM MORRISON (8 December 1943 ~ 3 July 1971)

Lyrics by Jim Morrison
I was doing time in the universal mind
I was feeling fine
I was turning keys, I was setting people free
I was doing all right
Then you came along
With a suitcase and a song
Turned my head around
Now I'm so alone
Just looking for a home
In every place I see

I'm the freedom man
I'm the freedom man
I'm the freedom man
That's how lucky I am

"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite."   ~ William Blake

[First posted 6 April 2012]

Thursday, December 15, 2016


Pic courtesy of Alfian Hashim
"For 51 years we have not been treated 
as citizens, but squatters." 
~ Yok Pis Chenadang, Perak Orang Asli spokesman

Orang Asli in Perak apprehensive

The Nut Graph | 24 Feb 09 : 8.00AM
By Zedeck Siew

BIDOR, 24 Feb 2009: Orang Asli community leaders in Perak are worried that the state's recent political developments will signal a return to a disregard of their rights.

"We feel concern and sadness at what happened. Where are we in all this? Will Orang Asli issues, that were hot in the last 10 months, once again be sidelined?" said Jaringan Kampung Orang Asli Perak (JKOAP) secretary Tijah Yok Chopil.

AFP/Getty Images
Tijah, a Semai, revealed that in the days following the swearing in of the Barisan Nasional (BN)'s Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir as menteri besar on 6 Feb, several trees in the forest near Kampung Chang, in the outskirts of Bidor, had been marked with red paint for logging purposes.

"There are helicopters flying around, surveying the land," she said when met here on 14 Feb.

Other Orang Asli leaders in the state who spoke to The Nut Graph said logging activities in Sungai Siput, which were halted and had their permits revoked by the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) state government, have also been renewed.

A sand mining operation upriver from Kampung Pos Bersih, which was stopped only a week before, was restarted on 12 February, they added.

On 14 Feb, Tijah chaired a meeting of Semai leaders from 10 separate Orang Asli villages between Tanjung Malim and Ipoh in Kampung Chang, Sungai Gepai, where her village is.

The meeting discussed the fall of the PR state government and the BN takeover of Perak, and its effects on Orang Asli issues.

"For 51 years we have not been treated as citizens, but squatters. In our lands, no one lives there, according to the government," said Yok Pis Chenadang, a representative from Kampung Pos Bersih.

He was commenting on the fact that Orang Asli are typically seen as nomadic, even though they have been living there "from before the British".

Tijah Yok Chopil and other members of the Orang Asli community

He explained that while many want to plant commercial crops such as rubber and palm oil, they were prohibited from doing so as the land was officially owned by the state government.

"We are like people hung from the sky, not with our feet on the ground," Yok Pis added.

PR's policies

Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin's 10-month administration took proactive measures to address the welfare of Perak's indigenous peoples.

In 2008, the now embattled menteri besar cancelled logging and plantation activities around Gopeng. The PR state government also announced the return of 900 acres of ancestral land to the Orang Asli of Mukim Teja and Bidor.

Perak's Orang Asli Taskforce Committee, set up in October 2008 under the PR administration, was also unprecedented.

The body, chaired by senior state exco Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham and including representatives from the Orang Asli community, was designed to get as many Orang Asli territories issued with permanent titles as possible. Geographical and historical surveys of the Orang Asli ancestral lands were carried out with the taskforce's assistance.

"Since independence, we have never felt like Malaysians. In the 10 months of the Pakatan Rakyat state government, we felt the promise of citizenship begin to be fulfilled," Tijah, who has been the taskforce's main liaison officer, said.

She revealed that the PR state government's overtures were the first time her community had been invited to discuss, negotiate, and air their grouses as equals.

Asked to comment about the possibility of the BN changing its 51-year-old policy on the Orang Asli to adopt the PR's policies, Tijah said: "We will appreciate that."

However, Tijah said her community was not confident of that prospect. "We are not mocking, discounting, or threatening them. But we won't be surprised [if they stopped these policies]. Perak is now controlled by the 51-year-old government," she said of the BN takeover of the state.

There are approximately 48,000 Orang Asli in Perak, with 216 registered settlements. Land is the biggest issue affecting this community, as most depend on forest produce to make a living.

[First posted 25 February 2009, reposted 26 February 2014]

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Hang in there, Jibby! Won't be long now....

It's a very long way to the bottom when you're at the very top....
Taib: "I hear she loves blow jobs!"
As I said: "Hang in there, Jibby!"
Do you really think you can get away with murder, Mr Pink Lips?

[First posted 23 May 2013, reposted 11 September 2014]

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Arrogance and the Art of Political Shadow Boxing (revisited)

This post was inspired by a journalist friend who left the following comment on my Facebook wall: "I've met [Anwar Ibrahim] in person and he looked right through me, although I had to personally escort him. He makes my skin crawl. A couple of reporters I know who have interviewed him also say that this kind of arrogance was pretty normal even when he was DPM." Anwar had just been acquitted when I posted this in January 2012. Then AG Abdul Gani Patail immediately appealed the verdict, to the disgust of those who can't imagine ever being so viciously vindictive and venomous.

At 19 I met a fortune teller who read my palms and told me I will never have a boss. And that has held true my entire life. I don't regard anybody or any spirit as my "superior."

All political leaders, including Anwar Ibrahim, must ultimately bow to the rakyat as their boss. Others may bow before some concept of God or Devil. I don't.

In effect, other people's arrogance is just a joke to me. Arrogance, I know, is only a front - a form of ego armoring required for warfare. Just as Muhammad Ali used arrogance and conceit as a psychological weapon to inject apprehension and anxiety into his opponents, every successful politician learns to talk big and scare his adversaries. In the animal kingdom, puffer fish and peacocks inflate various parts of their anatomy to scare off rivals and attract potential mates.

Anwar Ibrahim addresses a rapt audience at Kelana Jaya Stadium (photo: TV Smith)

Anwar is good at that - and he is used to being in the limelight. Every rockstar knows what it's like to have thousands clamoring for you to appear on stage - it's addictive and scary at the same time. It takes a special kind of temperament to thrive under those high-pressure circumstances. Anwar has got it in abundance - he has trained himself all his life to become a political icon.

Have you ever had to escort Mahathir or Najib anywhere? Would they have looked right through you too... or looked straight into your eyes and noticed what a beautiful human being you are and suggested you add them on Facebook? The point I'm making is simply this: in a primitive culture where politics holds sway and policemen obey only those they deem their superiors, we desperately require regime change.

Anas Zubedy,
corporate wunderkind
If you remove Anwar Ibrahim from the equation at this juncture, what you're asking for is that the status quo remain unchanged. Look at the ego conflicts amongst activists and opinion makers - people like Haris Ibrahim, Ambiga Sreenevasan, Lim Chee Wee, Art Harun, Azmi Sharom, Malik Imtiaz... and let's toss in a few from the murky side, like RPK, Anas Zubedy, Chandra Muzaffar, Ezam Mohd Nor. Do you honestly think the ship of state will sail smoothly on course if it was left to a committee of debaters, public masturbators and would-be emancipators?

Until there are enough enlightened souls in our midst - ones who have internalized God and no longer regard external authority as real or legitimate - we will need some sort of political structure. And the best one I have seen thus far is the Pakatan Rakyat coalition led by Anwar Ibrahim.

I'm seriously tired of apparently intelligent people putting the brakes on the change by misapplyng their skepticism at what is, to me, a critical juncture in our political evolution. So, who do you wish to see in Anwar's place? I'm really interested to know....

[First published 18 January 2012, reposted 22 October 2012]

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

John Lash: Archons, Sophia and Gnosticism

Published 25 January 2016

John Lash explores the "high strangeness" of the Gnostic materials, the strangest factor of all is certainly the presence of the Archons. Here we confront an enigma of cosmic proportions. Where do we situate these weird entities in the evolutionary plot of the Gaia Mythos? Are they to be regarded as real entities, a species in their own right, albeit a non-terrestrial one? What is their relation to Gaia, the intelligence of the biosphere? And how do the Archons in turn relate to humanity?

Friday, November 11, 2016

Unravel the biggest mystery of all time... with John Lamb Lash!

The True Lucifer is Gaia Sophia
Uploaded 9 October 2016

John Lamb Lash has been called the true successor of Mircea Eliade and the rightful heir of Joseph Campbell. Unlike those two world-class academics, John is a self-educated free-lance scholar who combines studies and experimental mysticism to teach directive mythology: that is, the application of myth to life, rather than its mere interpretation.

He is a leading exponent of the power of myth to direct individual experience and drive historical events over the long term. An expert on sidereal mythology, naked-eye astronomy, precession, and the World Ages, he also teaches the critique of belief-systems.

On, he presents a radical revision of Gnosticism, with original commentaries on the Nag Hammadi codices. He also presents the only complete restoration by any scholar of the Sophianic myth of the Pagan Mysteries, the sacred story of Gaia-Sophia, recounting the origin of the earth and the human species from the galactic core.

[Brought to my attention by Arjuna Bandlow]

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Excellent analysis of Najib's $144 billion deal with China (cloned from


by Sum Ting Wong, Donplaypuks® intrepid correspondent for China affairs

Crime Minister Najib can no more change his lying and thieving ways than a leopard can change its spots. So too with his just announced $144 billion of con job MoU signed with China in a sudden and dramatic shift of global alliances away from USA and the West.

This is the demagogue who was accused of drawing out a keris and threatening to spill Chinese blood at the TPCA stadium in 1987, and who in 2013, in blatant racist overtones, accused the Chinese of causing a Tsunami in voting for the Opposition and losing him the popular vote at the General Election.

Now he is busy pawning Malaysia's prized land banks, infra projects and defence procurement contracts like its going out of fashion, not caring a toss about the damage that will do to to our finances, growth or world standing. But, Najib lost his moral compass way back in 2006 with his involvement in the C4 murder of Altantuya. CLICK HERE for 'Murdered In Malaysia: The Altantuya Story.'

Make no mistake. It was either that or hara kiri for Najib. There is a huge $30 billion hole in 1MDB's balance sheet resulting from the looting of 1MDB by Najib and his thief-in-arms, Low Taek Jho aka Jho Paris Hilton. Together with interest on massive borrowings, 1MDB's debts, much of it falsely classified as investments, stand at $53 billion. The "investments" are represented by worthless "units" or IOU, fake papers created by Jho Paris Hilton through dummy corporations and fake investment holding companies incorporated in off-shore tax shelters fronted by his handsomely paid (with money looted from 1MDB) Mafia.

Genius audit partners at Deloitte & Co were duped into signing clean audit reports for 2103 and 2014, blinded by the fact that Najib's son works there as a partner. Deloitte resigned recently, hoping to avoid global negligence law suits by putting out a disclaimer that their 2013 & 2014 audit reports should no longer be relied upon. But, it's too late. Deloitte can be sued by any investor or bond holder as no audit report can be legally withdrawn after it's been approved via a resolution at a company's AGM and financial statements filed with the Registrar of Companies.

There is another $4 billion of borrowings from KWAP, the government's pension fund for civil servants, that has gone missing from 1MDB. Possibly, a hundred million or so ringgit is accounted for by investments in Mongolian and Indonesian coal-mining ventures. The rest was looted by Najib and Jho Paris Hilton. When threatened with loss of testicles by Malays, Najib, as also Finance Minister, illegally transferred the $4 billion loss to the Ministry of Finance (MoF) where rests the debt to KWAP, guaranteed by the Taxpayer with details classified under the Official Secrets Act (OSA)!

Now we come to the $144 billion of MoU with China. CLICK HERE. Firstly, MoU are a dime a dozen. A few years ago when Najib went to Kazakhstan for his daughter's wedding, he took along with him a planeload of relatives, friends and civil servants, all expenses passed on to the Taxpayer by the biggest cheapskate freeholder (and his wife) in Malaysian history. To make it look real, some 40 or 50 MoU were signed between Malaysia and Kazakhstan. Till today, not one has materialized as a contract or project of any worth!

Secondly, all these projects will result in outflow of money from Malaysia to China. Ultimately, the Malaysian Taxpayer will have to foot the cost. It's not a case of the Chinese actually bringing in FDI's to invest in sustainable long-term businesses in Malaysia. They will be mere contractors. Remember, MALAYSIA has to pay for littoral ships, frigates and their maintenance contracts. That being the case, why are there no open tenders for purchase of ships, arms, weapons etc.?

Of the $144 billion of MoUs, we have the price-tag for only 1 project - the 55 billion East Coast Railway Line (ECRL). There are no figures for the rest.

In July, Sarawak Report leaked out that Najib was planning to fraudulently tag on $30 billion to the ECRL 600km project to plug the $30 billion he stole from 1MDB, thereby increasing the project cost to a staggering unheard of $60 billion or $192 million per kilometer! CLICK HERE. 

By comparison, work is scheduled to begin on the 197 km Gemas-JB double-tracking railway project awarded to China Railway and costing $7.13 billion or $36 million per km!! CLICK HERE. Given the way things are done in Malaysia, you can be sure that even the $7.13 billion price tag has been inflated by a minimum 15%. There may be a few extra tunnels, still, how could ECRL cost 5.5 times more per km than Gemas-JB?

A clueless Works Minister Fadillah Yusof screamed 'foul', saying it had not been discussed at Cabinet level at all. But, the biggest and worst conscienceless crook in Malaysian history, Najib, has now bypassed every government department and Minister, and signed the MoU with China state-owned company, China Communications Construction Company (CCCC), fr $55 billion, without calling for an open tenders. 

The reason is obvious. CCCC has been blacklisted by the World Bank for serial corruption and shoddy works in several countries. CLICK HERE. A leopard can never change its spots. In 2002 Najib as Defence Minister, signed the $8 billion Scorpene Submarines contract with DCNS of France knowing they were involved in corruption AND MURDER in Taiwan and Pakistan! The ECRL project handled personally by Najib stinks of corruption even before a single line has been sketched on the drawing board. More than that:

1. How could ECRL cost $27 billion and the financing, more than 100% at $28 billion?
2. Where are the revenue projections to show how the capital sum of $55 billion and subsequent commissioning, operational and maintenance costs will be paid?
3. What is the break-even cost and years of this project? In the past, the EPU (Economic Plundering Unit) under previous crime ministers, came up with fancy pie-in-the-sky passenger traffic numbers to award sweetheart automatic toll increase and compensation contracts to croney Toll Highway Concessionaires. Similarly, in justifying $30 billion for the double-tracking railway projects, they came up with unheard of increases in passenger and freight load volume projections. Yet, KTMB has turned in nothing but huge losses.
4. Once the ECRL is completed, if ever, then the current Gemas-Kelantan line will lose big money. Has Najib factored this into his business model?

I will give it to you in black and white right now - the ill-conceived and fraudulent $55 billion ECRL, like Perwaja, Proton, MAS, will turn out to one of the biggest money losers in Malaysia's financial history.

Najib has also issued a full commercial bank licence to China Construction Bank, reckoned to be the second largest bank in the world. This surely means that Maybank, CIMB, RHB and Affin, all tier 1 banks, will take a massive whacking in profits and share prices. Has Najib thought that far ahead to what it will do to his racist Bumiputra agenda? How will the Malays react?

As for Melaka development etc., why exactly does Najib need the China parties? If you are going to hand out multi-bilion ringgit real estate projects on plum long-term deferred payment terms, why not do it by open tender to local and/or international developers? Unless of course, fraud and corruption are major considerations! 

Believe me, bird's nest export and research are not going to propel Malaysia into high income nation status anytime soon. And why would China set up a steel plant in Sarawak? Where would the steel be exported to? Malaysia where Perwaja has failed big time? To China where they can produce it cheaper and there is a slow down? Are these MOU for real?

Remember, all the other MoU too will result in OUTFLOW of money from Malaysia. Where will Najib find the money when our debts have exceeded $800 billion, and has more than doubled under him since 2009?

Jack Ma appointed digital consultant? Don't make me laugh. We had Bill Gates before and where did that get us? It's not Jack Ma who's the problem, it's the Najib mind-set. Crooks and thieves around whom three murders have revolved have no interest in the PEOPLE or their welfare.

They are doomed to fail spectacularly, not least because Communism and Islam sit uncomfortably side by side!


Malaysiakini | 11 April 2009

This is the ultimate secret revealed by visiting Aussie bad breath specialist, Dr Geoffrey Speiser, 52, who flew in this week to inspect Malaysia’s and Asia’s first halitosis (bad breath) clinic at the Rafflesia Medical Centre (RMC) in Kota Kinabalu. The clinic which began operating in recent days has already screened its first 30 patients.

“The SsK12 would fire its own missiles at any bad breath bacteria that come towards it and destroy it,” explained Dr Speiser who is the owner of the only three other bad breath clinics in the world i.e. in Sydney and Melbourne in Australia and Manchester in England. “The SsK12 is able to control many opportunistic bacteria.”

SsK12 now commercially developed

“People who have SsK12 are lucky because not only they don’t have bad breath; they seldom become ill or suffer from mouth infections.”

Dr Speiser disclosed that SsK12 has now been commercially developed – BLIS K12 – i.e. probiotic (live) bacteria, in powder form and lozenges, which can be introduced into the mouth to protect against bad oral bacteria, prevent sore throat and fight bad breath.

It couldn't be the compulsive lying, nervous eye shifting and habitual twisting of words. After so many decades, we the public have become acclimatized and have long learnt to read between the lines - our heartfelt thanks to the BN-owned media, especially Utusan Malaysia, The Star, New Straits Times, and TV3.

Nor could it be due to mental and moral stagnation, which happens to people unused to thinking outside the business-as-usual box, and accustomed to being let off with no more than a benign rap on the knuckles - even when they've been caught with their pants down, hands stuck in the cookie jar like greedy little monkeys.

Now Dr Geoffrey Speiser has found a refreshing way to let our politicians off the hook. They were simply unfortunate to be born without the SsK12 bacterium wihout which their breath is bound to stink.

As a reward for having served the rakyat with such unflinching dedication and loyalty for nearly 60 years, the Umno/BN regime deserves an all-expenses paid vacation in Kota Kinabalu, so that they can all be given treatment at Dr Speiser's halitosis clinic.

I'm sure the rakyat will be happy to sponsor this no-more-bad-breath campaign as a gesture of appreciation and goodwill. It's awful to have to gag every time one of these Umno/BN politicians opens his or her big mouth.

[First posted 11 April 2009]

Friday, November 4, 2016

The Pornography of Politics Revisited

An exhibition by controversial Thai artist Vasan Sitthiket called 10 Evil Scenes of Thai politics 
opened at the Number 1 Gallery in Bangkok on 11 March 2010. 
The above painting is titled Meeting in Parliament.
Signing Contract for Megaproject
Innocent is Justice!
Begging from the Evil Gangster
Unlimited Happiness of a Minister
Stay Poor and Idiotic Forever
Just a Political Game

Vasan Sitthiket (วสันต์ สิทธิเขตต์), born on October 7, 1957 in Nakhon Sawan Province, Thailand, is a contemporary Thai visual artist. A graduate of the College of Fine Art in Bangkok, he works in many fields, including painting and poetry. He has staged three plays, written more than 10 books of poetry, children’s books and political writings.

Active since the 1970s, Vasan's works are often provocative and political in nature. One of his works was a performance art piece, involving fake rubber breasts and buttocks and a simulated rape of the entire nation of Thailand.

In 2000, an exhibition of a new collection that included 50 paintings featuring Thai politicians and military officers in sexually compromising poses was cancelled by Chulalongkorn University, five days before it was to open.

In 2005, he set up the Artist Party, a political art project that mocked the then-ruling Thai Rak Thai party and prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

At the 50th Venice Biennale in 2003, he displayed some large-scale portraits of George W. Bush and other world leaders, created on canvas by using custom-made rubber stamps.

Vasan's media has also included drawings, woodcut prints, ceramic sculpture, installations and performances.

[Source: Wikipedia. First posted 13 September 2012]

Monday, October 31, 2016


Published 18 September 2016 by Caleb Heier

This video is about the Coming Event where darkness is wiped off the face of the Earth. "Compression Breakthrough" is when the light from below the surface of this planet and the light from above meet in the middle.

Soundtrack: "The Vast Grassland" by Hanggai (Horse of Colors)

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


I see a large crack and it's rapidly widening.

This is how hardcore Umno members view themselves - as irresistibly sexy.
Or maybe they prefer operating through the backdoor rather than upfront, and that's why
accusations of sodomy have become their chief weapon against political rivals.
Umno really ought to be renamed Bumno.
Never attempt to hump a camel, unless you're accustomed to kickbacks.

Uh-oh... Big Shot do Big Shit! Stand back!
What a mess! If you're one of those anjing menyalak di pantat gajah 
(dogs barking behind an elephant)... put on your wet suit and dive right in!
Looks appetizing but is that roast rump... or grilled pachyderm turd?

The menu describes this as "barbecued rump of lamb with savory sauce"...
but it looks more like the end result of 45 years of Ketuanan Melayu!
"A deepening divide is becoming apparent between reformists energized by Anwar Ibrahim's recent return to parliament and the recalcitrant rump of a fading regime." - Richard Kraince (professor of Southeast Asian Humanities at The College of Mexico)

[First published November 2008, reposted 3 May 2011. I sincerely regret having to repost. Let's hope this is the last time, folks!]