Saturday, December 19, 2009
A tribute to Rosli Dahlan's warrior spirit

crime syndicates,
Musa Hassan,
Rosli Dahlan
Thursday, December 17, 2009
This story made me DELIRIOUS with outrage

Man cleared of charges, but is beaten nevertheless

December 17, 2009
A man detained on suspicion of sexual harassment was tortured and beaten despite the Police being aware that a false report was lodged against him.
S Isaikumar, 28, lodged a report at the Seremban police headquarters. He was accompanied by his lawyer N Surendran.
Surendran said that Isaikumar (right) was arrested on Dec 6, 2009 and remanded for nine days based on a police report lodged against him for sexual harassment.
The following day, on Dec 7, Isaikumar was told by the investigating police officer that the charges made against him were based on a false report.

"Isaikumar was slapped, abused and beaten with PVC pipes by a group of police officers," said Surendran.
He claimed that at one stage a female police officer sat on Isaikumar's chest and inserted a shoe she was wearing into his mouth.
The police, he alleged, also took photos of Isaikumar in the nude, including photos of his genitals.
Surendran further claimed that his client was denied medical treatment despite running a fever.
Though the lockup where he was detained held seven prisoners, Isaikumar alleged they were given only three packets of food to be shared among them.
'He was innocent'
Chief investigating officer, Inspector Ahmad Sobri Amir Salim, cleared Isaikumar of any wrongdoing in a letter on Dec 14, on the day of his release.
"Despite his innocence, Isaikumar went through an unnecessary and unwarranted nine days of remand, coupled with abuse by police officers," said Surendran.
The lawyer said the case should be investigated by Bukit Aman because he felt the Seremban police would not conduct a fair inquiry.
Surendran called on inspector-general of police Musa Hassan to 'clean up his own house' as there have been many cases and reports of police brutality.

Arutchelvam said that if there was no action within two weeks, PSM would take up the case with Bukit Aman.
He said the case clearly showed a "lack of police professionalism" where police were "victimising" an innocent citizen.
Isaikumar, Surendran and Arutchelvam were among a group who attempted to enter the IPK premises but were denied entry.
There was also an attempt to meet with the deputy chief police officer of Negri Sembilan, but an officer denied them permission.
Instead, the group was advised to lodge a report at the nearby Seremban town police station.
Among the political leaders present were Senawang state assemblyperson P Gunasekaran, Temiang assemblyperson Ng Chin Tsai, Negeri Sembilan PKR deputy chairman S Haridass and state PKR Youth deputy chief Norazizi Aziz.

WHAT SAY YOU, KERISHAMMUDDIN? Your boys and gals in blue need to keep in shape for bigger and more fascist scenarios to come, right? I've said it till I have no more breath. If you don't have the gonads to clean up the PDRM, just fuck off, Bozo.
WARNING to all my friends and relatives: If I catch any of you saying we should give "1Malaysia" and Najib Razak a chance - or, even worse claiming "political neutrality"... well, I'm very sorry, but I'll just have to write you off as a HUMAN BEING... until this Moral & Psychic War has been won. These are times when being "neutral" is akin to being "neutered."
Put yourself in RPK's shoes, simply for exposing these govermin in high office, they now have his estranged son Azman in police detention. I'm told they have beaten him so relentlessly and severely, trying to make him sign a false statement (yeah, shades of TBH) the young man is close to losing his sanity.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
This blog on sick leave...

The political impasse has become almost terminal. Every day I get attacked by the deadly B1N1 virus whenever I read the news portals. I don't have any more energy left to even list some of the more lethal no-win scenarios being played out in this benighted nation where nobody respects or trusts the Chief of Police or the Attorney-General - what more the Crime Minister!
Things have been going rapidly DOWNHILL since 3 April 2009. No need to tell you why!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Why are you dragging your feet, MACC?
Raja Petra Kamarudin
On 3 December 2009, Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin, the Parti Keadilan Rakyat Youth Leader, lodged a report at the MACC headquarters in Putrajaya asking them to investigate private investigator P. Balasubramaniam’s latest revelation implicating Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s family in covering up the murder of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu. In response to this report, the MACC asked Shamsul to help locate Bala and to make him available for questioning.
On 4 December 2009, Bala’s lawyer, Americk Sidhu, sent Abdul Rahman Bachok, the investigating officer from the MACC, an e-mail informing him that he is prepared to assist the MACC in securing Bala's attendance at any interview the MACC would like to have with him, but under certain conditions.
On 8 December 2009, lawyer Americk received a phone call from Abdul Rahman Bachok on his mobile phone enquiring whether it was really him who sent that e-mail on 4 December 2009. Americk confirmed that he did and reiterated the contents of the e-mail and suggested that Abdul Rahman respond to it immediately.
However, there was no response from Abdul Rahman, so on 10 December 2009 Americk sent him another email confirming their telephone conversation of 8 December 2009 plus reiterating what he had said in his first e-mail and, again, requested an immediate response.

The MACC was hoping that Shamsul would not be able to contact Bala and this would mean they could conveniently close the file and declare that they can’t proceed any further since Bala can’t be contacted. But now, since Bala’s lawyer Americk has already communicated with them and has offered to arrange a meeting so that they can take Bala’s statement, they are not able to close the file and stamp it NFA (no further action).
But what do they do? They can’t close the file on the excuse that Bala can’t be contacted since his lawyer has already got in touch with the MACC. Yet they do not dare meet Bala to take his statement as this will not augur well for the Prime Minister. So now they are running around like headless chickens and are praying hard that the matter will die a natural death and Malaysians will soon enough forget about the whole matter.
But the matter will not go away. The MACC has no choice but to respond to Americk’s e-mails. It is just that they are still deciding on how to respond without hurting the future of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t - either way the MACC is damned. And this would mean the damnation of their boss the Prime Minister as well.
Ooo, I just love the way this is turning out.
Dear En. Abdul Rahman,
Re: Report lodged by Shamsul Iskandar Mohd. Akin in relation to the recent disclosure by Balasubramaniam
With reference to the above matter, I wish to inform you that I am counsel representing Mr. Balasubramaniam a/l Perumal. I have been made to understand that you are desirous of interviewing Mr. Balasubramaniam in connection with the report lodged with your commission by En. Shamsul Iskandar Mohd. Akin on the 3rd December 2009.
In this respect I have been instructed to inform you that Mr. Balasubramaniam is prepared to assist you in your investigations and is further prepared to be interviewed by your goodself, with conditions as follows:
1. That the interview be conducted in either Singapore or London.
2. That the time and date of the interview be mutually agreed upon to suit all parties involved.
3. That all necessary air fares be borne by the MACC including those of counsel involved.
4. That all hotel expenses, subsistence, transportation and meals in respect of my client, myself and other counsel necessarily present, be borne by the MACC.
5. That any statement recorded from my client be in the English language and a copy thereof be given to my client.
6. That audio visual recordings of this interview be made by ourselves.
We regret any inconvenience this may cause you but we are sure you are appreciative of the fact that our client is understandably concerned about his safety and welfare if this interview were to be conducted in Malaysia and will not entertain any assurances given by your goodselves or any other party in consideration of doing so.
Please could you respond to me at this email address to enable me to contact my client for instructions in respect of any proposals you may have. Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Americk Sidhu

Dear En. Abdul Rahman,
Further to my email of the 4 December 2009, and to the subsequent telephone conversation between us on the 8 December 2009, I would be most obliged to receive a response to my offer of assistance in arranging an interview with my client Mr. P. Balasubramaniam.
As you obviously have my mobile number, please feel free to contact me at any time to make the necessary arrangements.
Yours sincerely,
Americk Sidhu
Saturday, December 12, 2009
I have nothing to say either... (burp)

Bala's inconvenient and unexpected reappearance (at least on YouTube) puts Najib and Rosmah is a very tight spot. No matter how they respond - or don't - too many incriminating details have emerged from Bala's videotaped interview with three veteran lawyers to brush away with practised nonchalance.
Najib's arrogant and peremptory dismissal of a reporter's request that he comment on Bala's latest allegations reveals a man confronted with a gigantic NO EXIT sign. Najib can no longer stonewall his way out of the nightmarish mess he has made of his alleged non-involvement with Altantuya Shaariibuu - and her macabre murder between 19 and 20 October 2006. His younger brother Nazim has been publicly accused of criminal intimidation, a jailable offence; and the hidden hands behind Bala's abrupt disappearance have also been exposed. If Bala is lying he must be brought to book for defamation and libel. If he's telling the truth, then Najib Razak and Rosmah Mansor should relocate from Putrajaya to Sungai Buloh prison, along with quite a few others involved in the massive cover-up...
Nazim Razak: I've nothing to say

Dec 11, 2009
After a series of unsuccessful attempts to get in touch with Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's brother over the allegations raised by private investigator P Balasubramaniam, Malaysiakini had a little dose of luck this afternoon.

The architect was visiting the grave of his father, second prime minister Abdul Razak, when approached.
Just like his elder brother who dismissed the serious allegations with two words - 'frivolous statements' - a startled-looking Nazim also offered a curt response.
When asked to comment on Balasubramaniam's allegation that he had met the second youngest of the five Razak brothers at a shopping mall in Petaling Jaya, Nazim replied with a stern "I have nothing to say" before walking away.
Malaysiakini had two weeks ago sent a list of questions to Nazim's office but did not receive any response. Repeated attempts to call him and visit his office also proved futile.

In video interviews that surfaced last month, the private investigator, who has since fled the country with his family, also claimed that Nazim had threatened him and then offered him RM5 million to retract his statutory declaration pertaining to slain Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu.
According to Balasubramaniam, the duo met on the night before the private investigator inked his second statutory declaration which cleared Najib of having close ties with the murdered woman.
He also claimed that carpet merchant Deepak Jaikishan and Nazim's wife, a former television personality, were present during the brief meeting at The Curve in Mutiara Damansara.
In his first statutory declaration unveiled less than 24 hours earlier during a press conference with Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, Balasubramaniam sent shockwaves through the nation when he claimed that Najib had sexual liaisons with the deceased former model.
Najib has repeatedly stressed that he has no connections with Altantuya or her death.
On the carpet merchant's trail

During a visit to his office in Jalan Chan Sow Lin 6 in Sungai Besi, an employee who identified herself as 'Miss Wong' said that her boss was not in and told the journalist to leave.
The latter was then escorted out of the building.
Following this, Malaysiakini went to Deepak's carpet shop along Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman and managed to meet the businessman's mother, who introduced herself as 'Mrs Jai.'

In a guarded tone, she then told Malaysiakini that both her sons Deepak and Dinesh - who was also implicated by Balasubramaniam - were not in the country.
She also refused to divulge her sons' mobile phone numbers.
Apart from this, 'Mrs Jai' said she also does not know if Deepak or Dinesh share close ties with Rosmah.
"I have never met her," she said when asked if the prime minister's wife had visited their shop.

Clowns and anti-capitalists: Copenhagen’s other meet
COPENHAGEN, Dec 11 — While negotiators with furrowed brows and dark suits work painfully toward a global climate deal at Copenhagen’s Bella Center, a different kind of summit is underway in a sports center downtown.
In the DGI-Byen complex, a panel of economists argue for no-growth economies, fresh-faced students blog furiously and dreadlocked women work in interpreter booths. A clown wanders past.

Welcome to Klimaforum, the alternative summit organized by 30 Danish non-governmental organizations and student groups to complement and challenge the official talks.
“We want to influence the process at the Bella Center but we are also building a global civil society movement on climate change,” said organizer Kristine Holten-Andersen. “We are succeeding on that.”

While tensions rise at the official talks, the atmosphere at Klimaforum is optimistic.
“Go out and fight for Utopia!” cries one speaker, former Danish politician Niels I Meyer, in a talk on why people should work fewer hours to cut consumption and drive down emissions.
Chief Bolivian government negotiator, Angelica Navarro, was treated to a round of applause when she said yesterday that the root cause of climate change was capitalism.
“I am very glad to hear you because this is so hard to say in the Bella Center,” she said.

“I think what’s going on in this room is the most important thing that’s going on in Copenhagen,” Naomi Klein, author of seminal anti-consumerism text No Logo, said on Thursday.
Christiane Oros, a German environmental engineer attending Klimaforum this week, said she was inspired by the alternative summit: “It’s motivating for me and makes me want to look for what I can do afterwards in my life.” — Reuters

On 9 December 2009 a powerful vortex opened above Norway, baffling astronomers who have never witnessed any aerial phenomenon like this...On 12 December 2009, not only will millions around the planet be holding vigils to show world leaders that we are absolutely serious about demanding "a real deal" on global climate issues and a commitment to put a stop to ecocidal activities, there will also be countless others doing special ceremonies and meditations to anchor a massive infusion of spiritual force from the Galactic Center, which will dramatically accelerate a mass awakening on all levels of consciousness.
I am inviting anyone who so desires, to spend the day at Magick River which is located within the radius of a transformational portal or planetary chakra. Bring a picnic lunch and be prepared to frolic in a magnificent wild river!
9 December 2009 ~ Tromso, Norway.
Friday, December 11, 2009

MIRI, SARAWAK, 10 Dec 2009 - Five indigenous Penan communities of the East Malaysian state of Sarawak on Borneo are suing the Sarawak state government and three licensees of timber and planted-forest concessions at the High Court of Sarawak and Sabah.
The new land rights' litigation affects forestry operations by the three Malaysian timber conglomerates of Samling, Interhill and Timberplus in concessions issued to Damai Cove Resorts, Samling Plywood, Samling Reforestation and Timberplus.

In support of their case, the Penan plaintiffs have provided ample proof of the fact that they and their ancestors have been using their claimed rainforests since time immemorial. The formerly nomadic Penan hunted and gathered food from the rainforest and lived on sago (uvut) in the area until the 1950s, when they decided to settle at their present village locations. The Penan have a history of barter trade in jungle products, such as nyateng (resin for producing fire), kapon (latex from kapon trees) and handicraft items, with traders who have been coming to their villages since the early twentieth century.
Sarawak government's conduct "oppressive, arbitrary, illegal and unconstitutional"

The litigation is divided over two court cases that have been filed by ten Penan leaders of Ba Abang, Long Item, Long Kawi, Long Lilim and Long Pakan in Sarawak's Middle Baram region.

Both cases are based on detailed community maps and oral history documentation that have been compiled with the assistance of the Bruno Manser Fund. The cases are being handled by the renowned law office of Messrs. Baru Bian in Kuching. Baru Bian has recently been appointed the Sarawak leader of the People's Justice Party, PKR.

Socinstrasse 37,
4051 Basel
Email: info@bmf.ch
Tel. +41 61 261 94 74
Baru Bian,
Bruno Manser Fonds,
oil palm plantations,
Thursday, December 10, 2009
A special plug for my favorite Swami

Why comedy in these serious times? It's simple... there's definitely something funny going on!" - Swami Beyondananda
Considering the increasingly serious condition our society and planet seem to be in, and given the persistent failure of just about every one of society's institutions, focusing on comedy might seem counterintuitive.
Or, it might turn out to be just what the doctor (or for that matter, the paradox) ordered. Let's take, for example, the sad truth that the Obama Administration has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Democratic Party misleadership (like the Republican misleadership) has betrayed the commonwealth in favor of the uncommonly wealthy.
The Evolutionary Up-Wising is Up to Us!
We can do what is expected of us - fall into cynicism, apathy or denial, and numb ourselves with reality TV because it's easier to face than reality. Or, we can use this as an opportunity to go cold turkey on "hopium addiction," and recognize that neither freedom nor functionality can be bestowed from above, but comes from cultivating two evolutionary practices: awareness and community.

In order to take advantage of this evolutionary opportunity, we humans will need to cultivate the two great gifts that have been bestowed on our species: love and imagination.
Laughter - and the awakening that comes in the wake of laughter - will help us magnify and cultivate both of those precious tools.

And the perspective of humor (the "aha" that comes with the "ha ha") will help us process and put into practice the understandings Bruce and I write about in Spontaneous Evolution.
Give the Gift of Laughter ...
So ... if you wish to help move forward the "evolutionary up-wising" where we overgrow our current system from the grassroots up, one simple and highly-enjoyable step is to read the freely-available book introduction here.
And order your copy (or copies for a dozen friends and cohorts) here.
We have purposely extended the one-third off $10 price through Friday, December 18th to make it easier for you to give the gift of enlightening laughter -- and enlighten up your friends as well through our Buddysattva program.
Remember, the laugh you save may be your own!
... and Give the Gift of Encouragement
You can also help move the evolutionary up-wising forward this Holiday season by giving the gift of encouragement. For a truly heartening story based on modern science and ancient wisdom, consider giving Spontaneous Evolution to friends, family and "co-hearts" on your list.
The reviews are coming in, and tend to echo what biologist and author Elisabet Sahtouris has written: "Spontaneous Evolution is a wonderfully exciting, enlightening and heartening ride! Read it and know exactly where we stand and how we can thrive."
You will also note that 19 of the 21 reviews Spontaneous Evolution has received on Amazon are five-star reviews!
You can support our own "global local" bookstore, Source Books by buying your copy of the Spontaneous Evolution book here.
And support the Swami and I directly by ordering the Sounds True Spontaneous Evolution 5 CD set here.
Already read the book? Add your reviews to Amazon.com, or send them here.

[Left: Bruce Lipton & Steve Bhaerman]

MOB RULE: The 'cow-head' protesters demonstrating outside the Shah Alam courts...

They joined a group of men outside the Sessions Court here and displayed a banner of the heads of DAP leaders Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng and Nga Kor Ming on the bodies of cattle in front of press photographers.
They were also seen stepping on the banners before shouting against those who were trying to fool the Malays. (Jangan bodohkan orang Melayu!)
They were also seen stepping on the banners before shouting against those who were trying to fool the Malays. (Jangan bodohkan orang Melayu!)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Namewee: Malaysia's Own Eminem
Namewee, if it were up to me, I would inaugurate a new kind of award to acknowledge your creative brilliance and warrior spirit.
When genuine talent, intelligence and initiative are discovered among our youngsters, we ought to heartily applaud and reward these cultural innovators.
Instead, we make utter fools of ourselves by getting uptight and angry, thereby missing the significance of witnessing a new star being born out of controversy.
The music is superfunky, Namewee. Superslick editing and powerful graphics too. Congratulations!
Malaysian rapper,
Negara Ku Ku Ku,
social commentator
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Devdutt Pattanaik ~ The Myths That Mystify
This is an excellent lecture. Never heard of this guy Devdutt Pattanaik, but he's very lucid and passionate. Mythology is a topic close to my own heart. Thank you, Miriam Hayman, for sending me the link.
Monday, December 7, 2009
FRIVOLOUS? You gotta be kidding, Jibby!
When questioned by reporters about private investigator Balasubramaniam’s latest revelations implicating the family of Prime Minister Najib Razak in the Altantuya murder scandal, Najib snapped, “I will not entertain any frivolous statement!” and asked reporters to move on to the next question...

Who is frivolous: PI Bala or PM Najib?
By Kim Quek
Monday, 7 December 2009
This curt reply to crassly cut reporters off from asking further questions sounds to me more like a reflex in panic, rather than a responsible answer from the prime minister of a supposedly democratic country. For it was a totally inappropriate reply to Bala’s serious accusation, made in circumstances that commanded respect and credibility.
What can be more serious than accusing Najib’s wife Rosmah Mansor and his brother Nazim of having used the “carrot and stick” maneuver to force Bala to retract his first affidavit which implicated Najib in the murder scandal?
And what can be more respectable than having his revelations made in an interview conducted and witnessed by three senior lawyers of the country?
Bala alleged that Rosmah’s close associate, Deepak Jaikishan, offered him RM5 million; and Nazim Razak threatened to harm his family unless he followed Deepak’s instructions. This happened on the day he disclosed his first affidavit on 4th July 2008. Fearing for the safety of his family, Bala retracted under coercion the allegations linking Najib to Altantuya in a second affidavit the next day, and disappeared immediately with his family - until his recent interview which was captured on video and recorded in transcripts. These were first published in Malaysia Today and later relayed by other websites including Malaysiakini and YouTube.
In the interview, Bala described how he was forced into retraction, and how he and his family embarked on their fugitive journey to India under the overall direction of Deepak. That journey was a rather convoluted and lengthy voyage that saw them passing through or staying for various durations in Singapore, Bangkok, Kathmandu, Delhi, Madras, and eventually Chennai.
Bala exuded confidence with his detailed description of occurrences supported by factual details that pinpoint the relevant players, locations, times, dates, durations, hotels, monetary figures, cheques, bank accounts, etc.
Against these formidable allegations, all we have from the alleged culprits is deafening silence, despite the news being circulated in the Internet for more than two weeks. Until, of course, when Najib dismissed these as “frivolous” and not worthy of his response, during a press conference after an UMNO supreme council meeting on December 4th. This effectively means that Bala has cooked up a pack of damned lies, according to Najib.
So, one of them must have lied. Was it Bala, or was it Najib?
Image courtesy of Justice
A cursory glance at the facts and circumstances surrounding the latest controversy would enable one to readily conclude that Bala has the upper hand, for the simple reason that Bala’s accusation is buttressed by precise facts and details that can be easily debunked if false, while Najib and his group have chosen to remain silent in spite of the serious nature of the accusation.
If Bala’s statement is false - and with the immense power and resources at the disposal of the Prime Minister - there is no possible reason for Najib not to have instantly ordered an investigation, and bring Bala to face the consequences for having so openly and repeatedly defamed the Prime Minister and his family.
If Najib could have Raja Petra Kamarudin - webmaster of Malaysia Today - charged with criminal defamation for the publication of an article in his website that said Rosmah was present at the crime scene, why can’t he do the same with Bala?
In fact, Bala’s case is even more serious, as he has signed two contradictory affidavits – a clear offence of false declaration – besides accusing the Prime Minister and his family of involvement in murder.
And why should the Prime Minister, his family, and the various law-enforcement agencies be so kind and forgiving to Bala as to leave him untouched, while the nation suffers the humiliation of its Prime Minister being openly defamed and ridiculed?
Viewing the case from another angle – Bala’s perspective, it appears even more compelling that Bala was not likely to have lied.
Why should a family man like Bala falsely accuse the Prime Minister of involvement in the most heinous of crimes, knowing its serious consequences as an ex-police officer? What possible gain could he get, keeping in mind that he couldn’t have extorted any money, since the allegation is untrue?
Even if it is true that Bala had falsely accused Najib, that he had repented and retracted his allegations in a second affidavit, and run away to another country to escape retribution, there is no conceivable reason for him to make a come-back to invent another pack of lies, thereby exposing himself for the second time to the risk of serious punishment. Unless, of course, he is a lunatic, which is clearly not the case.
Evidence of justice being aborted to protect Najib is found in the numerous irregularities that have occurred before and during the trial of the Altantuya murder.
Why was Najib not investigated since the first two accused, who were his bodyguards and took orders from him, had no apparent motive on their own to commit the murder, and the third accused was his confidant?
Why were the judge, prosecutors and even a defence lawyer abruptly replaced without credible reasons shortly before the trial?
Why was the motive for murder never raised during the trial?
Why did prosecutors and defence lawyer join forces to prevent critical evidence being pursued in court such as a certain photograph showing Altantuya and Najib taking meals together and the mysterious erasure of immigration entry records of Altantuya and her Mongolian companions?
Why was Bala’s affidavit barred from the court without credible reasons?
Since the third accused, who was charged for instigating the murder, was released without his defence being called, then who had ordered the killing?

It is clear that unless these troubling questions are dealt with satisfactorily, there is no way Najib can clear himself of suspicions that have surrounded him, least of all by waving away inquisitive questions by a curt reply like what he did in the said press conference.
In fact, such conduct only betrays his weaknesses. For it is plain commonsense that if Najib is on the side of truth, he would have welcomed reporters to ask questions – instead of crudely shutting them up – so that he has a chance to exonerate himself. And he would also have taken action against Bala ages ago, instead of inaction for so long – perhaps with the hope of the scandal fizzling out in due course?
The latest Bala revelations have constituted a solemn challenge to the integrity and legitimacy of Najib’s premiership, for which he must now solemnly account to the nation.
And the only way to do that without dishonoring his oath of office is to commission a truly independent panel to uncover the truth and account to the nation.
If Najib is a responsible Prime Minister, he should have felt duty bound under his oath of allegiance to the country to clear his name through a proper inquiry by an independent and reputable panel, now that the perception of his involvement has been so entrenched and pervasive - nationally as well as internationally.
Image courtesy of Counterpointer

Who is frivolous: PI Bala or PM Najib?

Monday, 7 December 2009
This curt reply to crassly cut reporters off from asking further questions sounds to me more like a reflex in panic, rather than a responsible answer from the prime minister of a supposedly democratic country. For it was a totally inappropriate reply to Bala’s serious accusation, made in circumstances that commanded respect and credibility.
What can be more serious than accusing Najib’s wife Rosmah Mansor and his brother Nazim of having used the “carrot and stick” maneuver to force Bala to retract his first affidavit which implicated Najib in the murder scandal?
And what can be more respectable than having his revelations made in an interview conducted and witnessed by three senior lawyers of the country?
Bala alleged that Rosmah’s close associate, Deepak Jaikishan, offered him RM5 million; and Nazim Razak threatened to harm his family unless he followed Deepak’s instructions. This happened on the day he disclosed his first affidavit on 4th July 2008. Fearing for the safety of his family, Bala retracted under coercion the allegations linking Najib to Altantuya in a second affidavit the next day, and disappeared immediately with his family - until his recent interview which was captured on video and recorded in transcripts. These were first published in Malaysia Today and later relayed by other websites including Malaysiakini and YouTube.
In the interview, Bala described how he was forced into retraction, and how he and his family embarked on their fugitive journey to India under the overall direction of Deepak. That journey was a rather convoluted and lengthy voyage that saw them passing through or staying for various durations in Singapore, Bangkok, Kathmandu, Delhi, Madras, and eventually Chennai.
Bala exuded confidence with his detailed description of occurrences supported by factual details that pinpoint the relevant players, locations, times, dates, durations, hotels, monetary figures, cheques, bank accounts, etc.
Against these formidable allegations, all we have from the alleged culprits is deafening silence, despite the news being circulated in the Internet for more than two weeks. Until, of course, when Najib dismissed these as “frivolous” and not worthy of his response, during a press conference after an UMNO supreme council meeting on December 4th. This effectively means that Bala has cooked up a pack of damned lies, according to Najib.
So, one of them must have lied. Was it Bala, or was it Najib?

A cursory glance at the facts and circumstances surrounding the latest controversy would enable one to readily conclude that Bala has the upper hand, for the simple reason that Bala’s accusation is buttressed by precise facts and details that can be easily debunked if false, while Najib and his group have chosen to remain silent in spite of the serious nature of the accusation.
If Bala’s statement is false - and with the immense power and resources at the disposal of the Prime Minister - there is no possible reason for Najib not to have instantly ordered an investigation, and bring Bala to face the consequences for having so openly and repeatedly defamed the Prime Minister and his family.
If Najib could have Raja Petra Kamarudin - webmaster of Malaysia Today - charged with criminal defamation for the publication of an article in his website that said Rosmah was present at the crime scene, why can’t he do the same with Bala?
In fact, Bala’s case is even more serious, as he has signed two contradictory affidavits – a clear offence of false declaration – besides accusing the Prime Minister and his family of involvement in murder.
And why should the Prime Minister, his family, and the various law-enforcement agencies be so kind and forgiving to Bala as to leave him untouched, while the nation suffers the humiliation of its Prime Minister being openly defamed and ridiculed?
Viewing the case from another angle – Bala’s perspective, it appears even more compelling that Bala was not likely to have lied.
Why should a family man like Bala falsely accuse the Prime Minister of involvement in the most heinous of crimes, knowing its serious consequences as an ex-police officer? What possible gain could he get, keeping in mind that he couldn’t have extorted any money, since the allegation is untrue?
Even if it is true that Bala had falsely accused Najib, that he had repented and retracted his allegations in a second affidavit, and run away to another country to escape retribution, there is no conceivable reason for him to make a come-back to invent another pack of lies, thereby exposing himself for the second time to the risk of serious punishment. Unless, of course, he is a lunatic, which is clearly not the case.
Evidence of justice being aborted to protect Najib is found in the numerous irregularities that have occurred before and during the trial of the Altantuya murder.
Why was Najib not investigated since the first two accused, who were his bodyguards and took orders from him, had no apparent motive on their own to commit the murder, and the third accused was his confidant?
Why were the judge, prosecutors and even a defence lawyer abruptly replaced without credible reasons shortly before the trial?
Why was the motive for murder never raised during the trial?
Why did prosecutors and defence lawyer join forces to prevent critical evidence being pursued in court such as a certain photograph showing Altantuya and Najib taking meals together and the mysterious erasure of immigration entry records of Altantuya and her Mongolian companions?
Why was Bala’s affidavit barred from the court without credible reasons?
Since the third accused, who was charged for instigating the murder, was released without his defence being called, then who had ordered the killing?

It is clear that unless these troubling questions are dealt with satisfactorily, there is no way Najib can clear himself of suspicions that have surrounded him, least of all by waving away inquisitive questions by a curt reply like what he did in the said press conference.
In fact, such conduct only betrays his weaknesses. For it is plain commonsense that if Najib is on the side of truth, he would have welcomed reporters to ask questions – instead of crudely shutting them up – so that he has a chance to exonerate himself. And he would also have taken action against Bala ages ago, instead of inaction for so long – perhaps with the hope of the scandal fizzling out in due course?
The latest Bala revelations have constituted a solemn challenge to the integrity and legitimacy of Najib’s premiership, for which he must now solemnly account to the nation.
And the only way to do that without dishonoring his oath of office is to commission a truly independent panel to uncover the truth and account to the nation.
If Najib is a responsible Prime Minister, he should have felt duty bound under his oath of allegiance to the country to clear his name through a proper inquiry by an independent and reputable panel, now that the perception of his involvement has been so entrenched and pervasive - nationally as well as internationally.

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