Letter to a Texan Bushite with Skull & Bones Family Links (just before the launch of GULF WAR II)
Outrage cannot be mitigated by a massive heap of fresh outrages. Brutality, cruelty, violence and injustice cannot be attacked from without, they can only be healed and transmuted from within through spiritual awakening and ethical maturity.
We may be greatly distressed by shrill screams emanating from our neighbor's house. Upon investigation, we discover the father is an alcoholic who makes a habit of terrorizing his wife and beating his kids senseless. It is our moral duty to muster the courage to speak quietly to the man when he's sober, in an attempt to help him resolve his own emotional problems instead of venting his rage and frustration on the wife and kids. However, if the neighbor proves recalcitrant and persists in battering his wife and kids, are we doing anyone a favor by charging in with a bazooka and blowing the entire household to bits?
The best recourse would be to convene a council of the whole neighborhood and appoint a delegation to rescue the drunkard's wife and kids from their predicament. The community could set the wife and kids up in their own house and help them financially and emotionally. Finding himself suddenly without a family to hit on, the drunkard will most likely suffer a breakdown and open himself to counseling and therapy.
On any given day, it would be difficult to differentiate between the fanatical viciousness of a Saddam Hussein and an Ariel Sharon. They share a common disease - that of the heavily-armed, self-righteous, patriarchal warlord who's convinced that might is right, and that "God" has ordained that they convert all infidels at swordpoint. So why isn't Bush the self-appointed moral policeman issuing an ultimatum to Tel Aviv to disarm and desist from massacring the Palestinians (along with well-intentioned and courageous international peaceworkers)?
Because of the rabid warmongering from the White House, there has been an enormous amount of geopolitical history circulating on the Internet. Information that has long been forgotten or suppressed has come to light, indicating that US interference with the Middle East has been going on for decades, even as far back as the JFK era. Indeed, the ultra-rightwing Ba'athist party was installed after a military coup aided and abetted by the US. Saddam Hussein was involved in a bloodbath that saw a bloody pogrom against leftwing intellectuals and professionals in Iraq. Why did the US fail to intervene then in the interest of justice and human rights?
Why did the US endorse the despotic rule of the Shah of Iran - until he began to have ideas of his own and decided to modernize his country. Declassified information from the CIA files indicates that the US helped install Ayatollah Khomeini in the Shah's place. Another bad move, which led to the CIA-sponsored Iran-Iraq war that destroyed several million lives on both sides.
I cannot believe that any intelligent person can have such a shallow grasp of geopolitical history. Unless one is genetically bound to stay loyal to the ruling elite from which one emerged. In which event, your arguments cannot possibly be impartial or valid.
It is a very sad moment indeed for not only the US - but the entire human race. The coldblooded, premeditated, imperialistic war hypocritically initiated to extend American hegemony - while testing a new generation of lethal weapons - will have unforeseeable karmic consequences.
I view this is as the beginning of the end of America as a superpower. You cannot rule the entire planet at gunpoint. Although I'm happy to report that 99% of the Americans I know are totally against Bush and his cynical, murderous war, it's the odd 1% represented by diehard rightwingers that must ultimately bear responsibility for the barbaric rape of all the lofty humanitarian values you claim on America's behalf.
Liberty, Justice, and Truth are dead! Long live Liberty, Justice, and Truth! May this final outrage against human evolutionary potential signal the swift demise of militarism on Earth - and throughout the Waveform Universe!
March 2003
Saturday, December 2, 2006
As the Lunar Year of the Wood Monkey begins, I feel compelled to reassess and summarize my perceptions and share them with whoever happens to be on my mailing list, especially if you happen to be descended from a genetically modified primate.
First the Bad News: it's probably too late for peaceful political change to happen anywhere on this planet, and we know violent change will never resolve anything. Those who still hold out for a last-minute miracle that might see a candidate like Dennis Kucinich elected as US president are to be commended for their stamina. Keep canvassing, I say, nothing is impossible! But frankly, it's not at all likely to happen, and here's why: first of all, Kucinich is supported mainly by a network of New Agers and lightworkers with a somewhat pollyannic view of dark-side politics. Most of us simply cannot believe the lengths some entities will go to just to hang on to power, privilege, and outright control of the planet's natural and human resources. We've heard accounts of gory gangland massacres and stool pigeons ending up at the bottom of the harbor with their feet encased in cement blocks. Well, folks, I hate to say this, but the unseen hands that manipulate human affairs are steeped in blood - and have been for aeons. Blood sacrifice is a very ancient darkside ritual to appease the chthonic forces of our collective unconscious. Bumping off a potential troublemaker or "sacrificing" a few million lives is just another day's work for some folks.
If it looks like Kucinich is making enough progress at the polls to threaten the status quo, you can bet your life the spectre of "Al Qaeda" will conveniently reappear, perhaps even more destructively - just in time for Bush to declare martial law and put Gen. Ralph Eberhardt (the man in charge of America's air defences on September 11, 2001) in control of a population paralyzed by panic. However, if any of the other candidates gets to be president, it will be mostly business-as-usual. Dubya already has a new eco-friendly house to retire to on his Texas ranch, yeehah!
9-11 was undoubtedly a top-flight professional job commissioned by those who have the most to gain from generating perpetual fear and greater division amongst the earth populations. If you still believe the official story that a buncha Allahu-Akbaring towelheads pulled it off (without covert logistical support from an inner circle of US military and spy agencies and the connivance of White House insiders), you definitely have a wet towel for a brain. Sadly, too many otherwise intelligent and discerning folks are persisting in their vigorous denial - I guess they would have bought a used car from Tricky Dick too.
Public hero Michael Moore has come out in support of General Wesley Clark's candidacy. I admit Clark is better looking and more charismatic than Kucinich (who's unfortunately a bit too runtish to win a popularity contest in America); indeed, Clark looks pretty impressive with his military uniform and distinguished Jason Robards/Julius Caesar greytop, but America is already way too militaristic - even without a trueblue military officer in the White House. As for the other presidential candidates - Dean, Kerry, Gephardt et al - they all appear to be corporate androids (yes, "dweebs" is a cute word) - which gives us almost no hope whatsoever in terms of getting a real human being elected to the US presidency in November 2004.
When so many Americans tacitly allowed the massive electoral fraud of 2000 to happen without a deafening outcry of foul-play, it was the death knell of fair elections - or at least the theoretical possibility thereof - perhaps the world over. Despite a few protests over the use of electronic vote-counting systems manufactured by pro-Bush/pro-Zionist corporations, no action seems to have been taken to revamp the creaky electoral machinery. In effect, the ethical rot has set in too deep for any genuine political reforms to be feasible.
Does this mean planet Earth and the human race are doomed? Have the Elders of Zion outsmarted and hoodwinked the gullible Goyim and sold us to Mammon and Moloch as debt slaves for all time? Is your daughter going to grow up and marry Agent Smith and blow your utopian dream to Smithereens?
It would certainly appear so... BUT...... heh heh!
Here's the Good News, folks: on the cosmic front, the interpenetration of Dimensions 3, 4 and 5 is sufficiently advanced for any one of us to wriggle free of inherited or acquired limitations. That's right! There has never been a greater opportunity for each of us to take that Quantum Jump beyond the 3D Frequency Fence and liberate ourselves from the holographic illusion of powerlessness. Our steady progression through the Photon Band and into a New Galactic Day fully supports an unprecedented Mass Awakening into Monadic Autonomy!
Since the Harmonic Concordance of November 8-9, 2003, I have felt a major cellular shift which has propelled me more or less out of linear time. No, I haven't attempted to walk through walls like Stuie Wilde (I just received 'God's Gladiators' as an e-book and glanced through a few pages - strong stuff!) - but maybe if I had a hit of ayahuasca, it could happen. One of the significant indications that I'm right on track is that there is even less stress in my daily life these days. Things are happening by magick, and without apparent effort on my part.
I read about the horrendous predictions of cataclysmic earth changes - the Yellowstone supervolcano erupting and unleashing unimaginable devastation on a planetary scale, California vanishing into the Pacific along with most coastal cities, earthquakes more ruinous than the one that destroyed Bam on Boxing Day last year - and the economic havoc that's long overdue as the dollar implodes - and I feel strangely calm. It's not numbness, nor is it apathy. Deep within, I know that none of this is real, none of it relevant to our Core Being as Sovereign, Self-Governing Entities.
I've recently received powerful confirmation from many sources - some too private or too weird to disclose at this juncture. Essentially, the message is that many of us have "graduated" from the University of Hydrocarbon-Protein Existence. We are well on our way to transmuting on an atomic level into fully activated, crystal-bodied Masters - not ascending, as most of us have been led to think, but DESCENDING FULLY INTO OUR PHYSICAL VEHICLES TO MANIFEST HEAVEN ON EARTH.
You could say the downloading of our Cosmic Christ potential is now complete - the software is installed and running smoothly!
My root chakra has never been more empowered - this means I am finally HOME IN THE EARTH-HEART. At the same time my crown and soul-star chakras are equally vibrant. This means I am on a broadband connection with the swiftly awakening Aeonic consciousness of the planet itself, with Gaia-Sophia, Mother Earth - or perhaps even with what many call Source or Great Spirit or Prime Creator.
I am more conscious now of the holographic nature of being, that as a Divine Fractal I carry the Total Blueprint of Life and therein lies my immortality: each of us awakening into this state is granted full access to all possible realities where our fractal selves already reside in kaleidoscopic multidimensionality. Even if a nuclear device landed on my head next week, my atoms can be reassembled in no time in a mirror universe or a mirror galaxy like Andromeda. That's the absolute miracle of consciously becoming a Divine Fractal - and it's available to each and every one of us. To experience it, all you need is to shoot for attunement/at-one-ment with your Macro Self and harmonization of your various chakras.
So forget about Bush, Cheney, Blair, Bin Laden, ExxonMobil, and the NWO Illuminati Banksters - they're only a clump of dead skin cells on the resurrected Corpus Christi! You can love them if you want and buy an economy-size jar of heavy-duty moisturizing cream to "redeem" them. I generally leave dead skin cells to drop off and reincarnate as household dust. Invest in a new broom or, if you can find one in your neighborhood, a solar-powered vacuum cleaner.
Eternal & Temporal Blessings, One & All :-)
22 January 2004
1st Day of Wood Monkey Year
And So It Is!
First the Bad News: it's probably too late for peaceful political change to happen anywhere on this planet, and we know violent change will never resolve anything. Those who still hold out for a last-minute miracle that might see a candidate like Dennis Kucinich elected as US president are to be commended for their stamina. Keep canvassing, I say, nothing is impossible! But frankly, it's not at all likely to happen, and here's why: first of all, Kucinich is supported mainly by a network of New Agers and lightworkers with a somewhat pollyannic view of dark-side politics. Most of us simply cannot believe the lengths some entities will go to just to hang on to power, privilege, and outright control of the planet's natural and human resources. We've heard accounts of gory gangland massacres and stool pigeons ending up at the bottom of the harbor with their feet encased in cement blocks. Well, folks, I hate to say this, but the unseen hands that manipulate human affairs are steeped in blood - and have been for aeons. Blood sacrifice is a very ancient darkside ritual to appease the chthonic forces of our collective unconscious. Bumping off a potential troublemaker or "sacrificing" a few million lives is just another day's work for some folks.
If it looks like Kucinich is making enough progress at the polls to threaten the status quo, you can bet your life the spectre of "Al Qaeda" will conveniently reappear, perhaps even more destructively - just in time for Bush to declare martial law and put Gen. Ralph Eberhardt (the man in charge of America's air defences on September 11, 2001) in control of a population paralyzed by panic. However, if any of the other candidates gets to be president, it will be mostly business-as-usual. Dubya already has a new eco-friendly house to retire to on his Texas ranch, yeehah!
9-11 was undoubtedly a top-flight professional job commissioned by those who have the most to gain from generating perpetual fear and greater division amongst the earth populations. If you still believe the official story that a buncha Allahu-Akbaring towelheads pulled it off (without covert logistical support from an inner circle of US military and spy agencies and the connivance of White House insiders), you definitely have a wet towel for a brain. Sadly, too many otherwise intelligent and discerning folks are persisting in their vigorous denial - I guess they would have bought a used car from Tricky Dick too.
Public hero Michael Moore has come out in support of General Wesley Clark's candidacy. I admit Clark is better looking and more charismatic than Kucinich (who's unfortunately a bit too runtish to win a popularity contest in America); indeed, Clark looks pretty impressive with his military uniform and distinguished Jason Robards/Julius Caesar greytop, but America is already way too militaristic - even without a trueblue military officer in the White House. As for the other presidential candidates - Dean, Kerry, Gephardt et al - they all appear to be corporate androids (yes, "dweebs" is a cute word) - which gives us almost no hope whatsoever in terms of getting a real human being elected to the US presidency in November 2004.
When so many Americans tacitly allowed the massive electoral fraud of 2000 to happen without a deafening outcry of foul-play, it was the death knell of fair elections - or at least the theoretical possibility thereof - perhaps the world over. Despite a few protests over the use of electronic vote-counting systems manufactured by pro-Bush/pro-Zionist corporations, no action seems to have been taken to revamp the creaky electoral machinery. In effect, the ethical rot has set in too deep for any genuine political reforms to be feasible.
Does this mean planet Earth and the human race are doomed? Have the Elders of Zion outsmarted and hoodwinked the gullible Goyim and sold us to Mammon and Moloch as debt slaves for all time? Is your daughter going to grow up and marry Agent Smith and blow your utopian dream to Smithereens?
It would certainly appear so... BUT...... heh heh!
Here's the Good News, folks: on the cosmic front, the interpenetration of Dimensions 3, 4 and 5 is sufficiently advanced for any one of us to wriggle free of inherited or acquired limitations. That's right! There has never been a greater opportunity for each of us to take that Quantum Jump beyond the 3D Frequency Fence and liberate ourselves from the holographic illusion of powerlessness. Our steady progression through the Photon Band and into a New Galactic Day fully supports an unprecedented Mass Awakening into Monadic Autonomy!
Since the Harmonic Concordance of November 8-9, 2003, I have felt a major cellular shift which has propelled me more or less out of linear time. No, I haven't attempted to walk through walls like Stuie Wilde (I just received 'God's Gladiators' as an e-book and glanced through a few pages - strong stuff!) - but maybe if I had a hit of ayahuasca, it could happen. One of the significant indications that I'm right on track is that there is even less stress in my daily life these days. Things are happening by magick, and without apparent effort on my part.
I read about the horrendous predictions of cataclysmic earth changes - the Yellowstone supervolcano erupting and unleashing unimaginable devastation on a planetary scale, California vanishing into the Pacific along with most coastal cities, earthquakes more ruinous than the one that destroyed Bam on Boxing Day last year - and the economic havoc that's long overdue as the dollar implodes - and I feel strangely calm. It's not numbness, nor is it apathy. Deep within, I know that none of this is real, none of it relevant to our Core Being as Sovereign, Self-Governing Entities.
I've recently received powerful confirmation from many sources - some too private or too weird to disclose at this juncture. Essentially, the message is that many of us have "graduated" from the University of Hydrocarbon-Protein Existence. We are well on our way to transmuting on an atomic level into fully activated, crystal-bodied Masters - not ascending, as most of us have been led to think, but DESCENDING FULLY INTO OUR PHYSICAL VEHICLES TO MANIFEST HEAVEN ON EARTH.
You could say the downloading of our Cosmic Christ potential is now complete - the software is installed and running smoothly!
My root chakra has never been more empowered - this means I am finally HOME IN THE EARTH-HEART. At the same time my crown and soul-star chakras are equally vibrant. This means I am on a broadband connection with the swiftly awakening Aeonic consciousness of the planet itself, with Gaia-Sophia, Mother Earth - or perhaps even with what many call Source or Great Spirit or Prime Creator.
I am more conscious now of the holographic nature of being, that as a Divine Fractal I carry the Total Blueprint of Life and therein lies my immortality: each of us awakening into this state is granted full access to all possible realities where our fractal selves already reside in kaleidoscopic multidimensionality. Even if a nuclear device landed on my head next week, my atoms can be reassembled in no time in a mirror universe or a mirror galaxy like Andromeda. That's the absolute miracle of consciously becoming a Divine Fractal - and it's available to each and every one of us. To experience it, all you need is to shoot for attunement/at-one-ment with your Macro Self and harmonization of your various chakras.
So forget about Bush, Cheney, Blair, Bin Laden, ExxonMobil, and the NWO Illuminati Banksters - they're only a clump of dead skin cells on the resurrected Corpus Christi! You can love them if you want and buy an economy-size jar of heavy-duty moisturizing cream to "redeem" them. I generally leave dead skin cells to drop off and reincarnate as household dust. Invest in a new broom or, if you can find one in your neighborhood, a solar-powered vacuum cleaner.
Eternal & Temporal Blessings, One & All :-)
22 January 2004
1st Day of Wood Monkey Year
And So It Is!
The Bombing of Baghdad
[comment posted on www.bbc.co.uk (27 March 2003) days after Bush launched Gulf War II]
America lost the war the first time around when Bush Sr attacked Iraq (after instigating Saddam to invade Kuwait via April Glaspie). This time the Pentagon was defeated before they even started by the sheer worldwide opposition to premeditated military violence, especially against a country already devastated by 12 years of cruel sanctions. Nobody likes a dictator, but look in the mirror before you accuse anyone else of being a control freak!
I'm greatly saddened by the totally unnecessary loss of life on all sides - and the sheer waste of precious resources that could be so much better used in global welfaring instead of warfaring. The cost of each Cruise missile could rebuild the lives of entire populations in the impoverished parts of the planet, places that have been ravaged and exploited by the great capitalist pirates who worship only "The Bottom Line."
Shame on all of us, humanity go stand in the corner with a dunce cap, for allowing ourselves to be misled for so many millennia by false messiahs preaching division, hate, and fear.
I pray for a swift end to the brutality and bloodshed and a hasty retreat by the US-UK forces. Saddam has won this round - even if he gets killed!
May the rest of us awaken SOON and reclaim our power from the overfed and overgreedy military-industrial-commercial complex owned by a handful of reptilian royals!
To the next phase of evolution - beyond ignorance, cruelty, violence, and discord! Infinite rainbow blessings upon the embattled (and ecosystemically endangered) Lady Gaia.
Friday, December 1, 2006
What The World Needs Now
... is ANOTHER goddam BLOG! But, Google offers this facility for free, and who am I to refuse an offer of free webspace? What I intend to use this blog for is as yet unclear. If I shoot my mouth off without any restraint whatsoever, one of these days my words might be used as evidence of my utter perversity and complete disregard for "social conventions and mores." So I'm giving myself some time to ponder the real or imaginary consequences of actually putting in words what I really think and feel about... well, everything! There must be a reason why today, of all days, I clicked on the Blogger logo and found myself signing up for a personal blog when I already have my own tiny niche on MySpace - but I have yet to find any real pleasure in being part of MySpace. Maybe this time something INTERESTING will happen. Or maybe not. I don't mind.
Blog Begins,
Year Ends
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