Saturday, September 17, 2011

A fascinating Skype conversation with Dr Bruce Lipton...

A highly instructive Skype conversation indeed. Thanks to Michelle Ch'ng for alerting me to this timely video, uploaded less than a week ago! It's rare to find so much wisdom and life experience issuing from such a friendly, articulate energy field. I really like this guy, Bruce Lipton, who often collaborates with another virtual buddy, Steve Bhaerman aka Swami Beyondanda.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Celebrate Malaysia Day by Registering to Vote (if you have yet to do so!)

A Pete Teo PSA Music Video promoting the vote. Features vocals by Afdlin Shauki, Namewee & Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and many Malaysians including @Aisehman, Baki Zainal, Bront Palarae, Chelsia Ng, Daphne Iking, Jehan Miskin, Johan F. Khairuddin, Karamjit Singh, Lai Ming, Lee Chong Wei, Nurul Izzah Anwar, Rosnah Abd Rashid Shirlin, Rina Omar, Reshmonu, Sharifah Amani, Sazzy Falak, Reza Salleh, Tengku Azmil Zahruddin, Tony Fernandes, Wardina Safiyyah, Wee Ka Siong, Yasmin Yusuf, Albert Law, A. Kohilan Pillay, Jason Lo, Mohan, Khalid Samad, Aizat Amdan, Tee Hui Ling, Usha Nandhini, Chia Ting Ting, Nur Farina, Sassi Tharan Rajoo, Nik Nazmi, Tony Pua & David Lai.


Star Trails Across The Australian Outback

Extremely long exposure: Photographer endures 15-hour shoots in the wintry Australian outback to snare stunning images of star trails in the night sky

30th August 2011

At first glance these spectacular swirls of colour may look like clever computer graphics or the result of faulty camera work. They are, in fact, the product of hour after hour of painstaking night-time shooting by photographer Lincoln Harrison. His stunning pictures of star trails across the Australian night sky were taken over periods of up to 15 hours. Read more here!

Pheeeeeew! Well done, Lincoln!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What On Earth Will It Take? Find Out More!

THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that is being released online on 11.11.11 at

THRIVE lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream - uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.

Get on the THRIVE mailing list here!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Never succumb to fear, folks... that's how you lose your freedom and your rights!

Many lessons we in Malaysia can learn from this. Naomi Wolf is beautiful, brainy and brave. What happened in Germany under Hitler is still happening around the world.

Razak Hussein introduced the Third Reich in 1969 after May 13. Mahathir developed the totalitarian controls further. Pak Blah came along and interrupted the pattern briefly - just long enough for freedom fighters to gain a foothold in parliament.

Najib's silly cousin tried his best to restore law and order - but only gets ridiculed. Now Mahathir wants to up the ante by pushing Jibby out of the way and re-inserting a Neo-Nazi regime via the mud-faced Muhyiddin... and, later, the moronic son of Mahathir! Are we going to let this shit happen here?

[Thanks to SuperSnake Cobra for pointing out this video!]

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Former CIA asset reveals how she was gagged after 9/11

Interview with Susan Lindauer, CIA Agent Jailed 
for Wanting to Tell the Truth
by Steve Beckow
8 September 2011

If you’ve wanted to know what the ordinary CIA agent who wasn’t part of the 9/11 plot was doing and thinking after 9/11, Susan Lindauer, author of Extreme Prejudice, can tell you. Her handler, after 9/11, told her the CIA was not going to conduct an investigation but was really aiming simply to keep the people calm. When she began digging into the matter, she landed up in prison. Her handler, by contrast, received a $13 million payoff.

Amazing testimony of ex-CIA Asset Susan Lindauer. Five years of legal troubles, one year in prison for daring to tell the truth. During the Bush era the top controllers of the governmental mechanism of Defense and National Security wanted to have a war with Iraq. They got their wish and anyone who got in the way was dealt with severely no matter if they violated a law or not. Not brought to trial, Lindauer was jailed under the ‘Patriot Act’ which amounted to summary punishment outside a verdict in a court of law. She was jailed without a trial. This is part of her story that is just unfolding now. She has waited 10 years to tell it.

My comment: I find Susan Lindauer's personality gratingly superficial and her delivery far too glib for someone who suffered unjust punishment for attempting to do her job. She sounds more like just another author trying to promote her new book. Nevertheless, she reveals many snippets of information worth adding to the mountain of evidence already assembled, which points to the fact that the entire episode was a 4D disaster movie scripted by astral parasites through human agents for the sole purpose of further disempowering the masses and promoting centralized government as "the only way to exterminate random acts of  violence."