Friday, October 30, 2020


The Heart of Sophia by Jo Sophia (watercolor on art paper) 2020

Behold the Creatrix!

As Sophia, the Gnostics knew her;

Mother Nature the people now call her;

As the Great Goddess Gaia, the Romans revered her,

Even as she slumbered through countless ages,

Conjuring flora and fauna in her dreams,

From the compacted plasma of her Aeonic Being,

That crumbly, earthy, fertile substance some call Dirt

And some call Soil, upon which farmers and gardeners toil,

Bringing forth bountiful Beauty.


The Birth of Sophia by Jo Sophia (watercolor on art paper) 2020

Oh, she manifests infinite potential in diverse forms:

All we see around us is merely a different, unique aspect

Of her ceaselessly changing Dream Body,

Even as her Self-Awareness ignites and expands,

Every time one of us begins to feel her holy presence

Within, and beyond us, in a moment of heightened joy, or sorrow,

Or erotic passion, for that is her lifeforce,

Kundalini, as the yogis know it.


The Blue Serpent
by Jo Sophia (2020)
In ancient days she was adored and celebrated

As the Serpent and the Cosmic Egg,

Revealing initiatory Gnosis of the Binary Code

Wherein the phallic numeral 1 transforms into a sinuous waveform

To penetrate and fertilize the 0, primordial nothingness (the Holy of Holies),

Nought or Nut (Egyptian Goddess of the Night),

From whose loins Day arises as the radiant Sun (or Son)

To draw forth abundance, delight and life without end,

Indeed, from the numinous, mysterious depths of

The Creatrix Sophia.

The Creatrix Sophia by Jo Sophia 
(watercolor on art paper) 2020


 [For Jo Sophia Kassandra as she begins her 30th solar orbit on 31 October 2020]

A True Visionary and Oracle of the New Evolutionary Spiral (repost)

Terence McKenna talks about the challenge we face, the archaic revival, the psychedelic mystery, culture and transformation from the question and answer session of his lecture entitled 'Eros And The Eschaton.'

For full McKenna talks go here and here or check out The Psychedelic Salon Podcast (this lecture is filed under 'Psychedelics: What Science Forgot')

[Courtesy of  revolutionloveevolve via PleiadianStarseeder]

Monday, October 26, 2020

9/11 was the excuse for global fascism to rear its ugly head. Who has benefited most from this colossal exercise in mass mind control? (reprise)

Published on 26 Dec 2012

This is the 1-hour version of our 1½ hour groundbreaking documentary 9/11: Explosive Evidence ~ Experts Speak Out which is available for purchase as a DVD in our online store or as a download or video-on-demand at .

Public Broadcasting Station, Colorado Public Television (, have courageously thrust themselves at the forefront of our nation's public service media network. CPT12 recently aired this powerful and controversial film as a featured premium during their Summer fundraising campaign.

The PBS national website then posted the re-broadcast which quickly became one of their "Most Watched" as well as "Most Shared" programs on PBS. 

It has been more than 19 years  since that fateful day in September 2001 and more and more people are becoming aware that they haven't gotten the whole story on 9/11. Over 1700 architects & engineers are leading the way at AE911TRUTH, with dozens of additional professionals joining them in this documentary to put their careers on the line in their demand for a new independent investigation. High-rise architects, structural engineers, scientists, physicists, chemists, scholars, educators, firefighters, forensic fire engineers, demolition experts and others have put together a ground-breaking scientific assessment of the events at the World Trade Center.

The sudden, complete collapse of the third skyscraper on 9/11, WTC Building 7 at 5:20pm, is now being seen around the world as "the smoking gun" which disproves the official story about 9/11. These experts also introduce additional "overwhelming evidence" for a controlled demolition hypothesis at WTC which is disturbing to say the least.

The film does not speculate, and empathizes with viewers by also presenting the most popular segment of the film, which introduces the professional perspectives of eight psychologists who explain some of the reasons why it is so hard for people to face the scientific evidence. This is the most scientific and compelling 9/11 documentary film to date, containing vital information that demands action from all of us. We can no longer afford to ignore the World Trade Center evidence.

Please support the organization which made this program possible by purchasing the DVD or making a tax-deductible donation at

Shortened 58.5 minute version for promotional use. Please support AE911Truth by purchasing the DVD, downloading it or watching it now at

If you are truly impressed with the vital nature of our work we encourage you to make your tax deductible donation (We are a 501c3 non-profit organization) at

[First posted 7 November 2013]