Free Zone? For the shameless scoundrels in Umno/BN to rob the national treasury, yes!
A macro perspective of the whole rotten mess...
Now for a micro perspective of the same mess..
Auditors from Pricewaterhouse Coopers fishing in the PKFZ cesspool
The only viable solution: dismantle and demolish the entire Umno/BN administration!
Still insist Umno/BN can govern Malaysia? Heads MUST roll!
After 50 years of misgovernance, this is the only legacy Umno/BN has left for our children and grandchildren... that's right, folks, shoveling shit will be Pakatan Rakyat's first task as the federal government.
From long observation I have come to the inevitable conclusion that humans fall into three broad categories: Healthy Egos, Diseased Egos, and the Unawakened Lumpenproletariat.
Healthy Egos are unstinting in their admiration and appreciation of true grit and genuine talent whenever they come across it. They are always ready to jump to their feet and applaud a job well done, a speech masterfully delivered, or a dangerous feat successfully accomplished.
A very positive sign indeed is the ever increasing popularity of truth-speaking political voices like those of Anwar Ibrahim, Raja Petra Kamarudin, Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh, Haris Ibrahim, Gobind Deo, Malik Imtiaz Sarwar, Nik Aziz, Husam Musa, Sim Kwang Yang, Kim Quek, Walski, Helen Ang, Art Harun, Nathaniel Tan, Bernard Khoo, Anil Netto, Tunku Aziz, Brian Yap, Pak Sako, Vijay Kumar Murugavell, Kenny Gan, John Lee - and now we must include in the list sociopolitical commentator and activist Wong Chin Huat (who got arrested on May 5th under the stupid Sedation Act for encouraging people to wear black in peaceful protest against Umno's hooliganistic power grab in Perak).
It reveals that there are a lot more healthy egos in Malaysia than anyone might have thought possible, after 22 years of heavy-handed misrule under that shameless distorter-of-truth, Dr M.
Diseased Egos are entirely self-serving, narcissistic and easily threatened by authentic ability and genuine goodness. Therefore they resort to snideness, sarcasm and insidious forms of cynicism. They also tend to project all their own worst traits on others, assuming that everybody has his or her price and can be bought, bribed or intimidated into compliance and docility. The ones with diseased egos are firm believers in upholding the status quo. They find it impossible to accept the possibility that genuine goodwill and harmony will ever prevail in a multicultural, multiracial country like Malaysia. They are convinced that the Pakatan Rakyat government will turn out exactly the same as Barisan Nasional. "Just give them two terms in power," the diseased ego opines. "Politicians are all the same!"
How does a healthy ego get infected and become diseased? One plausible explanation is the traumatic effect on vulnerable young psyches that ridiculous "teachings" about eternal perdition inevitably have. Once a child believes himself or herself to be "sinful" it will morally begin to downward spiral and end up incapable of empathy. Most diseased egos will be found to suffer from severe emotional disorders mainly due to lack of parental affection in their tender years. Is there a cure for diseased egos? Most certainly... but it's a fairly expensive treatment, so please refer to my banking details on the sidebar and deposit RM25,000 into my account before emailing me for some clues.
The Unawakened Lumpenproletariat is the Sleeping Giant that will radically transform the political landscape when it finally awakens - as all hibernating beasts must. Those whom we call The Long-Suffering Rakyat are the ones who will determine how the story of democracy unfolds. But as long as they can be kept asleep or in a permanent consumerist trance, they pose no threat at all to the status quo.
Thank heaven for financial meltdowns and massive retrenchments. When our kids can no longer afford to switch cellphones every six months or upgrade to the latest iPod or even chill at Coffee Bean or Starbucks, they might begin to wake up, take stock of the shit that's being shoveled down their throats, and register themselves to vote... Umno/BN OUT!
MAY 25 — The only reasonable conclusion I can draw as a reasonable man from the PDRM raid on the DAP headquarters last Saturday evening is that the police leadership need their heads examined for signs of mental degeneration.
It was Euripides (480–406 BC) the Greek playwright who said, “Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad.” Police behaviour in recent times has convinced me more than ever that there is something rotten in the state of our country, with apologies to William Shakespeare.
The beleaguered police, as far as we are concerned, are in moral retreat. It beggars the imagination that with all the relentless assault on their reputation, they do not seem to care one iota about public opinion.
This is frightening self-indulgence. To be deaf to public strictures is really a symptom of a deep malaise associated with a diseased culture of impunity that has brutalised the police psyche.
For the guardians of the law to show nothing but utter contempt, disregard and disdain for the legitimate concerns about their actions, often bordering on the criminal, is indeed a serious breach of stewardship and public trust, the antithesis of ethical policing in a democratic society.
I plead guilty to being one of the harshest critics of the police. I am hard on them because I so desperately want them to succeed. At the same time, I can claim to be their admirer when they not only operate within the law, but, more to the point, when they are seen to be both law-abiding and respectful of the rights of every individual under the law.
I want a police service that is among the best that I can be proud of, and not “the best police force in the world that money can buy.”
As a keen observer of the police in action, I can say without fear of contradiction that the standards of policing took a dramatic fall from grace when the greatest-ever Malaysian IGP, Tun Hanif Omar, stepped down.
Hanif (left) was not only a thoroughly competent officer but an ethical one, and, therefore, was able to withstand political pressure, even from Mahathir Mohamad, the prime minister of the day whose meddling ways were directly responsible for the dismemberment of many of the country’s most important institutions.
Hanif could stand up to the bully because of his strong personal values: he offered to resign on at least two occasions. His letters of resignation were turned down. As with all bullies, you cannot back down or they will climb on your head.
Sadly, subsequent IGPs, with the exception of Tan Sri Mohd Bakri Omar (right), have, by common consent, been a great disappointment and a disgrace to the uniform.
I have, in keeping with the times, been referring to PDRM as a police service in previous speeches and writings in order to help soften its image. On reflection, I may have been a trifle premature because PDRM is obviously not yet ready to be accorded that designation: it still has a lot of house cleaning to do before it can join the ranks of the police in other parts of the civilized world where accountability is the foundation of ethical policing.
7 May 2009: Perak State Assembly Speaker V. Sivakumar unceremoniously removed from his seat by plainclothes policemen
PDRM must perforce remain a police force that carries with it all the unsavoury connotations of an organisation that has lost its way. With proper leadership, and the necessary political will, PDRM can still find salvation.
It is a great pity because there are thousands upon thousands of honest to goodness people whom we admire, trying very hard to do an honest day’s work to serve the nation, and we salute them for their courage, loyalty and devotion to duty. They are, however, badly officered which leads me to my favourite conclusion that there are no bad policemen and women, only bad officers.
The rot started when ethically deficient, unprofessional officers allowed, without a murmur, the politicisation of the force by Mahathir who used it as a handy tool to manipulate the system in order to advance his own political ambitions.
Brickfields OCPD Wan Bari Wan Abdul Khalid barking at Legal Aid Bureau lawyers
who came to the aid of those arrested for "illegal assembly"
In return, many people believed, rightly or wrongly, that senior officers were given protection against possible prosecution for corruption. A very senior ACA officer, himself not above a bit on the side, now mercifully, in comfortable, contented retirement, claimed in private that he could have put at least 20 corrupt top police officers behind bars without too much trouble, but could not for reasons best known to himself.
As long as we allow the police to dictate terms to us, in particular over the implementation of the IPCMC (Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission), the highlight of the Royal Commission to Enhance the Operation & Management of the Royal Malaysia Police’s report, we will always be subject to police excesses.
It is a sad commentary that both Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Najib Razak have seen nothing wrong with the police insubordination of threatening dire repercussions if this important recommendation for the good of both the citizens and the police in a new, open society is “forced” upon them.
The police, many feel, have got too big for their boots. Has the “People’s Prime Minister” the interests of the people at heart? Given the state of affairs in our country today, may we humbly urge Najib to keep the police on a short leash, and not allow the tail to wag the dog.
Tunku Aziz, one of the prime movers in setting up Transparency International Malaysia, in happier times was regarded by Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi as "one man (who) was able to harness his personal passion and deep commitment to the values of ethics and integrity, give it a larger purpose and meaning, and turn it into a force to transform society for the better." Why then was he left out of the MACC Advisory Group? He is regarded as being too outspoken for comfort and, therefore, difficult to handle.
This is a superb commentary by a clear-sighted and level-headed political analyst on the abysmal verdict of the Appelate Court on 22 May 2009...
COURT OF APPEAL JUDGMENT IS A FLOP Malaysia Today | Sunday, 24 May 2009 14:09 By Kim Quek
The pain was acute and deep when the verdict came, despite it being widely anticipated. The complete silence that greeted the Court of Appeal decision in favour of Zambry Kadir – in contrast to the uncontrollable jubilation that hailed the high court declaration of Nizar Jamaluddin as the lawful Menteri Besar only 10 days ago - spoke for itself. I believe the disappointment and suppressed fury prevailing in the court room this time was reflective of the feelings invoked across the nation when Justice Raus Shariff delivered the 5-minute oral judgment that marked a new low in our judiciary on May 22.
How can the nation not be disappointed when Raus’ judgment is nothing but a regurgitation of a list of the Appellant’s (Zambry) arguments, void of any reasoned input by the panel which also included Justices Zainun Ali and Ahmad Maarop? How can we call this a judgment when the comprehensive and meticulous grounds of judgment of High Court Judge Aziz Rahim and the compelling presentations by the Respondent’s (Nizar) lawyers are completely ignored and side-stepped?
Topmost of the Respondent’s argument is that the Sultan has no power to sack a menteri besar. The panel kept mum on this issue, and since the Appellant didn’t dispute this contention either, it must follow that the issue is settled – the Sultan has no such power. And since Nizar had not resigned when the Sultan appointed Zambry, then how could the court conclude that the Sultan was right in appointing Zambry? Unless, of course, the court is saying that the Sultan is entitled to appoint a second menteri besar when the first one is still serving? But would anyone in his right mind suggest that?
Following the footsteps of the Appellant, the court seems to be equally obsessed with the notion that Nizar had lost the majority, and corollary to that, anything done to get rid of Nizar is okay, as it complies with the democratic principle that the majority must rule.
This line of thinking is defective legally and constitutionally, as the transition of government must follow the rules laid down in the law and the constitution, failing which it is deemed illegal.
In this country, even when the Monarch is satisfied that the head of government has lost majority support, the former has no power to dismiss the latter. This is made abundantly clear in our constitution (whether Federal or State) which expressly states that only the ministers – not the prime minister or chief minister (menteri besar) - serve at the pleasure of the Monarch.
In the case of Perak, even when Nizar has truly lost the majority (which is not at all the case), the Sultan has no choice but to wait for Nizar to resign before he can appoint another menteri besar, if the Sultan withdraws his consent to a dissolution of the state assembly.
Could we then consider this as a major defect in our constitution – a major oversight by the crafters of our constitution? Not at all the case, as our forefathers did not consider it likely that such an eventuality could occur – a head of government so shameless that he refuses to step down when he has truly lost the majority support. And they were proven right, as it has not happened in the past, neither is it happening now.
The crisis in Perak did not spring from Nizar’s refusal to resign for having lost the majority, but was caused by his disagreement that that he had lost the majority. That was made abundantly clear to the Sultan during the audience on Feb 4 when Nizar stressed that there was a stalemate at the assembly following the resignations of three Pakatan assemblymen from the assembly and proposed that the assembly be dissolved. And when the Sultan’s secretary released a press statement the next day, stating that His Royal Highness did not consent to the dissolution of assembly but instead asked Nizar to resign due to HRH being convinced that Nizar “had ceased to command the confidence of the majority of the State Assembly members,” Nizar quickly delivered a written appeal to HRH the same evening, refuting Barisan Nasional’s claim of majority, and reiterating that the assembly was tied at 28, as the Speaker had already accepted the resignation of three Pakatan assemblymen. Nizar further informed HRH that the Speaker and the Perak government had applied to the High Court to declare that these three persons were no longer assemblymen.
This application is still pending in the high court.
Until this court case is finally settled, no one can claim majority in the assembly without a vote of confidence in the assembly that is legally and properly convened. But that wouldn’t be anytime soon as the myriad of interconnected suits and counter suits pending in the high courts would impede the holding of such a seating.
Significantly, as submitted by the Respondent, the Speaker also made an urgent appeal in writing to HRH on Feb 6 to convene a special seating of the assembly, but unfortunately this was not acceded to. So, instead of allowing the assembly to determine the vital question of confidence, the Sultan had relied on his personal interview with individual assemblymen in the Palace to form his judgment that Nizar had lost his majority, thus sparking off a chain of events that have badly shaken public confidence in the integrity and political neutrality of almost all the institutions of state under the Barisan Nasional leadership.
Can the Sultan supplant the assembly as the legal authority to ascertain the level of confidence the Menteri Besar enjoys in the assembly? High Court Judge Aziz has ably answered the question in his judgment on Feb 11. He said that reading Clauses 2, 5 & 6 of Article 16 of the Perak constitution together will lead one to logically conclude that it is the assembly that determines whether it has confidence in the Menteri Besar as head of the the Executive Council, as “the Executive Council shall be collectively responsible to the Legislative Assembly” (Clause 5). Since the Menteri Besar and his Exco are answerable only to the assembly and to no one else, why should the Sultan or for that matter, any third party be allowed to be the final arbiter as to whether the Menteri Besar has lost the confidence of the assembly and therefore must quit? In other words, while it is the Sultan who appoints a menteri besar, it is only the assembly which can decide his fate.
Regretably, the panel led by Justice Raus had no answer for this remarkable ground of Aziz’s judgment. And without giving a single instance of how Aziz has floundered, how could the panel conclude that “the learned high court judge erred in law when interpreting the Perak Constitution” and overturned his judgment?
It is clear that the panel’s judgment has already collapsed on these two scores alone – that the Sultan has no power to sack the Menteri Besar, and that the Sultan cannot supplant the assembly to ascertain the confidence enjoyed by the Menteri Besar.
The saddest part is that this judgment is but one of a series of judgments handed down over the Perak crisis from the nation’s highest courts – federal court and court of appeal – which have been widely criticized as politically partisan resulting in various dubiosities – blatant disregard of constitutional provisions, judgment without proper or written grounds or judgment in indecent haste. This only serves to confirm a widely held opinion that in the rarefied stratosphere of these courts, honesty and integrity are rare commodities, which must be the inevitable phenomenon of a system that rewards the compliant but dishonest and punishes the non-compliant but honest.
One can foresee that as the Barisan Nasional continues to maintain its questionable hold of power in Perak, more and more of these abominable transgressions of justice will flood our radar screens as the host of legal cases unwind themselves through the higher courts. While these will inflict grievous damage to our national image, they will ironically hasten the day of real reforms as more and more people will become convinced that the only way to restore the rule of law is to have a regime change.
[Kim Quek aka Yong Thye Chong is a well-respected political commentator and author]
Now this is a lot more fun and much funkier than scaring Polis with lighted candles and threatening the Homo Minister with birthday cakes. Whoever carried out this courageous act of guerrilla warfare, bravo and tabik!
[Source: Malaysia Today, 24 May 2009] The following text messages were transmitted between Najib Razak's personal mobile phone (+6012 2143177) and Shafee Abdullah's mobile phone (+6012 3257052):
Wednesday 8/11/2006
Shafee to Najib (S2N)
Date: 8/11/2006 02:59:31
Dato Seri, The Razak Baginda thing is troubling me. Can I help? Salam, Shafee
Najib to Shafee (N2S)
Date: 8/11/2006 03:45:05
I will speak with u later tonight.
Date: 8/11/2006 03:45:31
Thank you S2N
Date: 8/11/2006 06:28:56
Met the investigating officer today. Position is serious for RB. The 3 are highly implicated. RB's case can be fought. There are redeeming features for him. But we need to meet Dato Seri as there are other looming issues at large. But not to worry. Salam > Shafee N2S
Date: 8/11/2006 21:06:11
I have spoken to IGP. U can represent n meet RB in court.
Thursday 9/11/2006
Date: 9/11/2006 12:45:30
If RB's remand is upto Sunday, does it mean that he has to be charged by Fri or be released? i hope it is looking better for him.
Date: 9/11/2006 13:11:23
3 things can happen. Firstly, they can ask for more time for detention. We will resist. Second, they have to release him by Friday or thirdly charge him by Friday. Police took him to his office for document search. Nothing incriminating found. Now they are recording stmt from him. Later search in house. Under control so far Dato Seri. Salam, shafee
Date: 9/11/2006 14:09:03
Dato Seri, Re RB need to meet up with you today. shafee
Date: 9/11/2006 14:17:47
630 pm at my house in PJaya this evening.
Date: 9/11/2006 14:18:21
Thank you
Friday 10/11/2006
Date: 10/11/2006 15:14:3
Any news about RB ?
Date: 10/11/2006 15:19:40
Dato Seri, Negotiating for conditional release. If not police need 2 or 3 more days extention. I suspect its an exercise in public relation as they do not want public to think a VIP was given an easier time. Being a vip under these conditions is a liability. Otherwise we are on track according to plan. Salam, Shafee
Date: 10/11/2006 15:27:01
Thanks, he is very stressful according to his wife n would be a huge help if he could get a conditional release latest by sun.
Date: 10/11/2006 21:35:52
Saw the news on tv. RB was sent for DNA. Not sure it was neccessary.
Date: 10/11/2006 21:40:19
Unnessasary. But I think its on his lung infection. He has just been sent again to HUKM. Will know more later from inside contacts.
Saturday 11/11/2006
Date: 11/11/2006 03:17:56
Dato Seri, I was at ghkl ccu 4th floor.RB was admitted due to lung infection:mild pneumonia and asthmatic. This was the pain he was suffering in the chest and unexplained coughing for months. He is under an able physician Dato Dr Jeyaindran Sinnadurai(head of Dept of Medicine)Its good he is resting there than in the lockup. Dna was done to eliminate that he was at scene of crime (paternity can be ruled out as well).Need to see Dato Seri on some concerns. Salam. Shafee
Date: 11/11/2006 08:54:17
ANy chance of a release by sun ?
Date: 11/11/2006 08:58:14
Police should release him by then except that I think the police is disturbeb by Media and public pressure. Other factors need be coomunicated to Dato Seri in person. Investigation wise we are on track for release.
Date: 11/11/2006 09:26:52
It is clear that the Police will ask for extention t'row. I will resist strongly in view of the fact that the last few days investigation on RB have completed investigations that require RB's presence in custody. Secondly, from yesterday the Police has done nothing much with him except to do the dna. Thirdly, I am concerned with the Police carelessness yesterday in allowing the 3 other suspects to be freely mixing and therefore tainting their subsequent stmnts as they could be 'group coached'. But it also show Police no longer need to isolate the suspects. Even RB was handcuffed to the C/I. Salam. Shafee
Date: 11/11/2006 11:46:48
I Can see u today at my Taman duta hse at 6 pm.
Date: 11/11/2006 11:59:08
OK Dato Seri. Insyaallah I will be there.
Sunday 12/11/2006
Date: 12/11/2006 13:53:41
2 days extention to Tuesday. They must release him by then maybe conditionally. Police asked for full 14days.He has message.
Date: 12/11/2006 14:06:23
Will give Dato Seri in a while
Date: 12/11/2006 15:10:17
Monday 13/11/2006
Date: 13/11/2006 15:53:36
Am in his office now. Another search. AG will be unwilling to charge and lose a case yet again. It is a good idea to suggest to AG to hood on and let investigtion proceed with Razak Released on Bond.
Tel: 60122143177
Date: 13/11/2006 16:23:29
How was the search ? S2N
Date: 13/11/2006 16:25:56
We provided them everything, including old pda and note books and a couple of bills. Nothing incriminating.
Wednesday 15/11/2006
Date: 15/11/2006 13:21:32
Things going as expected.2 male officer charged for murder in common intention. Razak's name not in. Lady officer released but rearrested under Emergency Ordinance to be used as Crown witness (exactly as predicted). I am expecting RB to be released on Bond. 4 of my lawyers are watching brief the proceedings in the murder case. Rb matter prob t'row. Pl call. Shafee Ps coming back now from Taipei.
Date: 15/11/2006 23:31:09
So hopefully he will be released tmrw?
Date: 15/11/2006 23:34:38
Dato Seri, I am driving up from S'pore, no more flight to KL tonight. Hope for th best. Any indication? Shafee
Date: 15/11/2006 23:36:52
Not heard anything untoward yet.
Thursday 16/11/2006
Date: 16/11/2006 10:52:43
Anything Dato Seri? I am already in Court.
Date: 16/11/2006 10:53:50
Pls do not say anything to the press today. i will explain later. RB will have to face a tentative charge but all is not lost.
Date: 16/11/2006 10:54:30
Friday 17/11/2006
Date: 17/11/2006 10:50:30
Dato Seri, Its important you speak to Yusoff Zainal Abidin as he knows the law a lot better in the Chambers. I am confident he is concerned with the negligible evidence agst Razak. The Raja Mahani and Tengku Ariston cases ought to be the guiding critera for AG. They cannot afford another scandallous loss by the Prosecution as in Norita, Ariston, Dato Balwant etc.
Date: 17/11/2006 11:39:46
OK will try. Meanwhile try to console the wife. She is hysterical.
Date: 17/11/2006 11:41:29
I know Dato Seri.I will do everything I can.Salam, Shafee
Date: 17/11/2006 12:57:49
Dato Seri, Razak has not been sent to Hospital. He is clearly not well. He is refusing to take Prison's medicine for fear of sabourtage. The chief Physician of GHKL Dato Dr Jaya Sinnadurai is shocked that they have not brought Razak back to GHKL. I have spoken to Haji Darussalam, Sg Buloh's Prison Director. Can You sound this to Dato Radzi Shek Ahmad? Need to see you of s'thing that I think had happened that led to her death. Utterly shocking if I am right. Shafee
Date: 17/11/2006 15:45:34
Dato Seri, I am at Sg Buloh Prison. I have organised Razak to be in HUKL, He is on his way there now. The Pengarah Hj Darussallam and deputy Supt Gunasegaran very helpful. Shafee
Date: 17/11/2006 21:27:02
My regards to him. He Is always in my thought.
Date: 17/11/2006 21:34:44
Will tell him
Sunday 19/11/2006
Date: 19/11/2006 16:25:08
Dato Seri, I need Dsp Musa, your ADc to call me to clarify a point. He is not answering Shafee
Monday 20/11/2006
Date: 20/11/2006 13:02:33
Any developement Dato Seri? Shafee
Date: 20/11/2006 14:30:20
Not yet.
Date: 20/11/2006 14:30:38
Thank you
Date: 20/11/2006 21:05:17
Dato Seri.Razak is being transfered to Sg. Buloh t'row. Can Dr. Jaya do anything?
Date: 20/11/2006 23:04:50
When is he being transffered?
Date: 20/11/2006 23:05:48
T'row N2S
Date: 20/11/2006 23:07:01
What time? S2N
Date: 20/11/2006 23:08:01
Probably late morning
Thursday 23/11/2006
Tel: 60122143177
Date: 23/11/2006 13:46:51
Your message read "Najib released on personal bond!".
Date: 23/11/2006 13:50:00
Razak released on Bail of 1 million. On personal bond undertaking. Shafee?I am terribly sorry for that mistake. Whole night tak tidur preparing. My profuse apologies Sir. salam. shafee
Date: 23/11/2006 14:00:25
ALhamdullillah , at least he is on bail. Big relief for him n family.
Date: 23/11/2006 14:02:02
Dato, I need to brief you urgently b4 you speak to him. Shafee
Date: 23/11/2006 14:12:32
OK but not intending to speak to him as yet.
Saturday 2/12/2006
Date: 2/12/2006 18:59:15
Dato Seri, Got some info that are troubling. Quite serious. Are you in Taman Duta? Can we meet? Salam, Shafee
1. Najib is extremely concerned about his good friend Abdul Razak Baginda and highly motivated to get him off the hook.
2. Shafee's spelling is atrocious and he makes a very interesting Freudian slip when he messages "Najib released on personal bond" instead of Razak.
3. The Attorney-General and Inspector-General of Police are both involved up to their receding hairlines in this gigantic cover-up.
4. In Umno's mind keeping the lid forever closed on the gruesome Altantuya affair is crucial to the survival of their Ketuanan Melayu race-based politics. Once the truth emerges, Umno is doomed.