Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Great British Lawful Rebellion Has Begun


As many people reading this already know, there is a humorous Chinese curse which simply says “May you live in interesting times!” Well, 2011 is already turning out to be a very interesting year indeed... a year that is going to change Great Britain’s destiny and direction forever... a year which will set alight a chain of events and actions that will globally expose and cast off the evil corporate yoke that has been cunningly and unlawfully imposed upon all of the free peoples of the world by that criminal and secretive global elite that is commonly known as The New World Order. As the world begins to wake up to the real truth, a cry from the people is starting to be heard in an ever increasing volume... WE WILL NOT BE THEIR SLAVES!

What is seen now by the repressive authorities as merely smouldering embers of open rebellion by a tiny minority will very soon flare up to become a raging inferno for truth and justice as ordinary decent people demand an end to this global criminality and complete insanity.

To this end, Lawful Rebellion in Great Britain has now finally begun (as poor old Judge Peake in Birkenhead discovered to his surprise and embarrassment when he was suddenly confronted in his court by over 500 law abiding citizens demanding his arrest for treason) and nothing, absolutely nothing, can stop its momentum from building.

Ordinary decent and peace loving people have finally had enough and are now waking up in ever increasing numbers to the unlawful harm that is actually being done to them and their families. A grassroots movement of non-compliance on a scale never before imagined is organising itself to lawfully expose and bring down this appalling system of global corporate control and enslavement... including the lawful shutting down of the debt creating financial nerve centre of the world, the so-called Square Mile that makes up the ‘City of London’ – what many analysts believe is the beating heart of this global conspiracy beast.

The bloodline criminal banking family, the House of Rothschild, the power base and ‘brains’ behind this so-called New World Order (which of course includes the proposed European Union Superstate) have simply created for themselves a House of Cards which, because of their arrogance and over-confidence, is now ready to collapse.

It is certainly true that they have planned for many years now a global financial collapse designed to hasten in a ‘one world’ global currency and banking system completely controlled by them, but many researchers believe that they may have partially lost control and what is about to happen is, in fact, an incredible opportunity for the ordinary and decent people of the world to strike back with a mortal blow and so expose and defeat forever the New World Order and the Rothschilds’ psychopathic plans for the human race. In other words, the ‘Endgame’ is almost upon us... and we must take the initiative!  [clip]

Waddesdon Manor, donated to the National Trust by the Rothschild Family

From now on, it must be the sworn duty of all law abiding and decent people to expose and collapse this evil mindset and control mechanism forever. And the only law to be allowed here in Britain is Common Law which applies equally to everyone without fear or favour – attempts to impose any other type of law, such as Civil or Roman Law or even Sharia Law, will not be tolerated or allowed.


Mayer Amschel Rothschild famously said in the late eighteenth century, “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.”

The House of Rothschild has created a global financial empire based around creating money completely out of thin air and then charging exorbitant rates of interest on it. This unlawful deception on a truly staggering scale, using their global network of central and private banks (including the Bank of England through its Bank of England Nominees Ltd), has resulted in nations being deliberately and criminally engineered into enormous debt. As far as the Rothschilds are concerned, debt equals control – and the heart of their criminal control base is the Square Mile that makes up the City of London.

Bank of England, a Rothschild enterprise

If you want to see your average ‘useful idiot’ politician or economist squirm, then ask them this simple and direct question... Why cannot Her Majesty’s Government through the Treasury issue debt free and interest free money based upon the wealth, the common wealth, of this country (worth trillions)... why do we have to go cap in hand to the Rothschild controlled private and international banks who simply create money out of thin air – just numbers created on a computer screen – and who then charge exorbitant rates of interest on this ‘nothingness,’ which is currently costing us the taxpayers something like £125,000,000 a day, or around £44,000,000,000 a year just to meet the interest payments?

The truth is we are being scammed! The so-called Deficit, which is being used to distress our armed forces as well as the weak and vulnerable in our society, is unlawful... I repeat, UNLAWFUL!

A myriad of taxes, cuts and other austerity measures, not to mention widespread redundancies, have been imposed unlawfully upon the unwitting taxpayers... that is you and I... to tackle this. But, under Common Law, if you are found guilty of practicing your affairs with mischief, then everything you have been doing must be declared null and void. The same applies to this country’s so-called National Debt (fast approaching £1 trillion having doubled in the last six years) and to all our own personal debts such as Mortgages and Personal Loans... we can walk away from them all lawfully as we have all been given ‘money’ that doesn’t actually exist, that has no audit trail and comes to you as a debt.
And before all the LSE ‘educated’ economists become excited and animated and saying that this is all rubbish and that you cannot possibly default lawfully from your ‘debts,’ I suggest they read this next part very carefully, very carefully indeed!

What follows below is an excerpt from an editorial in The Times newspaper in 1865 which, even then, was influenced and ultimately controlled by the London-based Rothschilds. The American Civil War, as with nearly all wars in the last two hundred plus years, saw the Rothschilds encouraging and profiteering from funding both sides.

President Abraham Lincoln, realising the appalling criminality being practised by this banking dynasty, rather than pay the phenomenal levels of interest on this ‘money’ created from ‘nothingness,’ took the radical and common sense decision to bypass the Rothschilds and to have the Union’s Useless Treasury print their own interest-free and debt-free money.

Lincoln's "Greenback" currency
Called ‘Greenbacks’ because of their colour, the US Treasury issued around $450,000,000 with which to fund the ultimately successful Union’s war effort. This new system worked so well and was so popular with the people that Lincoln considered making it a permanent arrangement. This would have sounded the death knell for the Rothschild’s well laid plans to ensnare the world unlawfully with massive debt. The panic felt by these criminal bankers over Lincoln’s ‘Greenbacks’ is reflected in this Times editorial:

“If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedence in the history of the civilised governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.” [source:]

So spoke the Rothschilds and their fiefdom, the City of London, as they realised what Lincoln’s initiative would mean to their vulnerable House of Cards debt creating power base. The threat of sovereign governments printing interest-free and debt-free paper money had to be removed.

On April 14th 1865, a certain John Wilkes Booth shot and killed Abraham Lincoln and with his death ended the debt free ‘greenbacks.’ However, almost one hundred years later, another US President paid the price for standing up to the Rothschilds by doing exactly the same again.

John F. Kennedy moments before his death
in Dallas, 22 November 1963
On June 4th 1963, closely advised and supported by his brother Bobby, President John F Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110 which authorised the US Treasury to bypass the Federal Reserve Bank (a private Central Bank controlled by the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers) and issue $4.29 billion as debt free and interest free money based on the value of silver bullion certificates. Once again the assassin’s bullet conveniently removed the problem for the Rothschilds – both the President and Bobby dying violent deaths.

Robert F. Kennedy killed by an assassin's bullet, 5 June 1968
There is some considerable doubt that Executive Order 11110 was ever rescinded and many believe it is still valid today. However, the US Treasury notes were quickly taken out of circulation and since then all the Presidents and their administrations, just like our own Prime Ministers and their governments, have been compliant and obedient to the wishes of the Rothschilds and their criminal network of debt-producing bankers. [source: And The Fed.pdf]

When are people going to wake up? Current banking practices are just one big scam which can be resolved and put right by quite simply resorting to the commonsense and common decency that makes up Common Law. The City of London must be closed down with usury, the charging of interest on loans, along with the creation of money as debt, must be outlawed and never again allowed to be practised in Britain. The benign and responsible government issuance of debt-free and interest-free money, based upon the common wealth of the nation, is the future for Britain’s prosperity, defence, integrity and well-being.


George Osborne, our Bilderberg attending treasonous Chancellor who would appear to take his orders direct from the House of Rothschild, has told us that we all have to make a massive sacrifice to reduce our ever-widening ‘deficit’ (approximately £143 billion and growing)... you know, to pay off the interest from that imaginary money created out of complete ‘nothingness’ by those nice and honest people who work in the Rothschild controlled private banking sector.

Hotel de Bilderberg Oosterbeek, The Nerherlands, 1954
As part of our sacrifice to the ‘banksters’ we have seen our armed forces slashed and our ability to defend this country put in real jeopardy. We now have no aircraft carriers; no vertical take-off Harriers; no proper maritime reconnaissance aircraft; and two squadrons of Tornados are to go as will 20% of our regular soldiers by 2015.

We now have the smallest navy since Henry VIII, possibly as few as a dozen destroyers and frigates if the latest plans are realised! This is complete madness for a maritime and trade dependant nation! But unfortunately the traitors in Parliament see it another way. Great Britain will now have to work in partnership with other European countries if the gaps in our defences are to be filled... or to put it in a more truthful way, Great Britain’s sovereignty has been breeched and to defend ourselves militarily in the future we have to be an integral part of the European Union’s future combined armed forces... and all because we have to pay off the interest from imaginary money created out of ‘nothingness.’

This isn’t just madness, this is TREASON on a scale never before witnessed!

Therefore, to all serving members of our armed forces, we, who belong to this broad and diverse movement that makes up Lawful Rebellion, now urge you to immediately address this treason lawfully and to organise in such a way that openly supports the tenets and over-riding principles of Common Law and the historic and essential requirements of Magna Carta 1215. You have to become the protective shield for those honest and decent men and women who are now starting to take back our country peacefully and lawfully from the traitors, criminals, cowards and paedophiles who currently infest our Parliament.

British Parliament
Do you want to be the lackeys of the Rothschilds and the corporate greed that makes up the City of London, fighting unlawful wars at their behest so that they can create even more wealth for themselves, whilst leaving you on the scrap heap once your usefulness to them is over? They are scum and you are our best!

Our armed forces must now renew their position as the ultimate lawful champions and guardians of our Sovereignty, Common Law, Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights and everything that is decent and honest about our still wonderful country.

We also call upon all serving police men and women to stand up and help us to lawfully restore the supreme precedence of Common Law over corporate revenue raising Statute Rules being passed by our treasonous and corrupt politicians in order to wear down the population into accepting an Orwellian police style state – a state where those in unchallenged authority always know what’s ‘best’ for the people.

We urge you to research the current ‘corporate’ status of the police service – why are police constabularies and the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) listed by Dun and Bradstreet as Corporations? Strange things are also being discovered – for instance, it looks as though the Devon and Cornwall Police are owned by the computer giant IBM! How can this be? What’s going on? We ask you to ask the right questions and to openly confront those Chief Constables and senior police officers who have embraced the provable Fabian Society/Frankfurt School hidden agenda of deliberately and treasonously distressing our country from within in order to facilitate the loss of yet more sovereignty to the emerging European Union Superstate.

Ask about the real and provable hidden agenda of the so-called training charity Common Purpose and how Common Purpose Graduates are being fast tracked to senior positions of authority – the highly controversial Assistant Commissioner Cressida Dick of the Met being an obvious example. As with the politicians and the judiciary, any officer who is accused of betraying the honour and integrity of the police service must expect the full weight of Common Law justice.

Honest and decent law-abiding people demand an honest and decent law-abiding police service... a police service that is there to make our country safe from criminality and treason. We know that many of you good and honest police officers out there in the field know that something is deeply wrong but are keeping your heads down to protect your pensions. We just hope that courage will ultimately prevail and that you will now do the ‘decent thing’ to save our country from what is coming and will openly help us flush out the provable treason and criminality that now pervades the corridors of power... not to mention what now follows below!


And talking of criminality, we now come to the most distressing reason why Lawful Rebellion in Britain has to succeed quickly and effectively. Over the last two years two separate but connected aspects of appalling child abuse have come to light leaving researchers stunned and absolutely appalled.

The first concerns compelling evidence, not only of the existence of organised paedophile rings around the country made up of trusted members within local communities, but that these paedophile rings are operating with the connivance of, and protection from, very senior politicians and rogue members of the police, judiciary and the legal system.

The second involves children being taken away from loving families by rogue social workers on the flimsiest of excuses after using the appalling and secretive Family Courts where Common Law jurisdiction is not allowed. The motive would appear to be financial gain due to the very large sums of money involved in the adoption process today but research is starting to show that vulnerable children are being identified, groomed and handed over to practicing paedophiles by these rogue elements within the police, judiciary and the legal system as well as social services. This evil has to be exposed and stopped immediately using the full force of Common Law.

Lawful Rebellion will do everything it takes within Common Law to immediately achieve this objective, especially as reliable information and intelligence is coming in which now indicates that a significant minority of politicians are actually practicing paedophiles themselves. If this is found to be true, then it will make the MPs expenses row look like the proverbial teddy bear’s picnic. One of the key ongoing cases is the Hollie Greig affair ( which is set to explode later this year and which will blow apart the foundations of the Scottish Parliament and will have very severe repercussions for the Palace of Westminster.


So there we have it! Our children are being harmed and abused in the most appalling ways possible by people in positions of trust; our country’s defences are being deliberately run down by traitors to pave the way for Europe to ‘defend’ us; our nation’s ancient sovereignty and constitutional traditions are being distressed without any sort of democratic accountability; our country’s social infrastructure is being downgraded to tackle the completely unlawful and imaginary ‘deficit’; and our people are increasingly becoming debt slaves as the whole country is being placed into corporate slavery by an unlawful deception plan that our political elite and rogue elements within the judiciary are both fully complicit with.

And we haven’t even touched on the two global scams of Man-made Global Warming and the so-called War on Terror; nor indeed the sinister attacks on our health by the global elite with their Malthusian plans for massive population reduction along with the worrying corporate ‘scientific’ takeover of our worldwide food production. By stealth and criminality on a truly staggering scale, the Rothschilds, along with the secretive and unaccountable cohorts that make up this so-called ‘New World Order,’ have effectively taken over our country as they have done with most of the other countries in the world... the global governance sought by them on their terms is now very close at hand and has got to be stopped. As Marcus Tullius Cicero said, a nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious but it cannot survive treason from within.

The grim truth is, we only have one last chance to put things right and whatever we do must be done lawfully and, wherever possible, peacefully. Lawful Rebellion is not a political party, we are a guiding movement for truth and justice completely within the law, Common Law, and as such this will make us attractive to all the decent and law-abiding people of this wonderful country of ours, regardless of so-called social status, creed or colour.

We are a movement which will make people happy and debt free, guarded by Common Law and common sense. We have already arrested a judge, albeit briefly, who was committing treason... no politician, judge or decision maker who has knowingly betrayed his or her country will now be safe from arrest.

We will not stop until our sovereignty and ability to defend ourselves have been effectively restored. We can withdraw immediately and lawfully from the European Union and not be tied down by any of its so-called ‘laws.’ We do not need a referendum to achieve this... the entry into the then EEC was achieved by provable deception and treason by Edward Heath and his Conservative government ( Under Common Law any actions taken using treason and criminality have got to be declared null and void.

The key members of the House of Rothschild and their extensive network of traitors, criminals and paedophiles will be arrested and brought to justice whilst the City of London will be taken over and closed down – the heart of the beast will stop beating as the obscene debt generating money markets of the world collapse once disclosure of their true criminality and intentions become clear to all. As justice, decency and real integrity pervades business and politics around the globe, no longer will we witness on our TV screens the famines and extreme poverty that affect so much of the world.

For those fearful that this enormous transition will lead initially to extreme anarchy and violence, be assured that the full apparatus and panoply of Common Law will be in place to prevent any such break down of law and peace. If people cause harm, or loss, or commit a breech of the peace, or conduct their affairs with mischief, they can expect to be treated fairly but firmly by their peers and in a way that should deter others in the future.

Concerning business and finance, new debt-free and interest-free banking initiatives will be started such as Political parties, which were only created to divide and rule and to represent self serving interests, will be abolished and outlawed.

Future Members of Parliament will be elected as individuals based on their strength of character, honesty, humility and wisdom along with the service that they have already given either to their country or to their community. Future debates in Parliament will be real debates and, with no whipping system allowed, the votes taken will be fair and honest reflecting the integrity of the Common Law approach to good government.

There is obviously a huge amount to be done to create a country that is really free from debt, fear and unhappiness, and there are bound to be areas where a real debate has yet to take place, such as the controversy surrounding the House of Windsor and the part it played in allowing our present predicament, but a start has been made... a real start that is going to have huge repercussions very soon for the criminals and traitors skulking in the shadows of Westminster and the City of London... we know where you are and we are now coming for you lawfully to bring you to justice under Common Law! [clip]


There’s a lot here to think about and I know that many of you might be put off from going any further. Please, I urge you, bite on the bullet and let’s get moving. Lawful Rebellion is happening up and down the country as ordinary decent people say ‘NO!’ to tyranny. We are not a hierarchical movement with leaders telling you what you should or should not be doing – as long as you and your group act in a peaceful and lawful way, the broader movement will support you in whatever you do to help wake up the population from the manipulated hypnosis and slumber it finds itself in.

The New World Order will not disappear tomorrow – it will probably do some pretty awful things soon to protect its power base. But the cracks are appearing and the dam holding back truth, happiness and real justice is getting ready to burst.

We, at the UK Column and the British Constitution Group, will do whatever we can to help you. And, in return, please feel free to approach us with any ideas you have to further the effectiveness of the rebellion.

Finally, good luck... and remember, whatever you do, have fun!

Justin Walker
August 1st 2011

Read the entire manifesto here!


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Two totally pertinent comments from 30 July 2008...

Anonymous said...
Chandra Muzaffar, rebel turned
rogue regime apologist
How naive can you be! Talk to Dr Chandra Muzaffar, Ezam and Nalla. Then you'll get a better understanding of what kind of person Anwar is. It is sad that most Malaysians are so easily deceived.
July 30, 2008 11:51:00 PM GMT+08:00

Antares said...
Nameless one, I measure a hero by his deeds and by his willingness to risk his neck for something he strongly believes in. Chandra Muzaffar qualified as a hero in the days when he got himself into trouble with USM and founded Aliran. Indeed, he was greatly admired and loved... until after his arrest and brief incarceration under Ops Lallang, when he suffered a subtle but insidious personality change.

I suspect Room 101 broke his fighting spirit and he went the way of Winston Smith in Orwell's 1984. Chandra was encouraged to establish his JUST Foundation and concentrate on global human rights issues. His criticisms of Mahathir became toned down and he reverted to being the brilliant academic he always had been. Well and good... but when Chandra allowed Umno to use his good name and intellectual credentials as a weapon against Anwar just before GE12, he fell from grace in my books.

Yes, I am unabashedly partisan in that I can never pretend to "objectivity." I trust my instincts and my nose... and Umno/BN stinks to high heaven! Anyone who values his soul integrity had better quit BN now before they go down with the Titanic. Even Dr M has quit Umno - but for all the wrong reasons.

As for Ezam and Nalla... they don't interest me one bit because they have no fresh political vision and are quite irrelevant to our nation's destiny. They did play their supporting roles ten years ago in 'Sodomee (Pt. One)' but, take away Anwar and these men are mere shadows.

Umno Senator Ezam Mohd Nor, political toxic waste
Most people I know who fear and hate Anwar are armchair pundits in denial of their own heroic potential. They pretend that working for reform within the system is the safest route... but the system is so toxic that once you're inside your psyche gets seriously contaminated, and then you begin to rationalize and spout platitudes about the wisdom of moderation and gradual, progressive reform.

That's zombie talk, brother, and I'm not going to waste time chatting with the walking dead. I'd rather be proven wrong about Anwar than tolerate Dr M's evil legacy an instant longer than it takes to flush away the shit. BN is running amok and it is armed with a dangerous weapon, a rogue police force.

For the sake of our children we have to grow instant balls and disable it permanently before our destiny as a free and happy nation is forever thwarted.

Thought I'd repost these two comments from July 2008 as both remain completely pertinent after more than 3 years!

Anwar in an interview with the BBC's Robin Grant
The original post was titled ANWAR: A MAN OF EXTRAORDINARY DESTINY


Nothing 'mindless' about rioters
Dan Hind | Al

Although riots are complex social phenomena, the recent unrest in England has inescapably political roots.

Civil disturbances never have a single, simple meaning. When the Bastille was being stormed the thieves of Paris doubtless took advantage of the mayhem to rob houses and waylay unlucky revolutionaries. Sometimes the thieves were revolutionaries. Sometimes the revolutionaries were thieves. And it is reckless to start making confident claims about events that are spread across the country and that have many different elements. In Britain over the past few days there have been clashes between the police and young people. Crowds have set buildings, cars and buses on fire. Shops have been looted and passersby have been attacked. Only a fool would announce what it all means.

We can dispense with some mistakes, though. It is wrong to say that the riots are apolitical. The trouble began on Saturday night when protesters gathered at Tottenham police station to demand that the police explain the circumstances in which a local man, Mark Duggan, had been shot dead by the police. The death of a Londoner, another black Londoner, at the hands of the police has a gruesome significance. The police are employed to keep the peace and the police shot someone dead. This is a deeply political matter. Besides, it is conventional to say how much policing in London has changed since the Brixton riots of the early eighties - but not many people mouthing the conventional wisdom have much firsthand experience of being young and poor in Britain's inner cities.

More broadly, any breakdown of civil order is inescapably political. Quite large numbers of mostly young people have decided that, on balance, they want to take to the streets and attack the forces of law and order, damage property or steal goods. Their motives may differ - they are bound to differ. But their actions can only be understood adequately in political terms. While the recklessness of adrenaline has something to do with what is happening, the willingness to act is something to be explained. We should perhaps ask them what they were thinking before reaching for phrases like "mindless violence". We might actually learn something.

The fierce conflict remains ahead

The profusion of images that modern technology generates makes it even more difficult to impose a single meaning on a complex event. Those who live in terror of a feral underclass and those who are worried about the impact of fiscal austerity on vulnerable communities can find material online that confirms their world-view. There will be a fierce conflict in the weeks ahead as politicians, commentators and others seek to frame the events of the last few days in ways that serve their wider agenda. The police, for example, will call for increased budgets to deal with the increased risks of civil disorder. In this sense, too, riots are inescapably political events.

There are signs too that technology is allowing individuals to intervene in the process by which meaning is assigned to social events. When disorder broke out in France in 2005 in somewhat similar circumstances the political right was the major beneficiary. Sarkozy's rise from interior minister to president owed a great deal to his role in expressing the anxious aggression of a mass constituency that often lived far away from the burning cars and public buildings.

In London today people were on the streets tidying up the damage. The hashtag #riotcleanup on Twitter is being used by councils and residents to coordinate the work. The decision to act in this way, to make the streets a little more safe, to reclaim them for peaceful sociability, steps away from the temptation to condemn the violence or explain it in terms that inevitably simplify or distort it. Those who come together like this will be less likely to conclude that the country is on the verge of chaos, less likely to call for harsh measures and the further erosion of liberty in the name of security. It is the one shrewd thing one can do in present circumstances and it is to be celebrated.

So there is no single meaning in what is happening in London and elsewhere. But there are connections that we can make, and that we should make. We have a major problem with youth unemployment. There have already been cuts in services for young people. State education in poor areas is sometimes shockingly bad. Young people cannot afford adequate private housing and there is a shortage of council-built stock. Economic inequality has reached quite startling levels. All this is the consequence of decisions made by governments and there is little hope of rapid improvement. The same politicians now denouncing the mindless violence of the mob all supported a system of political economy that was as unstable as it was pernicious. They should have known that their policies would lead to disaster. They didn't know. Who then is more mindless?

The global economic crisis is at least as political as the riots we've seen in the last few days. It has lasted far longer and done far more damage. We need not draw a straight line from the decision to bail out the banks to what's going on now in London. But we must not lose sight of what both events tell us about our current condition. Those who want to see law and order restored must turn their attention to a menace that no amount of riot police will disperse; a social and political order that rewards vandalism and the looting of public property, so long as the perpetrators are sufficiently rich and powerful.

Dan Hind has worked in publishing since 1998 and is the author of two acclaimed books: The Return of the Public and The Threat to Reason. He is this year's winner of the Bristol Festival of Ideas Prize. Follow him on Twitter: @danhind