Saturday, March 14, 2009

Kim Quek: "Say No to Najib!"


Posted in Malaysia Today | Friday, 13 March 2009 11:30

By Kim Quek

Minister Nazri Aziz’s barefaced denial of any wrongdoing by the attorney general and inspector general of police in Anwar Ibrahim’s black eye case in the face of incontrovertible evidence is an affront to common decency and an insult to people’s intelligence.

Answering a question in Parliament on March 11, Nazri said the then Anti-Corruption Agency (now the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission or MACC) had completed the investigations and concluded as early as September last year that both AG Gani Patail and IGP Musa Hassan were innocent of Anwar’s written complaints of fabrication of evidence. If that is the case, why didn’t the AG’s chamber use this conclusion to counter Sessions Court Judge Komathy’s decision to reject AG’s request to transfer Anwar’s sodomy trial to the High Court on ground of AG’s entanglement in the black eye case? Shouldn’t the prosecutors have used the AG’s “confirmed” innocence as the perfect argument in the first instance, instead of fighting doggedly from one court hearing to another just to ensure that Anwar’s trial could be taken away from Komathy and transferred to another judge in the high court?

Coming on the heels of a spate of daring and shameless breaches of the constitution and the laws beginning from the illegal power grab in Perak, Nazri's move to cover up for the AG and IGP is perceived as the latest manifestation of a new pattern of lawlessness demonstrated with increasing boldness and arrogance by practically all the institutions of state that include the election commission, police, judiciary, prosecutors, civil service and the MACC.


It is no coincidence that this new phenomenon of crass contempt for the rule of law only cropped up after Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi passed on the effective running of the country to prime minister-in-waiting Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak at the beginning of the year. Let us take a brief look at some of these events.

On February 3, the Election Commission illegally usurped the authority of the Speaker of the Perak state assembly to reject the resignations of Pakatan Rakyat (PR) assemblymen Jamaluddin Radzi and Osman Jailu, and refused to conduct by-elections in their respective constituencies.

The next day, Najib suddenly appeared at a press conference with four so-called ‘defectors’ from Pakatan Rakyat, after more than one week of cloak-and-dagger political machinations of “mysterious disappearance, hopping, double-hopping, kidnapping and bribery.” Najib claimed that Barisan Nasional (BN) had the majority to rule Perak with the assembly tied at 28 vs 28 with ‘3 friendly independents’, though the resignations of these ‘3 independents’ had already been accepted by the Speaker.

On February 5, after granting an audience to Najib and assemblymen supporting BN, the Perak Sultan ‘ordered’ Mentri Besar Nizar Jamaluddin and his cabinet to resign in a press statement. But Nizar declined to resign on the ground that he had not lost the support of the majority of assemblymen and instead, he reiterated his request for the Sultan’s consent to dissolve the assembly for a fresh election to resolve the political impasse.

The next day, the Sultan appointed a new Mentri Besar, Zambry Kadir.

Meanwhile, Mentri Besar Nizar (who has not resigned to this day) and his cabinet were physically evicted by the police from the state government building, almost immediately after the Sultan ‘ordered’ Nizar’s resignation on February 4. However, Nizar and his cabinet have continued to carry out their duties, initially at the official residence of the Mentri Besar, and later at another office after moving out from his official residence.

While both Nizar and Zambry and their respective cabinets have been functioning in parallel, a number of suits and counter suits have been filed between the two camps to claim legitimacy of government.


Confrontations between the two camps came to a head when the Speaker V. Sivakumar (left) called for an emergency sitting of the assembly to be held on March 3, which was rejected by Zambry as ‘unlawful.’ On the eve of the meeting, a circular appeared in the Secretariat Building to say that the building (where the State Assembly is housed) would be closed the next day. And Perak Chief Police Officer, Deputy Commissioner Zulkifli Abdullah warned that no one, including assemblymen, should gather at the building, upon advice by the pro-BN Assembly Secretary Anton Sabri that the emergency session was ‘invalid’.

The Speaker however warned that neither CPO Zulkifli nor assembly clerk Anton should try to thwart a legitimate sitting of the assembly duly convened by the Speaker, as any such attempt would be deemed a breach of Section 124 of the Penal Code, an offence punishable by seven years' imprisonment.

On the morning of March 3, PR assemblymen were denied entry to the State Assembly by a barricade of riot police under the command of Ipoh OCPD Asst Comm Azisman Alias who warned the assemblymen to disperse on pain of arrest. Also physically repelled by a group of rowdy BN supporters who threatened violence, the assemblymen retreated to a rain tree nearby, where the emergency sitting was formally convened by Speaker Sivakumar. This rain tree has since been celebrated and commemorated as the “Tree of Democracy.”

In this melee, a series of breaches of law were committed by public servants – State Secretary, police, Assembly Secretary – who failed to maintain neutrality and non-partisanship in politics in the current power struggle between PR and BN:

* Pro-BN State Secretary Rahman Hashim for illegally giving order to seal off the State Secretariat Building.

* Pro-BN Assembly Secretary Anton Sabri for usurping the authority of the Speaker to interpret the laws governing the state assembly.

* Pro-BN CPO Zulkifli Abdullah for illegally deploying his force to thwart a legitimate assembly sitting based on his ridiculous decision to accept the word of the assembly clerk instead of the rightful authority which is the speaker.

* All three have breached Section 124 of the Penal Code.

* All three are guilty of political partisanship, in violation of the civil service code to maintain political neutrality and their vows to uphold the constitution.


On the same day of the assembly under the rain tree, the tussle for power between PR & BN took place in another arena – the Ipoh High Court, where Judicial Commissioner Ridwan Ibrahim granted an order whereby Speaker Sivakumar "is restrained from convening any unlawful meeting purporting to be a meeting of the Perak state legislative assembly.”

I regret to say that JC Ridwan has brought disrepute to the judiciary due to multiple irregularities as well as hollowness of substance of the order.

In the first place, when he gave the judgment on March 3, his tenure as judicial commissioner (a probation judge) had already expired (on February 28 in fact) and hence the court hearing was unlawful. Subsequent belated renewal of Ridwan’s contract could not validate his judgment, as at the material time when the judgment was made, Ridwan’s status as judge had lapsed.

Second, he illegally barred Sivakumar’s lawyers from representing him and instead assigned the assistant state legal adviser, Zulkarnain Hassan, to represent him without his consent. This is a ridiculously unjust imposition on Sivakumar, as the state legal adviser Kamal Shahid is in the enemy camp, not only representing Zambry in a Nijar vs Zambry suit, but has also been publicly named by Nizar as one of the five architects who plotted the fall of PR in Perak. Besides, Sivakumar had never authorized or talked to Zulkarnain.

Third, JC Ridwan’s refusal to hold the hearing in open court on such an important case of public interest was unreasonable and smacks of suspicious intent.

Fourth, Ridwan gave his order in unacceptable haste, having deliberated for only 10 minutes on a 90 minute submission by Zambry’s lawyers without Sivakumar’s participation. Since this is a case which might be argued for having infringed on the constitutional principle of separation of power, it is not possible for Ridwan to do justice without hearing the full arguments on these constitutional aspects from both parties and without him deliberating fully over the issues raised.

As for the substance of Ridwan’s order, he only prohibits "unlawful meetings." Ridwan’s logic is puzzling. If a meeting is "unlawful," it is null and void. Is there any necessity to prohibit it then?

Sad to conclude, what we witnessed in the Ipoh High Court is a fumbling probation judge who, in his over-eagerness to comply with the wishes of BN, has transgressed fundamental justice. One may ask, why should the court have assigned such an important case to such an inexperienced probation judge (whose tenure had lapsed to boot), if there was no evil design? This is but one of many examples that our judiciary continues to mire in a state of utter impairment.

(Courtesy of Knights Templar)

While these debacles in Perak are going on, relentless sabotage has been carried out against the PR governments in Kedah and Selangor. These are in the form of harassment on PR assemblymen to defect or to quit, with bribery and threats and even sexual scandal.

In Kedah, various PR assemblymen reported offers of millions of ringgit to hop party. Notably, assemblyman Arumugum was so severely harassed with bribery and threats that he resigned his seat and escaped with his entire family to India to avert possible damage to his party. These incidents have been repeatedly reported to the police and MACC, but no effective action has been taken.

In Selangor, MACC chief commissioner Ahmad Said Hamdam (left) openly and dubiously accused Mentri Besar Khalid Ibrahim of abuse of power over the petty issues of maintenance of his personal car assigned for official use, and the distribution of 46 cows to the poor during an Islamic festival, after a swift investigation; while he shamelessly kept mum over numerous reports of multi-million-ringgit corruption against BN leaders - cases which have been sleeping for years without any action. PR Assemblywoman Elizabeth Wong was harassed to resign her seat after her nude picture secretly snapped during her sleep was exposed in BN-controlled media. Though the suspected culprit was known, the police made no effort to bring him to book.

These blatant double standards practiced with increasing frequency and vulgarity by law enforcing agencies, judiciary and prosecutors, and their overt political partisanship have disgusted the public and caused the popularity of BN in general and Najib in particular to plunge. But instead of making reforms to salvage public support, UMNO has pursued the opposite course of lawlessness and repression under the de-facto leadership of Najib.

Little wonder that the people are increasingly apprehensive whether Najib will bring the country to a state exceeding the darkest days of Mahathirism, now that they have seen the reckless destruction of political tranquility in Perak under PR’s exemplary rule of racial unity and clean and pro-rakyat government.


On top of these worries is the curse of Altantuya’s murder which hangs over Najib’s head like Damocle’s sword. Najib should realize by now that no matter how many times he swears innocence, he cannot possibly cleanse himself of this taint - unless and until he and his aide-de-camp Musa Safri are subject to a proper investigation and exonerated by a court of law perceived as just and fair (certainly not the present court).

Now that Najib is about to take over the baton from Pak Lah, we may ask ourselves the final question: Do we want to see a Malaysian prime minister dashing around the international arena with the Altantuya tag hanging around his neck, as world leaders could not possibly be unaware of this Altantuya taint?

Friday, March 13, 2009

Hundreds Attend Global Warming Protest

(Image forwarded by Judy Mezen)

For the first time in five or six years, I've been thrown a bit off balance by catching a head cold - twice since January 10th! Not only has all the coughing and sneezing depleted my energy, it has also forced me to sleep more. I hear a lot of people in the city have been down with bronchial infections in recent weeks. Could it be the intense heat followed by sudden downpours? Or has all the rotten news we've been hearing since the start of 2009 weakened our collective immune system?

On the political front, it's been one ugly fiasco after another - all pointing to the absolute moral degradation of vengeful Umno warlords led by Najib Razak, the most desperate man on earth it would appear.

The public has long given up hope on the police, the anti-corruption agency, the election commission, and the judiciary. Abdullah Badawi has shown himself to be just a boring old career bureaucrat corrupted by the trappings of power and wealth. Nevertheless, a large majority of Malaysians would prefer to see Pak Blah carry on as PM - at least till Pakatan Rakyat is strong enough to take over - rather than to let his deputy Mr Pink Lips ascend to full power (as though he doesn't already appear to call the shots with the Attorney-General's Chambers, the Chief of Police, and the MACC).

With each passing day we see the pudgy hand of Najib Razak turning into a scaly reptilian claw clutching at straws - using his clout to push Anwar back into a defensive corner with the ludicrous sodomy trial (phase two) being forcibly transferred from sessions to high court (where Umno can presumably pick another willing Augustine Paul for the hatchet job of derailing justice and thwarting Anwar's ambition to become PM).

The sneaky manner in which both AG and IGP were absolved of all wrongdoing would be laughable if it weren't such a tragic commentary on the moribund state of democracy in Malaysia. And now the Umno goons are abusing the laws to scare bloggers from criticizing the Perak imbroglio by way of negative feedback on the Sultan's patently partisan decision.

It's enough to make anyone puke and reconsider migrating.

Perhaps if I were in my mid-twenties, I'd be tempted to mull over a few options. But my root has grown too deep here. I'm staying put no matter what. I vowed 10 years ago that I would live to celebrate the final inglorious end of Mahathirism. We may have rejoiced a little too soon last March. But I'm fairly convinced that if we can stick it out till next March, Malaysia may well be rid of the greatest pestilence we have had to endure - the evil mamak who ruined this country with his arrogance, cynicism, greed and megalomania.

This picture just about sums up the political tangle we're in. Problem is, even the professional help we're counting upon to serve us aren't doing their jobs.

Anyway, I've been feeling too congested to express my personal outrage over all the inane and obscene goings-on in the country. So I'll just dress up a few pertinent essays posted by other political commentators whose views I share and stick them in my blog. Stay tuned, folks.

Monday, March 9, 2009

"Every Malaysian enjoys equal rights" ~ Raja of Perlis

From Malaysia Today


Friday, 6 March 2009

(New Straits Times) - The Raja of Perlis, Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Putra Syed Jamalullail, yesterday took to task those propounding the "ketuanan Melayu" (Malay supremacy) policy, accusing them of using "narrow-minded ways to achieve personal objectives".

He said every Malaysian, irrespective of age, gender, social status or religion, enjoyed equal rights.

The ruler said some Malaysians were making a big issue of the "ketuanan Melayu" issue and asking that supremacy or rights be given only to a particular race.

"It is very unfortunate to see these self-interested parties raising sensitive issues which could dampen the spirits and hopes of millions of people. In Malaysia, every race is tuan," he said in his speech at the launching of a seminar on the Federal Constitution here. The seminar was jointly organised by the state government and the Biro Tatanegara.

The Raja of Perlis reminded everyone that no individual should be deprived of his rights and that sensitive issues should not be raised in a multi-racial country like Malaysia. "Sensitive issues and disharmony in society will only bring harm to the country," he added.

He said after 51 years, there was an understanding between the royal houses, leaders of all races and political parties in the country on the multi-racial character of the nation.

"This understanding is referred to as a social contract. It is to ensure that every race lives in harmony. The rights of every individual and race cannot not be taken away and at the same time Islam will remain the official religion of the country."

The Raja of Perlis said the role of the Malay royalty should be upheld as they had played the most significant role in defending the rights of the people. He said it was the responsibility of the royalty to ensure that everyone lived in harmony.

"Today, many individuals redefine the social contract in the Federal Constitution in their own narrow-minded way for personal objectives.

"I believe that if everyone understands that every individual of any race, should not be deprived of their rights, then the efforts of certain parties who think that the supremacy or rights should only be given to a particular race can be stopped," he said.

The ruler hoped that the contents of the Federal Constitution will be clearly understood by all, including the leaders of political parties.