Saturday, May 25, 2024

This song is for you, Nannan... wherever you are! (reprise)

Thanks for all the inspiration, bro.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Magical Fireflies ~ by Vincent Brady (repost)

Vincent Brady is a Missouri-based photographer who has magnificently captured the essence of what is so beautiful about the firefly. He has created a world, using long exposure photography, that unveils the comet-like trails of these luminous creatures...

With thanks to Olivia de Haulleville

[First posted 18 May 2014]

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

In Memoriam: ALTANTUYA SHAARIIBUU (reprise)

(From Asia Sentinel)

The Altantuya Murder Trial has dragged on aimlessly for a whole year with the anticipated effect that most spectators have dozed off in their seats. To anyone with more than half a brain cell in their skulls, it certainly appears that Malaysian Justice is as elusive as the legendary Big Foot. Especially in view of the latest postponement of the trial on the very day Dr Shaariibuu Setev, the murdered woman's father, arrived in Kuala Lumpur to look in on the so-called trial's progress (or lack thereof). As a result, Dr Setev has decided to return to Mongolia - after giving a press conference at which he stated that his government is on the verge of severing all ties with Malaysia. The fact that the Malaysian Prime Minister has failed to acknowledge and respond to a formal letter addressed to him from his Mongolian counterpart is an utterly deplorable and disgraceful lapse in manners and reflects very badly on all Malaysians.

As a Malaysian I'm absolutely embarrassed and appalled that such a blatant charade has been permitted to drag on and on for so long while everybody pussyfoots around the thorny question of the Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister's involvement in the whole sordid affair. A man who has long been under a thundercloud of suspicion - not only over spectacular irregularities in defense expenditures but also over the gruesome murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu - has been anointed as the next Prime Minister of Malaysia. This same man is on record as having unsheathed a keris during an Umno assembly in 1987 and called for Chinese blood! And yet the Malaysian media remain mute on the obscene grotesqueness of the situation.

By way of sincere apology to Dr Shaariibuu Setev and the Mongolian people, I dedicate this blogpost to the memory of a brave and beautiful woman who had the misfortune to fall into very bad company.

ANWAR TO NAJIB: "Nothing personal!"

(Courtesy of MalaysiakiniTV April 25 2007)

ANWAR TO NAJIB: "Explain photo with Altantuya Shaariibuu!"

(Courtesy of MalaysiakiniTV 29 June 2007)

Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has been asked to explain the claim made in a court testimonial today that he had been photographed with murdered Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu. PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim said it was all the more compelling for the deputy premier to explain since he had previously denied having met her.


(Courtesy of MalaysiakiniTV 24 April 2008)

All ties established between Mongolia and Malaysia may be severed if the courts do not reach a fair decision in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder trial. Altantuya's father, Dr Shaariibuu Setev, told a press conference that this has been communicated to the Malaysian government.

UITM student Adli Syahril's "modern issues" assignment - the murder scene (28 April 2007)


Day 10 of the Altantuya Trial (29 June 2007)

Altantuya Shaariibuu's cousin told the High Court here today that in August 2005, Abdul Razak Baginda and Altantuya were still having a relationship as they traveled to "Europe, France and Italy" together. Burmaa Oyunchimeg, also known as Amy, 26, in reply to a question from the prosecution, said Altantuya had shown her a photograph of her with Abdul Razak and Malaysian government officials. Later, when asked by Karpal Singh, who is holding a watching brief for Altantuya's family and the Mongolian government, Burmaa said the photograph was shown to her in Hongkong, on Altantuya's return from France.

Burmaa: There was a picture of Altantuya having a meal on a round table. Altantuya having a meal with Razak Baginda and Malaysian government officials and other people.

Karpal: Who were the government officials in the photograph?

Burmaa: Najib Razak. I remember the name Najib Razak. I remember Razak is the same name. I asked her (Altantuya) 'are they brothers' because they have same name.

[Originally posted 25 April 2008]

Sunday, May 19, 2024


Malaysiakini | 28 May 2009, 6:40pm

Former Kuala Lumpur CID chief Mat Zain Ibrahim, who was declared a bankrupt, has claimed that several 'powerful hidden hands' wanted to destroy his credibility.

And their reason for doing so - "to paralyse my capabilities and prevent me from giving evidence against Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail and Inspector-General of Police Musa Hassan for fabricating evidence in the Anwar Ibrahim 'black-eye' case."

In a statement emailed to all media organisations today, Mat Zain said his friends and relatives were wondering why his case, which is a non-issue and not worthy of publication, was given tremendous prominence by the media.

The issue was reported in the media today.

"I was just a common retired senior assistant commissioner II who went on optional retirement some eight years ago. I am not a member of any political party and have no intentions of being one.

"Surely you too are curious to know the reasons why the news on me had to be played up as such," he said.

"No ordinary person can influence the entire media (radio and TV) to run this sort of news simultaneously. I say with certainty there are very powerful hidden hands that wanted it so," he added.

The former CID chief was the investigating officer of the black-eye incident, and pledged that the probe was done "professionally without fear or favour."

On July 7 last year, Anwar filed a police report accusing Gani, Musa and one Dr Abdul Rahman Yusof and Mat Zain of falsifying a medical report.

The matter was also investigated by the then Anti-Corruption Agency (now renamed Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency).

Commenting on the corruption watchdog's probe, Mat Zain said: "My detailed statement was recorded no less than five times by the investigating officer."

"I made full disclosure and provided the MACC with documentary evidence which I believe,was more than sufficient to proof criminal wrongdoings on the part of Gani in particular," he added.

MACC board clears Gani and Musa

On March 1 this year, MACC chief Ahmad Said Hamdan (left) announced that a three-member independent panel appointed by the solicitor-general to scrutinise the investigation papers had cleared Gani and Musa of any criminal wrongdoings

"Ten days later, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Mohd Nazri Aziz repeated that Gani and Musa are both cleared of any wrongdoings except with regards to Gani, where one of the panel members dissented, leaving Dr Rahman’s and my position in jeopardy," said Mat Zain.

"In view of this, on April 15, I submitted my appeal to the chairman of the advisory board of MACC and extended copies of the same to all committee members as well as to the chairmen of the other panels, including all members of the select committee to review the above findings.

"I provided the members with detailed arguments and attached supporting documentary evidence that I believe would be sufficient to proof that Gani and Musa were involved and/or abetted in the falsification of the medical reports on Anwar and that they should not have been cleared.

"I have yet to receive any response from the board but believe it is still under their consideration," he added.

On May 5, Mat Zain said he followed up on his appeal and extended copies to the solicitor-general as well as to the solicitor-general II.

"Once again, I provided them with arguments and submissions which I believe could show that Gani not only falsified one medical report as alleged by Anwar, but three, with Musa believed to be involved in at least two of them. I hope this too is being looked into seriously," he said.

Pak Lah was not told the entire truth

Mat Zain also believes that former premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was never told the truth or the entire facts concerning the case.

Should the truth have been told, the former police officer was certain that Abdullah would have taken the appropriate action.

As for his bankruptcy case, Mat Zain said the notice was issued on April 21, 2009 while the order was issued on May 14.

"Why was it only publicised yesterday?" he asked. "I have reason to believe that the notice was obtained about a week after I filed my appeal to the MACC board on April 15 after Anwar vowed that he would provide a tough defence in the sodomy charge against him fixed to be heard beginning July 1."

"I have reasons to believe that the prosecution team anticipated that Anwar would certainly raise at a certain point of his trial the issue of fabrication of evidence in the black-eye case. My evidence would be vital at this stage. Their only option was to destroy my credibility," he said.

Although conceding that the news about his bankruptcy would affect him and his family, Mat Zain however said that he took it as a blessing in disguise.

"It would only enhance my resolve to disclose the whole truth of the 'black-eye' episode. Believe me, that this is not the only case the duo (Gani and Musa) had their fingers in. There are others which are as sensational. The truth shall prevail," he added.

With regards to the bankruptcy matter, Mat Zain said he has instructed his lawyer to look into the matter which came as a surprise to him "especially when I was never served personally of any notice of the hearing."

[First posted 28 May 2009]