Saturday, March 28, 2009
The 2012 Enigma (96 minutes duration)
Feeling anxious about everything that's been happening in your country in particular and the world in general? Wondering what's going to happen to Malaysia if the nefarious Najib Razak actually gets anointed as prime minister next week? Will the new Umno leadership succeed in its evil scheme to turn everyone into a greedy, bigoted, insecure, hypocritical, jingoistic, ignorant money-grubbing maggot so they can feel better about themselves? Well, it's worth taking time out (96 minutes) to listen to what David Wilcock has to say!
Program notes on The 2012 Enigma
1:35:47 | 10 March 2008
2012: Tragedy, transcension or just another year? David Wilcock exposes many great secrets: DNA, consciousness science, wormholes, stargate travel, sacred geometry, three-dimensional time, the Mayan Calendar and much, much more.
Part I: CONVERGENCE The Movie, consciousness energy field, Edgar Cayce reincarnation, Da Vinci Code, Inconvenient Truth, galactic alignment, dodecahedron, 2012 / DNA crop circles, sacred geometry as vibration, tetrahedron, 19.5 degrees
Part II: Hans Jenny / Cymatics, space and time inverting, wave-particle duality, Buckyballs / fullerenes, DNA as a wave, Kaznacheyev, psychic healing, Dewey Larson, 3D time, space-time fabric, time-space
Part III: Fairy circles, natural stargates, ESP, nested spheres, channeling, chakras, Pineal gland, Sumerian tablets, Osiris, kundalini, pine cone symbolism, Tammuz, Shiva, Third Eye, Bindi, Bacchus, Dionysus, Jesus, the Vatican
Part IV: Pyramid sarcophagus, cathedral windows, the World Tree, melatonin, DMT, ayahuasca, Dreams, Out of Body Experience, the Silver Cord Part V: Mark of the Beast, microclusters, synchronicity, shamanism, holographic sound, reverse-engineering the pineal gland, Dan Burisch, Project Looking Glass, CONTACT
Part VI: The Last Mimzy, the Roswell Crash, the Cube / Yellow Disc, Hellraiser, election tampering, pole shift, time-viewing technology, the Iraq War, DCTP / Doctrine of the Convergent Timeline Paradox, human-lineage ETs
Part VII: Tree of Life, Illuminati, Rothschilds, Hitler, New World Order, Lucifer, Luciferian philosophy, Catholic church, Philadelphia Experiment / Rainbow Project
Part VIII: Phoenix III, Montauk chair, time travel, Dec. 21, 2012, 20-year cycle, Stargate SG-1, Outer Band Individuated Teletracer / OBIT, The Outer Limits, Time Vector Generator / TVG, Mars pyramids, underground bases, jumproom, Total Recall, Minority Report, X-Men / Cerebro, Rifts in Time
Part IX: Forbidden Planet, psychic conduit, LSD trips, zero-time, 2012 dimensional shift, Edgar Cayce readings, Chandler’s Wobble, pole shift, Library of Atlantis / Hall of Records, California earthquakes
Part X: Create your own reality, 2012 not cataclysmic, Russian physics, Dr. Sergey Smelyakov / Auric Time Scale, Mayan Calendar, spiral imploding into 2012 changing consciousness, Ascended abilities, spiritual growth.
[This video was brought to my attention by Andrew Khor]
Madhatter's Letter to Malaysiakini
Madhatter | Mar 27, 09 4:55pm
I refer to the Malaysiakini report Najib has got himself a formidable team.
I don't agree with Ong Kian Ming's assertion that Najib has got himself a formidable team.
He must be joking. A formidable team for what?
None of the people including Najib Abdul Razak himself make much of a team let alone a formidable one. For a commentator who has the habit of getting things wrong, the writer is wrong again this time and if he thinks they will achieve any more than the previous team he is sadly mistaken. At least he is right in conceding he does not think they are a 'dream team.'
It is more likely this team is a 'nightmare team' that will cause more havoc.
When will Malaysians and commentators stop believing in myths? Did not Malaysians believe that Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was 'Mr Clean"? Yet this man lied through his teeth and insiders will tell you he ain't so nice and clean as his public image conveys. All you have to do is read his swan song speech and note the sarcasm and innuendos not to forget the crocodile tears.
‘I thank Dr Mahathir ..." For what? For his early retirement? There are those who will knife you in the front and there are those who will betray you with a kiss. 'Mr Clean' will do both so please spare us the myth.
The writer wrote of Muhyiddin: ‘Significantly, his own image, which is that of an Umno leader who is relatively clean can be put into good use if Najib is willing to walk the reform talk in his speech to the Youth, Wanita and Puteri wings.’ What utter rubbish! What is relatively clean? The difference of a couple of hundred million ringgit? Please spare us the character references.
And please stop dreaming that Najib will walk the talk. Don’t Malaysians ever learn? Still hoping that there will be reform it seems... if pigs can fly!
What those in the team lack which the writer failed to mention is credibility of character. They are the architects and builders of Umno's state of gloom and doom and why Umno is at the lowest ebb of its entire history.
Courtesy of the Korea Times
For the first time, Malaysia has a scandal-ridden cabinet team. The supreme leader is allegedly linked to a gruesome murder, another is a traitor to his former boss, one is a racist opportunist, another has been found guilty of money politics which is corruption and the only thing formidable about them all is their threat to the rule of law and the future of democracy in the country. Not the people you could expect to carry out reforms.
None of them who have been ministers has excelled in his portfolio and education is in a terrible mess.
Hishamuddin Hussein continues to be a keris-kisser. It is always easy for a scoundrel to hide behind the skirts of race because they have nothing else to boast about, that is why racist supremacists try to drag in their race by championing some racist cause. Leopards don't change their spots.
Khairy Jamaluddin was the one who was the de facto prime minister with his Fourth Floor formidable team or don't we remember? Ask Mahathir. Wasn't it a condition of Abdullah's political demise that his son-in-law stayed? How could anyone not see this when Ali Rustam was barred and the favoured son-in law got a reprieve to stand in these elections?
Muhyiddin and Ahmad Zahidi are not real leaders but opportunists who know how to back the winners. Malaysia will be in for a nightmare because this so-called ‘formidable’ team is really a ‘B Team’.
How can you trust those who did not win their posts fair and square, when the system is corrupt and skewed, and Umno members themselves have no respect for the winners? ‘Rasuah!’ they chanted and the writer would have us believe these guys won fair and square and are the cream of Umno?
Malaysia is able to have a real ‘dream team’ to lead the country but as long as you have these Umno-types who use every dirty trick in the book to stop the opposition and the rakyat from exposing their scams and corrupt ways, they will have to live with the nightmare.
So please spare us the hype. Even a dwarf will stand tall like a giant when you force everyone else to lie down and crawl on their bellies. Prepare for more formidable repression because this team has all the credentials of the destroyers of democracy.
Indeed, a formidable team against democracy, against reform, against decent governance - that I agree.
UMNO (1946-1988)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Times on the "Rape of Borneo"
Tribal peoples are fighting huge hydro-electric projects that are carving up the island's rainforest
The Sunday Times
March 15, 2009
Michael Sheridan, Kuching, Sarawak
THE ISLAND of Borneo, a fragile treasure house of rainforests, rare animals and plants, is under threat from plans for Chinese engineers to build 12 dams that will cut through virgin land and displace thousands of native Dayak people.
The government of the Malaysian state of Sarawak says the dams are the first stage of a “corridor of renewable energy” that will create 1.5m jobs through industries powered by safe, clean hydro-electricity.
Campaigners are furious but appear powerless in the face of a project they fear will compound the devastation wreaked on Borneo’s peoples and land by previous dam projects and the felling of its forests.
They point to the ruin caused by the levelling of millions of acres of trees for oil palm plantations to meet the world’s demand for biofuels.
The dams would slice across a vast sweep of Sarawak, a place where wisps of cloud cling to remote, tree-clad peaks, huge butterflies flit through the foliage and orang-utans, sun bears and leopards roam.
There is more than an ecological argument over the scheme. The initial contract has gone to the Chinese state-owned company that built the controversial Three Gorges dam – a project described by Dai Qing, the campaigning Chinese journalist, as “a black hole of corruption.”
Teams from the China Three Gorges Project Corporation are at work on the first of the 12 new dams at Murum, deep in the interior, from where Sarawak’s great rivers uncoil towards the South China Sea.
Tribal peoples are dazed and frightened, telling a visiting researcher last week that they had been ordered off their ancestral lands. Signs in Chinese were posted all over the project site.
No financial details or contracts have been publicly disclosed. Analysts in China say the work is likely to have been financed in part by a loan from a state institution.
Critics argue that Sarawak does not need more electricity. It produces a 20% surplus and there is as yet no cable to deliver power to peninsular Malaysia – which itself generates more energy than it needs.
Company records filed with the Malaysia stock exchange show that a big beneficiary of the policy is a firm whose shareholders and directors include the wife and family of Abdul Taib Mahmud, Sarawak’s chief minister.
Taib, 72, who drives around in a vanilla Rolls-Royce, is one of the richest and most powerful men in Malaysian politics. He also serves as Sarawak’s finance minister and planning minister.
The family-owned firm, Cahya Mata Sarawak, has interests in cement, construction, quarrying and road building. It has signed a memorandum of understanding with Rio Tinto, the London-listed mining group, to build a “world class” aluminium smelter that will get its electricity from a dam at Bakun.
The Bakun dam, a separate project due to be completed by 2011, has already displaced an estimated 10,000 indigenous people, leading to bitter legal battles and a chorus of dismay from economists about cost overruns.
Malaysia’s reinvigorated opposition is now campaigning against what it calls “crony capitalism”, helping hitherto powerless tribal peoples to challenge in the courts land grabs and cheating.
For all that, it may be too late to save the natural bounty of Borneo itself. Orphaned orang-utans, piteously holding the outstretched hands of their human saviours, are the most conspicuous symbols of its fragility.
Divided between Malaysia and Indonesia, with Brunei occupying a tiny enclave in the north, Borneo’s riches have ensured its plunder.
One reason is the voracious world demand for timber. The other is the fashion for biofuels made from palm oil. Almost half of Borneo’s rainforests have been cut down. Two million acres have vanished every year as trees are felled, the wood sold and the land turned over to oil palms.
The greatest plunderer of all was Indonesia’s late dictator, Suharto, who doled out timber concessions to generals and cronies during his 32 years in power.
Now the central government in Jakarta is winning praise for a determined crackdown that has slowed the rate of illegal logging.
However, much of Indonesian Borneo is already laid waste. Enormous fires cast a perpetual pall of toxic haze, making Indonesia the world’s third largest greenhouse gas polluter after China and the United States.
“Green gold”, or palm oil, poses an even more insidious threat because it promises prosperity and development to the numerous poor of Borneo – along with immense rewards for the elites.
The vegetable oil comes from crushed palm husks. Long used for cooking, cosmetics and soap, it has now become a principal source of biodiesel fuel.
Malaysia and Indonesia produce about 85% of the world’s supply of palm oil – most of it on Borneo.
The price of this apparently environment-friendly fuel is high. Its damage far outweighs its benefits, according to a recent international study published in the journal Conservation Biology.
One of the research team, Emily Fitzherbert of the Zoological Society of London, concluded that oil palm as a biofuel was “not a green option.”
John Anthony Paul, a Dayak notable in Sarawak, explained it another way: “There’s a stench from the palm oil mill close to my longhouse. There’s a huge quantity of slurry and sludge. Our water is deteriorating. Many fish disappear and there are more floods. Pesticides leach into our soil. The insects start to change, so the pollination changes and so does the quality of our fruits and crops. It’s unsustainable.”
Resistance is growing. Last week two Dayaks walked for four hours, carrying their sharp-edged parangs, or blades, to meet me near a cluster of huts housing Chinese dam workers.
The scene was Bengoh, a place so wild, flower-strewn and lovely that it would have made a tourist poster were it not for the grumble of construction noise and the gouged earth.
The Dayaks are being forced out of their villages because engineers from SinoHydro, a second Chinese contractor, are building yet another dam to improve the water supply to Kuching, capital of Sarawak.
“We are 28 families, in our village since our ancestors,” said Simo Anakbekam, 48. “The government says we must leave. We want them to recognise our rights to our land.”
The state government says it has offered adequate compensation plus resettlement to new homes with better jobs, health and education.
However, most people in Simo’s village just want to move higher up their familiar mountainside and cannot understand why they must depart for the hot, marshy lowlands.
It turned out to be an example of legal coercion with the familiar echo of “crony capitalism.” Armed with eviction orders, the dam builders told the Dayaks their presence might contaminate the new water supply.
However, lawyers for the villagers found draft plans for the Bengoh dam – drawn up, the documents state, with input from Halcrow, the British consultancy firm – which reveal that unnamed investors plan to build two resorts on the site.
The Dayaks are now fighting for better compensation and the right to stay in the area.
All over Sarawak, tribal people have lost their ancestral lands to similar gambits. “They don’t know that this thing is coming until they hear the sound of the bulldozers,” said See Chee How, a lawyer and civil rights activist.
It is worse deep in the northeast interior, where logging, palm oil and dams threaten the existence of the Penan, a nomadic tribe. Last week a British researcher for Survival International, the campaign group, found people running short of food.
“They hunt but go for weeks at a time without finding a single animal. Fish are also scarce, because the logging silts up the rivers. Sago is becoming more and more difficult to find,” said the researcher, who asked not to be named.
“One old man told me that the changes could be seen in the bodies of the young people, who were thinner and weaker than the people of his generation. The Penan asked me again and again to get news of their plight to the outside world.”
The ravishing of Borneo – its peoples, animals and the land itself – has roots in the past. But there may be a remedy, too.
Sarawak led a romantic, isolated existence under the “white rajahs” of the Brooke dynasty, whose adventurous founder, James Brooke, established himself in 1848 as an absolute ruler. His heirs held power until 1946.
The Brookes disdained the British empire’s commerce and industry, seeking to preserve a noble Dayak culture in all its splendour.
They established native customary rights by which district officers recorded land tenure as a way to stop headhunting wars among the Dayaks. The rajahs also granted leases and published an official gazette.
Malaysian courts have upheld cases based on such documents and now a hunt is on for letters folded away in longhouses and yellowing copies in archives in Britain. For many in faraway Sarawak, it may be their only hope of justice.
[Several images courtesy of Bruno Manser Fonds]
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