Friday, June 7, 2019

Why the Deliberate Trashing of Planet Earth? ~ by Zen Gardner

"Entropy" by Alexiuss

Ultimately those who awaken invariably come up against the big question: why would the so-called “elite” self-appointed rulers of this planet bring the house down around their own ears?

Don’t they get irradiated, chemtrailed and ultimately modified like the rest of us? Aren’t their children in peril just like ours?

Underground bunkers or not, the rapid deterioration of our environment is leading toward a dead planet if their machinations aren’t halted some time very soon.

What these manipulators are up to is not life giving, it is death dealing. For humanity and all of nature. Why would anyone/anything do such a thing? To answer that, people first need to realise that that’s what they’re doing. Deliberately trashing our planet.

Utter Insanity

It’s beyond our comprehension how these entities think and operate because of the difference in vibrational understanding.

To us, they’re insane; to them, we’re dumb sheep. Someone said the reptilians told them to trash the environment but don’t worry, their greys will restore everything. Neat little package, but it always makes me wonder since they’re doing exactly that, trashing the place.

"Good versus Evil" by Saibel

The oceans are being deliberately killed off. The Macondo oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico never ended. It’s still gushing oil and other toxic elements which work their way around the gulf and then take the Atlantic current up the US coast and over to Europe, screwing that whole system up. What did they expect would happen when you drill miles down into a known volcanic undersea region? And oil leaks and spills continue worldwide with hardly a mention any more. To then spray the banned dispersant Corexit over the area so it wouldn’t look so bad, further killing off sea life and dangerously toxifying the entire region is even further insanity.

Sewage and waste, much of which won’t decompose for centuries, is flooded into the seas and tributaries in gargantuan amounts. On top of that the US Navy is “experimenting” with huge algae blooms that starve sea life of oxygen and disturb the natural life-cycles of the sea, while they’re also playing with sonic warfare equipment that also results in mass fish and other sea life die-offs.

Add chemtrails to the mix now, and weather manipulation and earthquake induction. How about genetic modification of just about anything that’s alive. To top it off, the irradiation of our planet - from hundreds of atom bomb tests, reactor meltdowns and even medical and so-called security usage. Remember, Fukushima, like the Macondo well, is still spewing, and our atmosphere and oceans are getting massive amounts of radiation. With hundreds of reactors reaching deterioration point and a mad world on the verge of a nuclear holocaust, the outlook is, what you might say, a little tenuous.

That’s the state of our home. The planet on which we live.

Feeding Off Accelerated Entropy

 At the very least, these manipulative forces imposing their schemes upon the Earth and her inhabitants are an utterly anti-creative force, a form of relative darkness that feeds off of the entropic breakdown they engineer and exacerbate. Instead of the magnificent creative growing complex force of life, entropy is the breakdown of organized structures into lower, simpler forms which in turn releases energy.

In Nature this happens as living forms decay, giving off heat and water vapor and replenishing the soil with nutrients for the next cycle of growth of living, wonderfully complex organisms. All natural.

Engineering entropy is another thing. While harnessing a river’s energy via electric generators may seem innocent enough, the by-product of man’s actions are cumulative. Damming up the world’s rivers has changed the natural flow and distribution of water. Drilling for oil to burn and mining massive amounts of other natural resources is changing the make up of the Earth’s interior and the balance of nature as well. Asphalting and paving the surface of the Earth is literally turning the world inside out. That cannot bode well.

This entropic reduction for power can be dramatically seen in an atomic explosion, which only results in death, destruction and the lingering of deadly radiation for many hundreds of years. Other forms of massive energy releases such as other weapons of war are using entropy for power and control. Fluoridating our water, chemtrailing our skies and altering our food are other forms of this.

Besides organic and even inorganic structures breaking down unnaturally, these and other toxins and drugs are making humanity stupid and dazed - chemically lobotomized and unable to function properly.

In addition, our geo-engineered skies are also precipitating increased methane releases, more entropic breakdowns, that seriously threaten our planet’s very existence. EMFs from cell masts, GWEN towers and massive antenna arrays such as HAARP further break down the natural magnetic resonance of the planet, ourselves and everything on it.

The entire biodiversity of the planet is shrinking drastically as plant and animal species are disappearing at an exponential rate. All a designed breakdown to harvest energy and bring the planet to a lower vibrational state.

Who is behind all this?

New World Order

This is where it becomes apparent who is engineering all of this. We’re dealing with a force not natural to our environment, something we often call other worldly that exists in another dimension and seeks to transform and take over the world we inhabit. It is not only from another plane of existence, it is parasitic in nature and seeks the complete subjugation of our planet and our species.

Ultimately It’s psycho-spiritual Vampirism. Similar to the chemical and biological programs, breaking down the human spirit for psychic energy harvesting is another exercise in entropy. This is the big one, their drug of choice. We know that the entities that guide and motivate the dark rulers of this world feed off of fear, violence, pain, suffering and even death. For them the more heightened the intensity, the better, which is why drugs, perverted sex, human sacrifice and energy-sucking satanic rituals are so madly pursued by these dark energy vampires.

During recent years, the saturation of the film and television industries, literature, the press, comic books and the Internet by vampires and zombies and ‘the living dead’ has their signature all over it.

The breakdown in society’s complexity and the cultural variety of the planet has always been important to them. Our natural tendency as conscious beings is to love and care for each other, unite in cause and purpose for the betterment of all. This creative force generates spiritual awareness and empowerment and re-creation, like crystals spontaneously growing beautiful fractal structures as consciousness taps into infinite potential.

That sinister forces and entities have always fought against this for the empowerment of unseen energy/control freaks has been our planet’s plight for hundreds of thousands of years.

Our connection to infinite, conscious creative awareness is diametrically opposed to the world they come from. While we revel in empathy, compassion and love they have no such affinity. It is not just foreign to them, but anathema.

Their cold, calculated realm runs purely on self gratification, which extends from sexual lust to the perverted ecstasy of having control over the lives of others. It is two-dimensional. They wish they had what we have, but wouldn’t know what to do with it anyway. That is why they fear and hate us. They know the only control they can have over a superior consciousness is fear, which shuts off our connection to Source.

Where the Hell are we?

Is this planet a playing field, designed to see who wakes up and who doesn’t? Are the unawakened destined to constantly recycle into this strange arena called Earth until they get the point, wake up and make an effort to help get this planet on its true track of conscious awareness and a society based on love and co-operation?

You can see why the custodial religions have a field day with this. People want to know, they want these question answered. Even if it’s only a belief, they want to lay it to rest. Unfortunately they play right into the controllers’ hands when they do so.

“Back to sleep now. Don’t want you to ask too many questions.”

Even the dualism we see being played out is part of the game. While there is a struggle between what we call light and dark forces, these dualities we see being played out at different levels are illusions, distractions from the core principle of life - conscious awareness.


There are a lot of very interesting theories as to what’s really going on here. Knowing there are infinite parallel worlds at play makes it all the more absorbing. Our particular 3-D theatre is quite macabre at the moment and about to get a lot worse if and when these entities unleash the big stuff. That there’s an ongoing ascension of the awakened could be true at some level, but last I checked I’m still here.

However, things are shifting vibrationally and continue to shift, so it should be exciting wherever we’re headed. If there is a cavalry to be sent in, it sure should have happened a LONG time ago. Don’t hold your breath - this is up to us. That’s how they got away with it, by continually berating and intimidating humanity via lies and deception. The enforcement trip is mainly a ruse, as there’s no way they could stop all of humanity if we all rose up to throw them out. The problem is centuries of dumbing down, physical weakening and spirit breaking.

That we’re being terraformed for habitation by an alien life form isn’t that far-fetched to me. Those who’ve yielded to and carried out the programs of these parasitic entities are clearly no longer human by the natural, spiritual definition, so they are carving out their own hell to say the least, no matter the expense to the races that populate the planet.

One thing for sure: knowing the realities outlined above will help us find an answer to our current predicament. But much more profound than that, discovering and awakening to the infinite true nature of who we really are is the ongoing solution to it all. From there everything makes sense. We may not have every answer to every individual question, but we know what’s important. And that’s important:

Stay awake and aware, conscious and acting accordingly. We do our part first and foremost; Universe will lead us one step at a time.

Enjoy the ride!

Zen Gardner
April 30, 2013

[Brought to my attention by Michael Dean. First posted 11 June 2013. When I clicked on Zen Gardner's website to check if the link was still good, I was saddened to learn that he was the target of a ferocious shill media attack a few years ago which forced him to drop abruptly from public view. This is typically how the hyenas who label themselves "newshounds" deal with anyone shedding light in extremely dark places.]