Things have been happening fast and thick. Exactly a year ago Malaysian voters were looking forward to witnessing Pakatan Rakyat take over the federal government and Anwar Ibrahim's installation as our 7th prime minister. But the utterly partisan Election Commission deemed otherwise & Barisan Najis remains in power, even with only 47% of the votes. Anwar's former-mentor-turned-nemesis Dr M then stirred up some racial & religious shit through his ultra-rightwing fascist proxies, further polarizing the nation. And now, Najib is poised to step down to make way for the return of the reptilian Mahathir dynasty...
At least that what Mahathir hopes. But that's not how it's going to pan out. Why am I convinced this won't happen? Very simple - dishonesty can never triumph over honesty, just as cowardice will never gain traction over courage. In the same way, a political coalition founded on lies, arrogance, avarice, abuse of power and deception will eventually collapse under the weight of its own negative karma. It is absolutely inevitable - and I reckon 5 May 2013 marked the moment when Umno/BN was forced to concede that Pakatan Rakyat has won the hearts and minds of an overwhelming majority of Malaysian voters.
Not even a million phantoms or airfreighted instant citizens can save Umno/BN now. It's too late, guys, the rakyat is on to your game. Just put down your toy guns, hold up your hands, and walk slowly out the door. We promise we'll be understanding and lenient with you - so long as you fully cooperate and return whatever you've stolen from us and apologize profusely. We'll give you a chance to shout "Reformasi!"... after you've rid yourselves of the entire corrupt and cynical Old Guard.
Over the past 6 years since Umno/BN lost its precious 2/3 parliamentary majority, instead of looking deeply and honestly into their own conscience, they chose to spend hundreds of millions in a propaganda war - thinking it's all "a matter of perception." It's like a bunch of robbers dashing into a nearby tailor shop when the burglar alarm goes off - and emerging minutes later looking like respectable captains of industry in the hope that the cops will be fooled and immediately offer to escort them wherever they wish to go. Well, you can fool some cops some of the time; but some time some cop will turn out to be honest and smart - and he will blow his whistle and reinforcements will arrive and frogmarch the whole lot of these impostors to jail.
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Malaysian Spring: neutralizing the Barisan Najis blues (Lai Seng Sin/AP) |
A few weeks ago I had a surprise visit from an old acquaintance who has a habit of showing up unexpectedly once every four or five years. This time he had brought a few friends along - two guys and a pretty young woman whose aura of mystery was particularly appealing. Turns out she was marketing specialized communications and surveillance equipment - and her biggest client was the Malaysian Secret Police.
I should have guessed as much when she declared she had no issue with a Pakatan Rakyat federal government - but she was dead set against the idea of Anwar Ibrahim becoming prime minister.
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Anwar Ibrahim: true reformers are always persecuted (The Malaysian Insider) |
That jolted me to full alertness. Nobody gets away with slagging off Anwar without my attempting to turn them around or deleting them from my virtual contacts. To me, Anwar Ibrahim isn't merely less obnoxious compared to Mahathir and Najib; to me, Anwar was destined to play a very important and necessary role in the ongoing evolution of Malaysia as a young nation.
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Anwar Ibrahim: brains, ideals & charisma |
That was perhaps the best thing that ever happened to him.
Coming back to my friend the Malaysian "Altantuya" who hobnobs with secret policemen. I asked her why she had such a negative impression of Anwar; did she know him personally and for how long? Her answer was no, she had never met the man - but she had heard enough from her secret police contacts to convince her that Anwar was a very dangerous man.
Dangerous? How so? Anwar has close ties with the Zionist Illuminati, she said. If he becomes PM he will sell Malaysia to the Ashkenazi Jew banking bloodlines like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. That's right... that's exactly what Mahathir and Daim Zainuddin told the Umno Supreme Council back in 1997 when Anwar, as finance minister, proposed that Malaysia abide by IMF guidelines and allow mismanaged corporations to go belly up. It so happens that all the bankrupt enterprises were the direct result of Razak Hussein's infamous New Economic Policy - an excuse to create a new breed of instant Bumiputra millionaires (there were probably no billionaires in Malaysia back in the early 1970s).
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Umno mafia don: former finance minister Daim Zainuddin |
I bet she had no idea Taib Mahmud's insane ambition to convert Borneo's 120-million-year old rainforests into cold cash, camouflaged as a long-term plan to construct 20 dams in Sarawak ("to bring development to the natives") is being underwritten by Goldman Sachs - who are as Zionist Illuminati as they come.
As far as I'm concerned every political figure with the potential to become a national leader is closely watched by the Archons. They're always on the lookout for new blood, these vampire bloodlines. Lee Kuan Yew has been on the guest list at Bilderberg Conferences at least once. And so has Mahathir. Maybe in the case of Mahathir they quickly sussed that he wasn't worth inviting back.
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Anunnaki Tree of Life: it all began in E.din |
At the very highest echelons of power there are no national boundaries and few tribal prejudices, if any. It's mostly about genetics. In the old days the qualities deemed worth cultivating were cold-blooded calculation, ruthless ambition, sophisticated guile, and a ferociously competitive ego. These days, the younger Archons have begun to appreciate the value of what they call "emotional intelligence" and the ability to cooperate and harmonize.
What catalyzed this radical change in approach and perspectives was their realization that unless they clear up the karmic mess their predecessors left behind, they themselves were doomed to go around in ever narrowing circles ad infinitum - until at some point they would simply cease to exist. There was absolutely no way out of this superlabyrinth - except through activating the heart chakra and attaining Christ-like compassion and Buddha-like wisdom. That's right, folks - they would have to recalibrate their own spiritual consciousness and realign it with universal values of compassion, empathy and all-inclusive love. Only then could they achieve their own redemption and reintegration with the whole of existence.
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Malaysian Special Branch commandos in Sabah |
The Malaysian Secret Police desperately need to update their training manuals, which mostly date back to the Cold War when Communism was the biggest bogeyman. In any case, it was obvious that this attractive but impressionable young woman had been fed a diet of Mahathirist propaganda by her buddies in the Special Branch - who had, in turn, been brainwashed by the Evil Mamak himself (although how he achieved this I would really like to know).
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Pink-lipped poltroon |
Those who cling to ambitions of becoming "VVIPs" will find themselves laughing stocks. Their accumulated loot will turn worthless overnight. Notions of centralized power and authoritarian control (such as tinpot despots are prone to embrace with megalomaniacal fervor) will be discredited and become ineffectual.
Whether we label it Big Brotherism or Mahathirism or the New World Order, it's going to rapidly unravel and be exposed as just another banal manifestation of myopic evil. The real value is to be found in the fully conscious individual. The state will exist for one purpose only, that is to serve, nurture, cultivate and celebrate the glory and magnificence of every self-realized Individual - whether human or more-than-human.
How long is this process expected to take? I don't know - and I doubt it's useful to attempt to put a time frame around it. However, I have a feeling it has already happened - but inertia and force of habit prevent us from noticing. Bear in mind that evolutionary quantum shifts don't occur overnight. This one has been in the making for at least 26,000 years.
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Galactic events: Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy being consumed by our own (PennStateScience) |