Thursday, July 19, 2018

With friends like "Pink-Lipped Pussy-Licker"... who needs Anwar? (repost)

This is the umpteenth time since 26 July 2006 thieves have stolen sections of phone cable, thereby depriving me of internet access for days on end. And so I have been unable to respond speedily to comments left on my blogpost titled "The Crumbling Empire Strikes Back."

One in particular from "NSTman" I found so imbecilic and pedestrian, I either had to delete it so it won't leave my blog stinking of unwashed feet... or respond to it with as much compassion as I can possibly muster (I have to admit, folks, that ever since that pathetic Potatohead Gestapoman posing as a "home minister" named Syed Hamid Albar decided to transfer RPK to Kamunting, I have been growing increasingly intolerant of Umno's very existence. This is one party that deserves to be clinically eliminated like an incurable case of halitosis; and the way they have been deliberately provoking Hindraf supporters is nothing short of political pornography).

Before I began to deconstruct NSTman's spam-like comment, I figured I should check his credentials, if any. So I looked up his Blogger profile... and discovered he's actually a professional cunnilinguist masquerading as a journalist.

Some of my best friends are cunnilinguists - and I must say I'm partial to the occasional serving of young, succulent pussy myself - but I'm rather selective when it comes to "sexual acts against the natural order." I prefer my shrimps dried in the sun, pounded with chili, and fried in oil - not right up my nostrils. I've also discovered that eating strange pussy is a great deal more stimulating than dining on close family members. When it comes right down to cunnilingus, familiarity often breeds apathy. But I'm digressing here.

When I visted NSTman's blog, this is what I found...

That's right, folks, it was a fake blog. Not a single entry to be found. And he lists his email address as (for the uninitiated, that means "smelly cunt" in Cantonese). So, that's it... the remarkable profile of a BN cybertrooper!

Oh, but wait a minute... NSTman operates a second blog called... Pussy Licker! And his first and only post, dated 21 October 2008, is headed: "I yam what I yam... a pussy licker." How's that for ingenuity and blistering wit?

Let's go straight to the anti-Anwar comment NSTman left on my last blogpost, shall we? I shall resist the temptation to tweak NSTman's wobbly grammar and syntax. His comment appears in green italics...
Malaysians in general and the Western media in particular would make a hero out of Anwar Ibrahim even if he is defiant of the law.
Defiant of what law? Umno's?
Is Anwar above the law or does he thinks he is above the law? Is he to be treated differently from other ordinary Malaysians? What makes he thinks he has immunity from being issued with an order to present himself at the police station for questioning? Are they not just excuses to provoke the police to arrest him so we Malaysians can make a hero out of him.
For a moment there I thought you were talking about Najib. He's defler who behaves like he's above the law and refuses to subject himself to being called up as a witness in the Altantuya murder trial. I bet if Rosmah, Najib, and Musa Safri (their ADC) are subpoenaed as key witnesses their presence will greatly enliven the proceedings in court. In any case, Anwar has bent over backwards to cooperate with the police - even though the entire world views the grotesque sodomy accusations as a flat-footed and pea-brained plot to sabotage his promising political career.
He is no Nehru, Ghandi or Mendela. If he had been selfless and as noble as those three gentlemen I would have great respect and sympathy for him, but he is not. His thirst for power has passed the threshold of decency, it's pure greed and self-glorification.
Nehru and Gandhi are dead heroes - and dead heroes don't have armpit odors, nor do they suffer from scrotal itch (even if, as human beings, they probably did). If you were part of the British colonial government of India, you might have had entirely different perceptions of both these defiant freedom-fighters. Indeed, you might even have accused them of "unnatural sex acts" and attempted to arrest them under the ISA. As for Mandela, who spent 27 years in prison, I doubt he had much choice in the matter. Anwar was in Sungai Buloh for 6 years - short 21 years to qualify him as "selfless and noble" by South African standards. What I'm saying is: we tend to overlook and dismiss the authentic heroes in our midst and glorify those long dead or operating a safe distance away.
Many Malaysians still can't see through this man and where he is taking this country to. His dramatic and dreadful display of playing the victim to rile up his supporters into a frenzy has been his trade mark since his ABIM days. He has no respect for the democratic process, he glorifies demonstrations, intimidation and coercion as the right process to demolish an elected government.
NSTman, in a real democracy, governments come and go. In Malaysia we've had to put up with BN since 1957. Being an impassioned and inspired orator means you know how to stir up the crowd and imprint your vision on the collective imagination. Just because BN has never produced an equally charismatic leader doesn't make Anwar Ibrahim a freak. He's simply very good at his job and extremely determined to fulfil his destiny as a non-Umno PM. And I'll tell you something, Mr NSTman:

Whenever I hear Anwar or any of the Pakatan Rakyat leaders speak, I invariably feel energized and optimistic. But when any of the Umno flers opens his mouth, I feel the unmistakable pull of gravity - these Umno idiots are a bunch of myopic, robotic, self-serving wet blankets and they drive decent folk to utter despair with their abysmal stupidity compounded by intolerable arrogance.
The government may be corrupted, useless and led by a lame-duck prime minister but, what's the hell, the people had made their choice.
What brainless crap are you spewing, bro? For decades BN was such an overpowering political force most folks had long given up on ever reducing its two-thirds majority. What happened on March 8th, 2008, exceeded all expectations - even the political pundits were stunned by the massive scale of the voters' anger at BN - and their willingness to take a chance with what had for too long been an enfeebled Opposition. True, BN managed to retain control of the federal government, but only because the entire election was rigged in its favor to begin with. They simply did not expect such a huge vote swing. The barricades BN erected were in anticipation of a 12-foot wave - what actually hit them was more like a 60-foot killer that swept away their entire bag of dirty tricks. If not for the Sabah and Sarawak voters, BN would now be the Opposition.
We have rightly or wrongly, put our fate in a government we chose and change if we had to, must be through the democratic process, unless Anwar Ibrahim sees it fit to start a rebellion against the government, which he is trying hard to do by arousing the sentiments of his supporters, to create civil disorder, which may and can lead to general chaos or even rioting.
The only ones who might be tempted to "create civil disorder" are the sore losers in Umno. What has Khir Toyo been plotting with Utusan Malaysia? Who's been hurling badly-made Molotov cocktails - DAP rowdies? Most thinking Malaysians have been against BN from way back when. The last time Umno was cut down to size, May 13 was sparked off to precipitate an artificial state of emergency: the election results were declared null and void, martial law was imposed, Tunku was nudged out, and Razak and his fellow conspirators in Umno took over as the National Operations Council. Still trying to fool us, are you?
Just go to any of the popular blogs in this country and see for yourself the kind of comments his supporters and blogs that support him make. He has become a cult figure to them. Any negative comment on Anwar would turn them into wild animals ready to jump on you and tear you to pieces. These are people who speaks about democracy and clean government but can only behaved in most uncivilised manner. It wouldn't be my wild imagination how scary it would be to put thousands of his diehard supporters on the streets.

Anwar can't help being seen by many as our only real hope for reform. Have you ever heard Najib, Ku Nan, Mukhriz, Khir Toyo (or, for that matter, Tengku Razaleigh) yelling "REFORMASI!"?
Does Anwar cares whatever going to happen to this peaceful nation. I think he wouldn't give a damn as long as he can gain power, by hook or by crook.
Turn that question around: does Umno give a flying fuck about the rakyat? They're only interested in doing what they've been doing since Mahathir took over - stuff their own pockets and build grandiose monuments to their inflated egos. Yeah, and wouldn't Umno love the idea of staying in power another 50 years - by foul means if necessary?
Anwar's deleterious way will be his downfall again.
I have to say this straight to your face, NSTman. You're such a big fat zero the only way you can feel important is to play lapdog to some old-style Grand Panjandrum like Mahathir or his political proxy, Najib. The only blog you list on your blogroll happens to be Rockys Bru - a fellow Mahathirite turned Najibian. Looking at your profile pic (left), I'm beginning to wonder if you might be defler who calls himself "Big Dog" and who hero-worships former IGP Rahim Noor?

Hey, NSTman aka Pussy Licker, you want a great big dollop of pussy? Why don't you invite yourself over to dinner at Rosmah's? I'm sure Pink Lips wouldn't mind. He likes to watch. What's more, you both share the same initials... Pussy Licker, Pink Lips, hee hee hee!

[First published 24 October 2008, reposted 5 October 2011]

EARTH: Paradise or Prison Planet? (reprise)

While it may appear that the "Zionists" have much to gain from America's new-era military adventurism, the truth is that the faction with the biggest vested interest in destabilizing the planetary equilibrium are the Zeta-Drako-Zephelium Confederacy who time-traveled to current Earth's 18th century to install a "Frequency Fence" designed to thwart humans from evolving into conscious multidimensionality before and after 2012 - when the next opportunity to transcend the dense-matter spacetime loop will occur.

In our remote future, circa 4300 CE, the Z-D-Z's are already colonial masters of a totally mind-controlled, microchipped humanity who worship them as living gods. That's right, this "possible Future Earth" is a virtual prison planet - exactly as envisioned in The Matrix.

However, in the late 1980s, more than 8% of the human population began reintegrating their "missing" DNA strands and this resulted in millions across the planet experiencing more vivid dreams, intuitive impulses, and life-changing glimpses beyond the 3D Veil.

Within a generation, the human tribes would have permanently released themselves from the insidious scenario whereby they would meekly allow the Zeta-Drako-Zephelium Confederacy to hijack their evolution and turn them into automatons. The elitist "Secret Government" and its covert operations would be exposed and true mental and spiritual autonomy would at last become a possibility on this planet.

In the event that humanity successfully catches the meta-galactic evolutionary wave that peaks from 2012-2017, the prison planet Earth of 4300 AD will dissolve as a possible reality and all entities trapped in that nightmare automatically released into the heavenly reality option of Gaia-Sophia, the Earth's higher harmonic planetary blueprint which exists in Harmonic Universe 2-3 (we are currently in Harmonic Universe 1).

The Zeta-Drako-Zephelium Conspiracy would be a complete failure and those destructive entities would be compelled to go back to the end of the evolutionary queue and give up their parasitic tendencies.

Perpetual conflict on earth generates a high level of pain and panic - and effectively destroys the ecosystem. Only when humans are in harmony with nature can we evolve into the subtler (heavenly) realms. That's why the human agents of the Zeta-Drako-Zephelium Agenda are hellbent on wreaking maximum havoc in the 3rd Dimension at this juncture.

Do not buy into the Fear and Panic they are generating in order to hijack your spiritual destiny. Instead, stay centered in compassion, trust, and inner joy. All will be well that ends well.

At the Goddess Gaia-Sophia's Sacred Service,

Galactic Agent Antares

[Written 14 April 2003. First posted 1 September 2008, reposted 18 November 2013]