Saturday, December 7, 2024

The Rise of Putin & The Fall of The Russian-Jewish Oligarchs (repost)

Published on 20 Oct 2013

A film by Alexander Gentelev

[First posted 20 January 2015. Reposted 12 December 2016]


To better understand why events such as September 11, 2001 are allowed to happen, one can look all the way back to December 1941. On the evening of December 5, 1941, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the president of the United States, received a message intercepted by the U.S. Navy. Sent from Tokyo to the Japanese embassy in Washington, the message was encrypted in the top-level Japanese "purple code." But that was no problem. The Americans had cracked the code long before that. It was imperative that the president see the message right away because it revealed that the Japanese, under the heavy pressure of Western economic sanctions, were terminating relations with the United States. Roosevelt read the thirteen-part transmission, looked up and announced, "This means war." He then did a very strange thing for a president in his situation: NOTHING.

On December 6, 1941, at a Cabinet meeting, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox said, "Well, you know Mr. President, we know where the Japanese fleet is." "Yes, I know" said FDR. " I think we ought to tell everybody just how ticklish this situation is. We have information... Well, you tell them what it is, Frank", said FDR. Knox became very excited and said, "Well, we have very secret information that the Japanese fleet is out at sea. Our information is..." and then a scowling FDR cut him off.

The very next day, Pearl Harbor was attacked.

The Japanese declaration of war never reached the people who needed to hear it the most, Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, commander in chief of the United States Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and the unit's commanding general, Walter Short. Pearl Harbor, it was common military knowledge, was where the Japanese would strike. If they struck. At dawn the next morning a Japanese squadron bombed Pearl Harbor and the surprise attack was just that, a complete surprise to Kimmel and Short and the 2,575 American servicemen who died. It was not a surprise to FDR, Generals George C. Marshall, Leonard T. Gerow, Admirals Harold R. Stark and Richmond Kelly Turner. They were the military's top brass in Washington and the only officers authorized to forward such sensitive intelligence to outlying commanders. But the decoded war declaration did not reach Kimmel and Short until after the attack was well underway off in the Pacific.

Internal army and navy inquiries in 1944 held Stark and Marshall derelict of duty for keeping the Hawaiian commanders in the dark. But the military buried those findings. As far as the public knew, the final truth was uncovered by the Roberts Commission, headed by Justice Owen Roberts of the Supreme Court, and convened eleven days after the attack. Like the Warren commission headed by a Supreme Court justice on a different topic more than twenty years later, the Roberts Commission appeared to have identified its culprits in advance and gerrymandered its inquiries to make the suspects appear guilty. The scapegoats were Kimmel and Short, who were both publicly crucified, forced to retire, and denied the open hearings they desired. One of the Roberts Commission panelists, Admiral William Standley, would call Roberts's performance "crooked as a snake."

There were eight investigations of Pearl Harbor altogether. The most spectacular was a joint House-Senate probe that reiterated the Roberts Commission findings. At those hearings, Marshall and Stark testified, incredibly, that they could not remember where they were the night the war declaration came in. But a close friend of Frank Knox, the secretary of the Navy, later revealed that Knox, Stark, and Marshall spent most of that night in the White House with Roosevelt, awaiting the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the chance for America to join World War II.


A widespread cover-up ensued. A few days after Pearl Harbor, reports historian John Toland, Marshall told his top officers, "Gentlemen, this goes to the grave with us." General Short once considered Marshall his friend, only to learn that the chief of staff was the agent of his frame-up. Short once remarked that he pitied his former pal because Marshall was the only general who wouldn't be able to write an autobiography. There were multiple warnings of the Pearl Harbor attack concealed from the commanders at Pearl Harbor. The Winds Code was perhaps the most shocking. That was an earlier transmission, in a fake weather report broadcast on a Japanese short-wave station. It was "east wind, rain." The Americans already knew that this was the Japanese code for war with the United States. The response of top U.S. military officials? To deny that the "winds" message existed and to attempt to destroy all records of its reception. But it did exist. And it was received.

Completely apart from the cloak and dagger of cryptography, the Australian intelligence service, three days before the attack, spotted the Japanese fleet of aircraft carriers heading for Hawaii. A warning went to Washington where the spin by Roosevelt was that it was a politically motivated rumor circulated by Republicans. A British double agent, Dusko Popov, who siphoned information from Germany, learned of the Japanese intentions and desperately tried to warn Washington, to no avail. And there were others.

Why would Roosevelt and the nation's top military commanders sacrifice the U.S. Pacific Fleet, not to mention thousands of servicemen - an act of treason? They had concluded long before Pearl Harbor that they wanted a war against the Axis powers. The attack at Pearl Harbor would surely trick the American public into accepting a war they would have otherwise rejected. Roosevelt believed that provoking Japan into an attack on Hawaii was the only way that he could overcome the powerful America First non interventionist movement led by aviation hero Charles Lindbergh. These anti-war views were shared by 80 percent of the American public from 1940 to 1941.

A small group of men, revered and held to be most honorable by millions, had convinced themselves that it was necessary to act dishonorably, commit treason, allow thousands of American's to be killed, and incite a war that Japan had tried to avoid.

Why did Roosevelt want to enter into World War II? Was it to defeat the tyranny of Hitler? Stalin, who was our partner during the war, was more vicious, sadistic, and tyrannical than Hitler. Was it to stop the aggression of the Japanese? Before the war, this country did everything it could to give Japan no choice and to goad them into waging war.

Besides the fact that the trillion-dollar International War Machine NEEDS events like Pearl Harbor, AND September 11, 2001, to stay in business, and justify its existence, you must realize that Roosevelt was a 33rd degree Mason. That is the highest level one can attain in the Masonic order. One of objectives of the Luciferic Masonic Order is to establish a One World government, with the hidden elite in charge.

After World War I these people tried, and failed, to start a One World government organization, The League of Nations. Realizing they would need another world war to finally create such an organization, they manipulated world events, created World War II, and created the United Nations, another tool for the final phase of One World government, with these hidden elite pulling the strings.

Roosevelt was just one in a long line of American leaders who have been 33rd degree Masons, from many of our founding fathers, to more recent examples, such as George Bush, Bob Dole, Jessie Jackson, and many more. The Great Seal of the United States includes the classic Brotherhood (Prison Warden) symbols which go back to ancient Egypt and beyond, including the pyramid and All-Seeing Eye. Above and below this symbol are two Latin phrases, Annuit Coeptis and Novus Ordo Seclorum. These translate as: "Announcing the birth of A New Order of Ages." In other words, announcing the creation of the New World Order. Today, this part of the seal can be found on every US one dollar bill, and of course, this is appropriate, given that the Hidden Elite controls the American AND world economy.

The decision to put the satanic Pyramid/New World Order symbol on the dollar was made by the 33rd degree Freemason, Franklin D. Roosevelt, in 1935, with the full support and encouragement of his vice president, Henry Wallace, another 33rd degree Mason. Even the Statue of Liberty was given to American Freemasons by the French Grand Orient (Illuminati) Masonic Order. Recently released government documents concerning the “surprise” Pearl Harbor raid compel us to accept the fact of FDR and American top government foreknowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack.

On October 30, 2000, President Clinton signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act. Amidst its omnibus provisions, the Act reversed the findings of the eight previous Pearl Harbor investigations and found that both Kimmel and Short were denied crucial military intelligence that tracked the Japanese forces toward Hawaii, intelligence that was obtained by the Roosevelt Administration in the weeks before the attack. Neither ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or Fox News carried a word. This all reveals the lengths that the American government, and their mouthpieces in corporate media, will go to deceive the American public, and to keep vital information from the people. That's against everything America was supposed to stand for.

It is through mass media mind control, ignorance and deception, that we allow these incomprehensibly greedy, satanic and corrupt people and organizations to continue to start unnecesary wars, control our lives, and manipulate the world's destiny.

Article courtesy of North Star Zone
Pearl Harbor photographs courtesy of Mike Buck Studios

[First posted 8 December 2007]

Tuesday, December 3, 2024


James Thurber (pictured right), the late great humorist, wrote a book called: IS SEX NECESSARY? I doubt he satisfactorily answered the question - but he sure came up with some hilarious cartoons.

I’ve spent years investigating sex and heaps of energy exploring its possibilities. I’m tempted to conclude - after five decades of extensive research - that sex is utterly incomprehensible and only good for selling breath mints, condoms, and earthmoving equipment.

Nevertheless, I won’t succumb to that temptation. Because sex keeps your hair looking great and your breath fresh. Bad hair days and stale breath only happen when you haven’t been laid for a while. Besides, I’m a Reichian at heart. Dr Wilhelm Reich, the late great psychoanalyst and student of the Life Force, maintained that a community of sexually gratified adults would never tolerate a dictatorship. What does this reveal about sexuality in Najib’s (or should I say Rosmah's) Malaysia?
Cartoon by James Thurber
Sex has very little to do with LOVE - which is mainly about being comfortable enough with another person to be able fart freely and gleefully in their presence. In the old days kids were introduced to the forbidden topic via the birds and the bees. How utterly boring. Animals, insects and plants simply reproduce their species. They don’t have sex for sex’s sake, like humans do. With animals, insects and plants sex is merely procreational - with us, it’s recreational.

But, then, basketball, ping-pong, snooker and tenpin bowling are also recreational. Why aren’t humans content with banging a few balls around and competing for points? Have I discovered some other activity as pleasurable as sex? Indeed I have. Turn me loose in a studio equipped with a wild assortment of musical instruments. I could make music for hours, and then light a cigarette and listen ecstatically to the playback. Making music is a joy that lasts for years. One way to make sex last for years is to make BABIES - but we won’t get into that now.

Cartoon by James Thurber
Everybody knows sex has two occupational hazards: pregnancy and disease. The lubricated latex sheath popularly known as a condom is touted as a prophylactic against either condition. Politically correct modern young women (those who grew up bombarded with scary HIV ads on TV) carry condoms in their handbags. I suppose older guys keep tongkat ali in their pouches to suck on whenever an opportunity arises to display their tantric prowess.

Folks, there’s nothing ELECTRICAL about sex. Don’t believe all that mystical mumbo-jumbo. Sex is all mechanical pumping action - and we’re only hydrocarbon-protein machines. Feelings? Hrrrmph, just a fancy option, a fashion accessory, that’s all. And BIOMAGNETISM has little to do with the passionate desire to fuse with another aspect of oneself. But hold on a friggin’ second: aren’t we ultimately aspects of one another, somehow interconnected, genetically or karmically, etherically or financially, mythically or science-fictionally?

Forget it! Go ahead and rubberize your erotic experience! Lace your sexual intercourse with latex! Insulate your appendage (if you have one)! Better safe than swollen, heh heh!

Quite frankly, "safe sex” with condoms conducted in condominiums sounds like we’re more than halfway to hell. Some say danger is a potent aphrodisiac, and I’m no stranger to danger, though we don’t often meet (indeed, we tend to avoid each other). But amor omnia vincit. True love ultimately triumphs over tragedy, I say.

Of course, we could easily bypass all these sticky problems by breeding sex entirely out of our bastardized gene pool. Let’s sew up those tiny slits at birth. Lop off those dangly bits - why stop at prepuces? Within a few in vitro generations we won’t even remember we once “did it” just like the chimpanzee, the donkey, the duck, and the dog does it. Ah, let me wax lyrical here...

Never too late to self-castrate
And change your name to Fidel Castro.

Sweet is the date that grows on palms

And fills our calendars.

Why masturbate? Emancipate

Your hand from demeaning work.

We anticipate, as we replicate

Ourselves by scientific procedure,

A cleaner, purer world

Totally devoid of jerks.

My answer to James Thurber’s question: IS SEX NECESSARY? Probably not - but it’s essentially how humans can briefly experience the Grand Unified Field. The urge to conjugate and unite is well-nigh irresistible, and our souls certainly derive nourishment from physical intimacy.

However, the insertion of fear and guilt into the copulation equation has made sex a mere commodity. Labies and genitalmen, we cannot allow that to happen. Fornicate FEARLESSLY and GUILTLESSLY and regain your freedom. At least from bad hair days and sewer breath.

[Originally published in the January 2005 edition of  VIDA! First posted 24 October 2013, reposted 8 April 2016 & 
26 November 2017]

Thursday, November 28, 2024


Musings at the edge of eternity

The World of Appearances moves visibly towards a series of possible Apocalypses. Now as never before, I am doing all I can to maintain a clear focus on my innervision of heaven on earth – which does NOT include the triumph of Big Brotherism in some dystopic New World Order Fourth Reich!

With the December Solstice Stargate Activation approaching on 21 December 2020 (exactly eight years after the Galactic Alignment of 2012), massive shifts in consciousness and spiritual maturity will bring about a rapid meltdown of dysfunctional institutions and societies.

All that is mechanical and regimented will abruptly run out of political charge. The “princes and principalities” won’t surrender without a desperate fight, in the vain hope that they can at least drag everyone else down to “hell” with them.

However, Mother Earth (Pachamama, Gaia-Sophia) herself will no longer support their parasitic adventures as she attains to full awakening...

Those governed by fear and greed and trapped in egocentric skepticism will be subject to their own Twilight-of-the-Gods scenario – despite all efforts to help them experience a paradigm shift. The rest of us will bear witness as self-governing sovereign entities to the birth of a New 5D Octave of Consciousness wherein beauty and truth will replace money and military might as focal points of endeavor. Timelines that have been splitting apart since 2012 will separate into different evolutionary trajectories. If you're reading this, chances are that you have long prepared yourself for this unprecedented event. 

Those who insist on clinging to 3D intellectual materialism and Sarumanic (or Ahrimanic) scientism wouldn't have made it past the third paragraph. In any case this Stargate Activation marks a pivotal moment in which each soul in physical embodiment will consciously cross a threshold, towards true individual sovereignty and freedom - or deeper enslavement in the 3D Matrix (which appears to be accelerating swiftly towards a digital dystopia centrally controlled by Artificial Intelligence).

You may wonder what will happen to all the encrusted egos hellbent on keeping the Duality Scam going? The Fear Merchants, trading in terror and scarcity conditioning, clinging tenaciously to ancestral privilege or ruthless ambition - are they a nightmarish mass delusion that’s absolutely no concern of mine? 

I can see bits of myself embedded in ancient - nay, primitive - programs going by descriptions like Neo-Darwinism, Sabbatean Frankism (you know, elite pedovores and predatory practitioners of ritual blood sacrifice, the privileged adrenochrome addicts, the pathological Never-Trumpers, in political parlance, who infest the airwaves and, at least till very recently, greatly influenced public opinion). 

Survival of the Fittest, indeed. How is “fit” defined? The ones gifted at making money, or the ones with universal empathy? Is it possible to accumulate wealth as measured by consensus – and still feel a tender compassion for all life?

The way I used to see it: since I already feel oceanic ripples of deep affection for All That Is, I need only gain access to unlimited wealth to be in a position to answer that question truthfully. It’s so easy to dismiss money as a spurious concoction of the Khazarian-Zionist banking fraternity, but so long as it’s in use, I’d love to have a huge pile fall in my lap. I could get the entire contents of my rusty filing cabinet published, release some sonic dreamscapes I recorded ten years ago, set up simple but efficient recording facilities for talented young singer-songwriters and composers, offer grants to imaginative youngsters with videocams, visit old flames in Europe, lounge around on a Thai island or in Sacha Stone's Akasha New Earth Haven for weeks... 

But that was how I felt 15 years ago. I feel a whole lot different now. In the last few years I have grown a very deep root and am perfectly content to remain exactly where I am. Let the rest of the Yoniverse come to me!

My definition of Heaven on Earth has long been: infinite possibilities (where merely knowing that every desire can be fulfilled is enough). Hell, of course, is utter impossibility (where the woman who excites me most begrudges even a smile).

Do I envisage a  Vegan or Vegetarian Future?

It’s not what we do, it’s how we do it that changes the essential equations. Having lived amongst hunter-gatherers who generally prefer to get their protein by fishing and snaring wild game, and who are content to subsist on tapioca leaves and dried anchovies the rest of the time, I’d be glad to see an end to commercial exploitation of the animal and vegetable kingdoms. It’s not meat-eating, per se, that constitutes a problem – it’s industrial farming methods that treat other lifeforms as mere commodities to be processed and sold which greatly saddens my soul.

Times when my atoms were oscillating at close to light speed, I have been able to sustain myself for days on prana and photons – which is why I’m sympathetic to breatharians, though I lack the ascetic impulse to willfully embark on such a course. I eat to live as a matter of habit, and I bless and enjoy whatever’s on my plate. 

Food is NOT the issue. Famine is invariably the unhappy result of ecocidal and megalomaniacal human activities driven by scarcity conditioning. The fact that “developed” countries have problems with anorexia AND obesity reflects a deep spiritual imbalance. Speaking of food, here's an old internet joke with a timely teaching. It’s called “God’s Test”:

God put the angels and the devils to a test. He set up a huge banquet hall with a wonderful feast. First He invited the devils to the feast. They were delighted until they found out that they couldn't bend their arms at the elbows! How were they to eat all the delicious food when their hands wouldn't go to their mouths? They tried eating off the plate, which was messy and undignified. They tried throwing the food in the air and catching it in their mouths. Nothing worked very well. After 15 minutes of this mayhem, God told them that time was up. They trooped out cursing Him.

Next, He invited the angels into the hall. A fresh feast was laid out, and the same thing happened - they couldn't bend their arms at the elbows. The angels all looked at each other and burst out laughing. "What a great game!" they said as they fed each other.

Well, if you happen to be an atheist - don’t worry, so is God. 

Hmmm, maybe it's time to revert to my original name. From now on, don’t call me "Antares" – “God” will do.

Heh heh, just kidding. I have enough problems trying to get some people to pronounce “Antares” correctly.

[First posted 2 December 2008. Reposted 28 November 2020]

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Starpriestess Soluntra King's message for 2015 (make that 2025!)

Soluntra King with the late Guruji Krishnananda in Taponagara, India

The energy for 2015 has been building up for many years now. I was told on the inner years ago that 2015 is the big shift year, bigger than 2012 as most of humanity was not ready then.
The Great Shift did happen but on the sixth dimension, so for those not resonating at that level of their being it might have seemed as if nothing had happened, but it did. It was huge, it brought about a space of more fully being in integrity and not needing to be or connect to those who are not. It helped us be clear like the Diamond that we are, sharp and focused. The Suns aligned through us and our cells all one, and we moved through the centre of our heart, the centre of the Galaxy all one.
Now two years later we are more ready to move into the higher dimensions and there are other parallel Earths that accommodate where people are at. We can co-exist with those on lower and higher planes in the same country or space, it depends on the level of our consciousness as to how invisible we are to the duality dramas going on.  
There is no race to be enlightened or ascend, these words are illusion in themselves as we are already Light, Divine, One with all that is; we are simply integrating it into the lower dimensions. That’s why we came into third dimensional bodies. The only way to help yourself get lighter and transcend the limitations of the third dimension is to go beyond fear and have an open heart. To go beyond the fear and duality dramas is not difficult; it requires persistence and not giving up, but knowing there is light at the end of the tunnel and that things always do get better.
There are lots of changes going on with the Earth herself, with the tectonic plates, volcanoes, super volcanoes but much disaster has been averted. The tectonic plates are settling, but great disturbances were about to be created by those who would destroy humanity and are crazed by power and greed, but we have beautiful liquid light plasma flowing through the plates now. There is much work happening behind the scenes and it is not the time for us to shift in fear now but love, Divine Love of the Source supports us always.

Artist's impression of Yellowstone supervolcano
There will still be isolated incidents of imbalance that need to be righted, and depending on the consciousness of those who reside along the plates and grids, as to what occurs. Sometimes a big wake-up call ends up being through physical disasters, but more of humanity is waking up to the fact that it’s all energy and they are one with the Earth. As they heal and open to love so too does the Earth respond and we make a calm and graceful shift together.
There are more powerful storms, super storms, super snow downloads, super droughts and Earth herself is simply getting ready to move big time. Some say the Earth is warming, my experience is that it’s cooling; whenever there are big shifts it gets colder. That happens regardless of where one is, but now the Earth herself is responding in a bigger way. The northern hemisphere especially is getting affected as it has been the dominant player in this last cycle of patriarchal rule, war and imperialism. The energies have been transferred to the southern hemisphere that is more feminine and not inclined to dominate, invade or create war. A balance needs to take place and it is.

Elemental Dragons by Cat-Party
The Dragons are also leaving and off seeding new Earths; the Goddesses and Gods have moved on into new stories and higher dimensions. We have moved on as well, for some of us are already in our Diamond Light Body, or even full sixth dimensional formless body. Some are fully anchoring Shambala and owning their divinity and are the new Goddesses and Gods. Coming from love and realizing we are the guardians of the Earth our mother.
Be prepared to be transformed like never before, for time to disappear even faster to zero point and to BE the stillness within, as the beam holder you are; to be in the sacred space of your creation. Injoy the ride, it’s the best time of your life.

Soluntra King

30 December 2014

[First posted 31 December 2014]

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

A Special Message from Metatron via Sandy Stevenson... (reprise)

Metatron by Jose Soledad

I am Archangel Metatron. I wish to bring further clarity to the present situation on Earth.

Metatron Rising by Lakandiwa
On the 21st December 2012, upon the completion of a 26,000 year cycle, Gaia (the Being who has had Earth as her physical body) planned to ascend to the 5th dimension with her light bodies. Providing humanity was ready for the transition to that dimension, she intended to include her physical Earth body in the ascension process. With the heavenly impetus of light energy entering the Earth over a long period of time, it was feasible the human race could reach the vibrational level required for her planned ascension on the 21st December. If the ascension included her physical form, Gaia would then remain in the 5th dimension along with that physical form, providing continued higher learning for the newly ascended humanity.

As this pre-planned time drew closer, a considerable number of humanity were not yet prepared for such a movement, so the plan was adjusted. She decided it would be in divine order for her to depart without her physical body, thereby leaving a physical platform for humanity to complete its ascension process. With the entry of the Golden Age and vastly higher frequencies of the next universal cycle now entering the Earth sphere, she anticipated it would be a brief period before both humanity and her physical body reached the required vibration of light and also ascended.

Metatron (from Earth Keeper)
Using existing vortices on properties owned by Starseeds on several continents (one for each continent), that had been under their skilled care and guardianship for many years, these vortices were then greatly expanded to incorporate the changes. These huge pillars of light arising from the vortices allowed an organised departure of billions of beings from the Devic kingdoms on Earth. With the departure of these vast numbers, other new and much fewer in number, Devas and elementals entered, to continue the management of the physical structure of the New Earth.

The vortices also allowed entry of the new Guardianship team arriving to assist on the planet while the Light Force fully anchored the Golden Age. Parts of the planet are fully established in the new higher frequency, some sections are well on the way and others are catching up. And all the while, more and more light continually floods in as the Golden Age becomes a reality of peace and harmony.

We have a New Earth. If you are reading this, you are standing on it.

Metatron (from AboveTopSecret)
It is a planet vastly different than the one you are used to. Your mind, in the main, has not yet adjusted to the new residence you are in. It is of a greatly higher frequency of light with an entirely new grid system fully activated in crystalline light and contains most of the elements, with more occurring all the time, to bring about a rapid and complete change in human consciousness. The planet is infinitely different. Billions of facets of its existence have completely changed. Many are experiencing that. If you are not, put aside any mindset you may have that says because you see something solid in front of you, then it is still the same as before. Go beyond, go to your Self. Feel the new frequency; understand the molecular structure has completely altered and everything on Earth is registering a new harmonic. It is singing a new song and that song is being raised in crescendo every moment from now on until all it singing to the total vibration of the 5th dimension. What awaits as the planet fully aligns to the 5th dimension, is a beautiful and harmonious experience with all life knowingly creating in the moment. A peaceful existence of higher learning with no pain or suffering of any form.

Metatron by Alexa Szlávics
I have spoken so far, mainly of humanity and its continuing role of evolution. I now speak to those of the Light Force who are still on the New Earth. Little has changed regarding your departure and return home. Those whose work had fully completed and had prepared sufficiently, have left. Those who had planned to leave prior to the Earth’s ascension point did so. Some left on the 21st December, returning home. There is no significance to departure timing; such as people were more prepared than you. It was simply their plan. You have yours. Those of you who have chosen ascension and been preparing yourselves for your return to the higher realms, are still ascending in the moment you have chosen for yourself. Nothing has changed. If you had personally aligned your thoughts to the idea that your own ascension would take place on the 21st and you are still here, you will need to transmute the alignment/attachment you made to that idea and re-align to your Higher Self and seek the truth of your own Divine plan. There is no need, other than one of personal curiosity, to know the time you have chosen to make your ascension. It may be in this next minute or perhaps one year or two or more. In highest truth of course, everything is in this moment. What is important is it is of your choosing. You know what you are doing and the why of it from your own profound and exquisite higher perspective. While you remain here, focus your attention on what draws you in each moment. In this way, the anchoring of the new Golden Age will move more and more rapidly, sweeping all of humanity into its loving embrace. What is upon us now, is a most wondrous time as all that is not of highest quality falls rapidly by the wayside - a time we have all long anticipated and dreamed of.

Metatron by Elena Radford
Gaia is currently residing in the 7th dimension, having no need at this time to be in the 5th. She knows her previous physical body of Earth, now altered to the increased light frequency of the entering Golden Age cycle, has been left in the trusted hands of the new Guardianship team and the Light Force on Earth. She is immensely grateful to the Light Force on Earth. The role you have all played in bringing this about is beyond words or measure. For so long the dedication of this evolved team who came to Earth so willingly from the higher realms, has been paramount to the actualization of this Ascension and the bringing in of new Golden Age of Peace. The recent events all over the world on 12.12.12 and 21.12.12 were the culmination of the pure joy and love you have continually embraced and were vital to the smooth transition that occurred.

It is you who now moves into your own full mastery of creatorship to bring in the finality of this resounding victory. Bring forth your trust and joy and your love for this exquisite planet and her beautiful life forms and all of humanity. Raise yourself above all judgment and confusion now in this moment, for it is you who lay the tapestry of brilliant colour along the path that humanity walks. That tapestry must be of pure light, shining like a billion brilliant stars lighting the way for all humanity to dance their final steps as they and the New Earth Go Home.

Adonai to you, Rainbow Warriors of Light,
Archangel Metatron

Received 29th December 2012 via Sandy Stevenson. Reposted 2 January 2013.

[Courtesy of Judy Mezen]

[Metatron and I go back a long way. I call him the Master of the Tronic Universe - neutrons, protons, electrons, and so on. Others say Metatron is the Blueprint of Structured Reality. He has a strange sense of humor. Just one of his quarks, let's say.]

Saturday, November 23, 2024


MAGICKfestation 2002
December 30, 2001 - January 7, 2002

The 9-Day Magickfest turned into an 11-Day Elohim Portal Activation, Celebration, Releasing Session, Sacred Ceremony, Love-In, Jam Session and for me the Most Fantastic Farty I recall (yes, it was a gas-gas-gas from the word GO!) since Star-Borne Reunion #8 in March 1993. Indeed it was a Monumentally Metatronic Marathon of Music and Mad Joy!

JOY, FREEDOM, and the happy fusion of WORK and PLAY were the keynotes - and something profoundly significant was accomplished that was totally unforeseen and reality shifting beyond our wildest expectations. I don't know if I can find a way of sharing in words what transpired without diminishing its sacredness and significance or appearing to crow about it.

I don't know how I can begin to describe the magickal transformations some of us felt as the Magickfest progressed - or if I even ought to attempt it. So much was going on, on so many levels... at first I felt it may be wiser (and easier on lazy old me) to simply post a very brief and general report on the resounding success of the event. But then I figured that everyone associated with Magick River or who's stayed on the Magick River Network would want to join us in celebrating this epochal event which was witnessed by only a few of us who were directed by Spirit to stay the entire 9 days and not succumb too much to sleep.

I believe that those of us whose physical presence was essential to the process were serendipitously brought together just so that this could happen. (Heiko and Selina, for instance, were drawn to the event through a series of remarkable synchronicities: in 1995 Selina had come to my wedding party and I recall that she had given me a wonderful massage with an egg-shaped stone. Then she vanished from view until a few months ago when she emailed me out of the blue. She later explained that two months earlier while shopping at the Mid-Valley Megamall she had flashed on a vision of that strange man who lived in the hills - but couldn't for the life of her remember my name. Somehow she felt she had to locate me. During a subsequent releasing session, a spirit healer identifying herself as "Lady Elantra" made contact. Curious to know more, Selina ran a Google search on "Lady Elantra" which took her directly to my starsister Soluntra King's website where she found a link to Magick River and me!) Well, I guess a full-length report is in order...

L-R: Ahau, Antares, Anoora, Lia, Lami, Nadia, Emanar, Selina, Heiko, Shane, Sabrina, Freddie, Michelle, Johnny 

DAY 1 (Dec 30): My daughter Belle came up with her family (for the first time in years) and I led a small group of first-timers, including my then son-in-law Marcus, on a pilgrimage to the Mother Fall. Among the party were Heiko, Selina, Robin, Michelle, Ee Ling, Jasmond and Johnny Chewbacca (a shorn wookie and agent of the Ashtar Command who had arrived from Penang the previous night high from Lord of the Rings). The weather was GORGEOUS and stayed gorgeous throughout the Magickfest (the shower that broke on the evening of January 6 was received as a cool and cleansing blessing).

Everyone exulted in the joy of playing in the rejuvenating waters of the River of Life and soaking in the beauty and perfection of Gaia-Terra, the hologram of Heaven on Earth. Sabrina the 5-year-old chatterbox and her mummy Emanar arrived with Freddie (Emanar's Internet friend from Sweden). That night we stayed up till past 4 a.m. joking, jamming, clowning around, and celebrating our soul-family reunion in the glorious glow of the full moon.

DAY 2 (Dec 31): Another day spent relaxing and swimming and eating and horsing around. Ancient and modern friends came up to celebrate and bask in the wonderful magick of the river. Nothing had been planned or scheduled and everything unfolded with spontaneous perfection. In the evening friends (and friends of friends) began arriving for New Year's Eve bringing food and drink and more music. Though we only had Robin's portable CD player (apart from our own musical instruments), those who felt like dancing let their hair down and worked up a sweat (Garry, Mr Banjoman, you'll be happy to hear that Shooglenifty was a smash hit amongst the Magick River ravers).

Just before midnight we assembled down by the river and gazed in silent appreciation at the silvery moonlit scene, listening to the neverending riversong. There was no formal ceremony or ritual but everyone was introspective and receptive to the divinely delicious tingle in the atmosphere. Then someone softly said, "Happy New Year!" and the hugging and kissing began. A few of us jumped joyfully into the river and relished the invigorating sensation of swimming in an ethereal luminosity that evoked elvish memories of Lothlorien and Rivendell. All the dimensions intersected and I felt the subtle shift in the magnetic field as the Elohim Gateway began to activate. We partied till people began dropping off to sleep one by one wherever they could find a spot to curl up in. Some fell asleep on mats watching the stars.

DAYS 3-5 (Jan 1-3): By early afternoon most of the ravers and revelers had departed, leaving a tranquil, dreamy atmosphere in which to recharge our batteries. Heiko, Selina, Robin and Michelle had originally planned on moving out on New Year's Day but after a brief pow-wow announced that they would like to stay the entire week. This was welcome news indeed. I had expected that the Magickfest would be very quiet after the party animals returned to their jobs.

It was good to have a core group holding the frequencies throughout the entire 9-day celebration. As I said, Heiko and Selina are Awakened Starry Ones I reconnected with only a couple of months ago. Robin and Michelle I met through them; over the next few days we released a lot of old programs, remembered our mythical lineages, and emerged as a unified soul-family of love, light and endless laughter. Others holding the frequency were Emanar (a rapidly awakening starpriestess and keeper of the Aquarian codes), Shane (our resident nature mystic and future franchise owner of McDhall Rice), Kaiel Ashtar aka Johnny Chewbacca (who first visited Magick River briefly in 1997), Anoora and Ahau (my hillbilly fambly), and Anubis and Wong (the canine corps). Before retiring to our beds, all of us went down to the river to savor the crisp early morning air and we suddenly noticed that there was a powerful vortex manifesting on the hill overlooking the bungalow.

As our attention focused on a particular point between two peaks we noticed an etheric tetrahedral pyramid forming in the night sky, subtly demarcated by tiny stars. We agreed it was the apex of an immense etheric crystal wand receiving, storing, and transmitting light codes to the Mother Ship, which manifested as a huge circular tube of glowing mist. Heiko had an inner vision of an enormous floating world containing an amazing diversity of galactic human cultures and star nations. I received the message that the "actual" Mother Ship was an etheric pod many times larger than our planet containing the seeds of myriad worlds.

The Ceremonial Guardian of Magick River keeping in the flow

DAY 6 (Jan 4): It became apparent that there would be no visitors today. Heiko and Selina offered to conduct a Releasing Session for everyone present and I arranged for Anoora and Ahau to spend the afternoon at the village (only 3 minutes' drive away) so we wouldn't be disturbed. We began around 5.00 p.m. and finished around 9.00. Everyone felt much lighter, having released key issues embedded in our encoding over the aeons. I was so charged up I didn't sleep for the next 48 hours! Then the Elohim Gateway Activation kicked in and miracles began to unfold...

DAY 7 (Jan 5): Around 1.44 a.m., the generator was turned off, abruptly terminating the Celestial Awakenings cassette Selina was playing just as the "Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai 'Tsebayoth" chorus ended. I suggested we walk down the steps to the river to check on the vortex. It was still visible, indeed, it had grown since the previous night!

I was prompted by Spirit to show Heiko and Selina the tetrahedral cleft in a nearby rock which had fascinated me since I first spotted it in 1992. I had suspected it was the seal of the Elohim and I had telepathically received the formula, "Elohim Alayu" which I used as a Magick River credo without fully knowing what it meant. Heiko, Selina and I had been discussing J.J. Hurtak's Keys of Enoch and we had discovered archetypal resonances linking us through the Melchizedek-Metatron-Michael trinity as well as through our mythogenetic resonances with the Enki-Enlil-Ninhursag saga.

As we examined the seal by flashlight, everything suddenly clicked: Enoch was the Keeper of the Keys! Perhaps the Enochian frequency was required to open the Elohim Timelock. There was no need to articulate my thought: Heiko was down on his knees moving his hand within the cleft while intoning a formula in the archangelic tongue of the Elohim. I was prompted to chant the few Elohim phrases that came to mind: Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh and Elohim Alayu... all four of us (Heiko, Selina, Johnny and I) stood back as what appeared to be a beam of white light shot up from the cleft. I actually felt a forcefield as the beam went up. I looked around at the group and remarked that this was just like a scene out of a Tintin adventure (and true enough, we even had "Captain Haddock" aka Denis Hewitt join us a few hours later!

The rest of the day was spent welcoming new arrivals to the Magickfest, among these a group of 5 young internet witches and wizards led by Simon Soon aka Zenith. Shane led another group to the Mother Fall. It was only around 1.44 a.m. that my energy began to flag and I excused myself to catch up on some sleep. Had to get myself charged up for the birthday/epiphany celebrations the next evening.

Party Time at Magickfest 2002!

DAY 8 (Jan 6): Denis "Captain Haddock" Hewitt celebrated his 61st birthday at the Magickfest by conducting a marathon singalong of rock'n'roll favorites and rugby songs. Later in the evening I picked up a vanload of Temuan friends from the nearby village and brought them up to the Magickfest. Lami the Indonesian caretaker had cooked up a storm and everyone was duly stuffed. Then the tribe commenced their sawai (healing ceremony) and were joined by Heiko, Shane, Robin and me on didjeridoo, bongos, guitar, and assorted flutes and reeds. Low-tech trance music enhanced by shots of Tequila donated by Franny the warmhearted French witch!

Another bout of dancing broke out when we turned on the canned music, and we celebrated the fusion of celestial and terrestrial tribes. Then the Temuan ladies decided they would close the evening with another round of sawai. Anoora's mama Indah offered me a birthday song in Temuan and I was about to jam with the group when a ripple of excitement reached me from the garden where a few had gathered watching the sky, slightly misty after the shower.

I went out and saw geometric lines linking certain stars (they were pulsing like lightships) to form a huge diamond from which emerged a perfect Star of David hologram - it was a gigantic celestial Merkaba created by our combined Merkabas! Emanar pointed excitedly at the etheric Star of David imprinted on my face. "You're the Magickman!" she laughed, stating the obvious.

I drove our Temuan guests back to the village and when I returned was handed a birthday surprise: a diptych in oil crayons and glitter on clay tiles (pinched from a stack in the garage) depicting the starry events that had transpired only moments ago. Heiko, Selina, Emanar, Michelle, Johnny, and Robin (who apparently had sat in meditation all the while) had created the beautiful artwork during the afternoon - only to witness the celestial events manifest magickally several hours later in the night sky. Talk about Magickfestation!!!

Of course, my UFOria was quickly mitigated when Anoora began throwing a fatigue tantrum (she was otherwise enormously loving and kept hugging everyone throughout the 9 days) and we caught a whiff of stinky poo in Ahau's pants. I couldn't help drawing a corollary from this minor bringdown: even as we celebrate the advent of Heaven on Earth, there's still some infantile shit to be attended to.

DAY 9 (Jan 7): Shane drove the young pagans home and the place became serene. No one wanted to leave. We admired the animal forms hidden amidst the rocks and I showed everyone the Galactic Womb on Elephant Rock - a uterus-like opening large enough for someone to enter in fetal position. Then Heiko, Robin and Johnny were initiated into the indescribable pleasure of jumping the Baby Fall (Michelle did her second jump too) and Emanar recorded this transformative event on Robin's videocam. Johnny took ages to jump - but, in the end, jump he did, brave soul!

Johnny decides to catch a ride to KL with Robin and Michelle but Heiko and Selina have been prompted by Spirit to linger on a while. Emanar and Sabrina decide to stay too. The Magickfest is officially over. A few lightworker friends from Singapore have booked the bungalow from Jan 7-10 and they're long overdue. Around 7.30 p.m. they finally show up, having taken the longer route off the highway (they had also been stopping at certain spots to clear clogged energies). Interesting phenomena spontaneously occurred when one of the new arrivals began channelling the Pleiadian Alliance and the Great Goddess Isis - but this isn't the place to discuss what transpired.

The Mother Fall (Lata Chehek) by Aloisio Ferrera
Two days later I led four of our Singaporean friends to the Mother Fall where I became aware of another enormous etheric crystal looming straight up from the Diamond Pool. On the way back we stopped to look at an interesting rockface which I had long ago dubbed "the Lemurian Fort." The spot was completely overgrown with ferns and we had to push back the foliage to see the stack of boulders that looked like the remains of an ancient wall. It was then that I noticed, for the first time, the large tetrahedral cleft smack in the middle of the rock formation. But it was hard getting close to the wall without hacking back the ferns. I mentioned this to Heiko later and he immediately felt prompted to check it out. I handed him a machete and off he went. Half an hour later he returned beaming. "It's done!" he said triumphantly. And so it is!

I thank all the gods and goddesses, ancient kings and queens, high elves and low, nymphs, sprites and satyrs, witches and wizards, star commanders, retired dark lords, princes and princesses, fairies and maenads, sylphs and undines, hobbits, gnomes and trolls, mineral, vegetable and animal allies, devas, angels, archangels and ascended masters, and all the plain decent folk (meaning those who feel they don't belong in any of the above categories) who helped boost the frequencies at Magickfest 2002 - simply by being there as your most lovable true selves!

Conscious Remembrance of Source!
I Am That I Am!

Infinite Rainbow Blessings,
Antares Star-Zan
12 January 2002


EPILOGUE: Having to recalibrate my frequencies to navigate 3D density after such an epiphanous experience is the hardest task now. Re-entry into the Matrix is such a drag I'm tempted to give it up for good! All that sinister and violent shit flying around the airwaves is happening in the artificial reality set up by delinquent souls who worship power as military might and money - instead of beauty, love and truth. It is our sacred duty as Awakened Ones to tune ourselves out of their frequency traps and persevere in our mission of retrieving, redeeming, transmuting and releasing the root traumas that have turned all our dreams into nightmares for too long. Let's help one another Stay Wide Awake! Doubt not that victory is already ours! The "enemy" is ultimately US manifesting our own deepest fears. There is no THEM.

[First posted 21 August 2015, reposted 5 March 2022]

Thursday, November 21, 2024

John Lash: Archons, Sophia and Gnosticism (reprise)

John Lash explores the "high strangeness" of the Gnostic materials, the strangest factor of all is certainly the presence of the Archons. Here we confront an enigma of cosmic proportions. Where do we situate these weird entities in the evolutionary plot of the Gaia Mythos? Are they to be regarded as real entities, a species in their own right, albeit a non-terrestrial one? What is their relation to Gaia, the intelligence of the biosphere? And how do the Archons in turn relate to humanity?

[First posted 22 November 2016]

Monday, November 18, 2024

A 10-minute summary of the world situation... (repost)

Found this video on a friend's Facebook wall in November 2011. The narrator looks a bit sinister but if you can overlook this detail, what he says is pretty much accurate (though it applies only within the 3D Matrix where the majority of us remain unwittingly trapped). 13 years down the line how do we respond?

[First posted 21 November 2011]

Tuesday, November 5, 2024


Published 18 September 2016 by Caleb Heier

This video is about the Coming Event where darkness is wiped off the face of the Earth. "Compression Breakthrough" is when the light from below the surface of this planet and the light from above meet in the middle.

Soundtrack: "The Vast Grassland" by Hanggai (Horse of Colors)

[First posted 31 October 2016}

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Dicks, Pussies & the Occasional Elephant (revisited)

Here's an amusing collection of random images forwarded by friends, some of which are well worth revisiting, especially on days when words fail to express the overwhelming sense of absurdity and utter meaninglessness engendered by the powers-that-were in their desperation to cling on to their wholly undeserved privileges. The images have been loosely classified into three main categories: dicks, pussies and the occasional elephant (though several remain unclassifiable, like the first two...

Whoever came up with this world map deserves a hearty spanking.

Brilliant geopolitical map: easy for plutocrats to carve up the world!

This priceless image tops the dickhead category...

Stylized dickhead oozing an amphibious substance... defectors, beware!

This dickhead stands out in a crowd!

Rampant banana with undeniable appeal, heh heh.

Great names for these dickhead twins.

Some pussies HATE getting wet!

Pussy in hot pursuit: watch out for those toxic talons!

What's a mere cat doing amongst these meerkats?

Waking from a long winter?

Totally awesome pussy?
Famous last words.

Very useful service from Google...

The radical leftwing strikes a blow against humanity.

When Umno is booted out we might see a level playing field.

Pachyderm romance? You need a thick hide to survive that!

Vicarious sex

Hostile alphabet soup?

Excellent advice spotted at a Thai temple (by my daughter Moon).

They thought he was dead... but Bala lives on forever in our memories. 
Coming soon to a cinema near you (when Covidiocy comes to an abrupt end)!

[First posted 2 July 2010. Reposted 10 November 2014 & 3 November 2020]