Saturday, April 11, 2020
Sit back, folks, relax.... what we could all do with... is some exquisite music! (repost)
Thanks to YouTube for bringing so much fine music to our homes - for free! (But can you please stop deplatforming so many truthspeakers for providing a refreshing alternative to the CIA shill media?)
Raul Midón,
soul of jazz,
Tuck & Patti
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
"The first time I walked on to one of their ships, their children started to run away from me. They knew I was from Earth." - Alex Collier

Original article by John Stokes; abridged & edited by Antares

Dr Salla indicates that "there are an extensive number of ET races known to be currently interacting with Earth and the human population."

Dr Michael Salla opines that "the most compelling testimonies on the different ET races comes from 'whistleblowers' such as Sergeant Stone - and also 'contactees' who have had direct physical contact with extraterrestrials and communicated with them."
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Command Sergeant Major Robert O. Dean (ret) appears in an extended interview with Project Camelot (view embedded video below) |
"Human extraterrestrial races can easily integrate with human society in the manner described by Dean and others where they can be indistinguishable from the rest of humanity," says Dr Michael Salla.

Collier indicates that Earth humans are a product of extraterrestrial genetic manipulation, and are possessors of a vast gene pool consisting of at least 22 different racial memory banks.

Collier's ET informants warned that fundamentalist messages found specifically in Judaism, Christianity and Islam - and subtly concealed in other institutionalized religions and cult teachings - were deliberately planted by "hostile ET elements" for the sole purpose of manipulating and controlling humankind.
Jesus - whom many groups allege was a Human ET - sought to inspire and uplift the social consciousness of humankind toward unity, not to create a "Christian" religion with its sexually repressive as well as homophobic undertones (which have been used to justify racial supremacy and legitimize atrocities like slave trading).

The Andromedans who contacted Alex Collier also mentioned that a Master Jesus or Yeshua did in fact exist. He lived out the rest of his life in Masada. Jesus was only crucified through religious doctrine, not in actuality.
As far as the "savior scenario" is concerned, Alex Collier was told by his ET friends that it was inserted into our belief systems to disempower us. The savior scenario embedded within the dogmas of institutionalized religions legitimize the establishment of an oppressive power structure which appoints itself as a judge of "morality."

These religious elites have historically used their self-appointed roles as Archons and Monarchs to implement a comprehensive system of social controls that support their agenda of greed-driven self-aggrandizement. This virulent species of ego disorder has infected the upper strata of administrative and corporate hierarchies.
The efforts of socially progressive Human ETs to inspire and accelerate the evolution of human consciousness through spiritual and other emissaries have constantly been undermined by the efforts of an entrenched capitalist elite which has long exploited "the common man" and other lifeforms in their relentless greed and obsessive pursuit of totalitarian power.

Allegations of "Human ET" encounters on Earth

Dr Salla remarks: "While controversy over Adamski's contact experiences and his credibility continues, Adamski's UFO sightings and contacts with extraterrestrials were supported by an impressive collection of witnesses, photographs and films that a number of independent investigators concluded were not hoaxes."

The Desert Center encounter was among those of Adamski's claims regarding extraterrestrial contact that, according to UFO researcher Timothy Good, were "accurately reported," and "sensible and verifiable" - as footnotes by Dr Salla. Given the clear supporting evidence supporting Adamski's first meeting with an extraterrestrial traveling in a scout craft, it is worth examining closely his alleged subsequent meetings with extraterrestrials living on Earth.
Here is Adamski's testimony of his encounter with two extraterrestrials while he was sitting in the lobby of a Los Angeles Hotel on 18 February 1953:
"I looked at my wrist watch and saw that it said ten-thirty. The lateness of the hour, with still nothing of extraordinary significance having taken place, sent a wave of disappointment through me. And just at this moment of depression, two men approached, one of whom addressed me by name. Both were complete strangers, but there was no hesitancy in their manner as they came forward, and nothing in their appearance to indicate that they were other than average young businessmen. I noted that both men were well proportioned. One was slightly over six feet and looked to be in his early thirties. His complexion was ruddy, his eyes dark brown, with the kind of sparkle that suggests great enjoyment of life. His gaze was extraordinarily penetrating. His black hair waved and was cut according to our style. He wore a dark brown business suit but no hat. The shorter man looked younger and I judged his height to be about five feet, nine inches. He had a round boyish face, a fair complexion and eyes of grayish blue. His hair, also wavy and worn in our style, was sandy in color. He was dressed in a gray suit and was also hatless. He smiled as he addressed me by name. As I acknowledged the greeting, the speaker extended his hand and when it touched mine a great joy filled me. The signal was the same as had been given by the man I had met on the desert on that memorable 20 November 20 1952." [Flying Saucers Have Landed by George Adamski]

In addition to seeking to learn about human values and civilization, it appears that "Human ET" visitors have been conducting a low-key educational campaign to subtly promote awareness of their presence amongst a select number of contactees.

Alex Collier says the Andromedans revealed to him that there are over 135 billion human beings in the eight galaxies nearest to ours.
"Earth humans have a very bad reputation," Alex Collier remarks, "because we are the only human race in the galaxy that kills itself, that turns on itself. We are the only race that allows itself to live in poverty. We are the only ones who allow members of our race to starve. We are the only ones that allow members of the race to be homeless. We are the only race that would sell itself into slavery. I don't like the reflection they give me of us. It's not that they are judging. They just don't understand why we do it. If anyone's got an answer for it, I'm open. Yes, we've been manipulated by belief systems, but why do we believe these belief systems?"
Project Camelot interviews Sgt. Clifford Stone
We met Clifford Stone at the Roswell Museum in New Mexico where he was kind enough to grant us several hours of his time. What an extraordinary man! This soft-spoken gentleman has an astounding tale to tell about his alien friend, Korona. How he went on crash recovery missions in Viet Nam of all places during the 60's and how he helped an alien escape from military custody. He's got a massive heart and a wide perspective that manages to take the whole world in its sights. He talks of the rights of the visitors to our planet in the face of captivity. He talks of their sense of sacrifice for the well being of humanity. He speaks of the need for us to care what happens to the 'other guy' and how real feeling for each other is what is going to make the difference as we move forward to join the galactic community.
Project Camelot interviews Bob Dean: the Coming of Nibiru
[First posted 21 May 2009]
Sunday, April 5, 2020
This Has NOTHING To Do With Religion! (repost)

Can't stand the taste of beer myself but I have lots of friends of all colors and creeds who drink - and not one of them is remotely a "bad" person just because they enjoy a couple of beers.

The question that springs to mind is this: if we're going to practise "tough love" in the interest of running "a tight ship" - then why not cane those found guilty of wilfully destroying the environment for private profit? Or those who have been caught demanding kickbacks and bribes? These are far more serious crimes, with long-term negative consequences that affect the entire nation.
Beer-swigging Muslims are in the same category as pot-smoking teenagers. They number in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions. There aren't enough canes to go around if we're going to start caning every "offender." The National Fatwa Council could advise all Muslims who prefer to imbibe Al-Kohol rather than Al-Koran to keep a cane handy with which to flagellate themselves when they go home. Nevertheless, I think the hangover from overindulgence suffices as punishment.

The worst disease plaguing humanity has always been the deformed consciousness of rabid control freaks who hide behind the façade of "morality" in their obscene lust for power over others.

May God in her wisdom terminate once and for all the bloodlines of these hypocritical killjoys - unless their children end up marrying Germans.
So be it!

I know it's another nine months to Oktoberfest but after reading that ludicrous news report I just have to soothe my nerves with some gratuitous images of buxom beer-swilling Bavarian beauties. Prost!
[First posted 14 January 2009]
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