Sunday, January 24, 2021



In the ineffable name of the One and the All, 
the eternal and infinite “I AM” presence within, 
Source of My Being, my Original and Ultimate Self;

In the name of the Beginningless and Endless, 
the Mystery of Mysteries, the Master of Masters, 
the Feminine and Masculine Principles 
(Sophia and Thelete, Isis and Osiris, Sita and Rama, Shakti and Shiva, 
Magdalena and Yeshu) Mother of Mothers and Father of Fathers;

We call upon the Archangelic and Angelic Realms, 
Ascended and Descended Masters of the Numinous Order of Melchizedek, 
the Silent Watchers, Gatekeepers of the Worlds Within Worlds;

Specifically we call upon Sananda the Cosmic Christ; 
Sanat Kumara the Ancient of Days; 
Metatron the Preserver of Forms; 
Lady Kuanyin the Compassionate; 
Lady Portia, embodiment of Cosmic Justice; 
and Saint Germain of the Violet Flame:

Please clarify and edify, please cleanse and purify us 
and absolve us from ignorance and karmic hindrances; 
prepare us to be empty vessels ready to receive new wine.

Violet Flame from the heart of Saint Germain, 
blessed and beloved Violet Flame of Transmutation, 
enter our hearts and flow through our physical, mental and emotional bodies.

Violet Flame from the heart of Saint Germain, 
blessed and beloved Violet Flame of Transmutation, 
enter our hearts and flow through our physical, mental and emotional bodies.

Violet Flame from the heart of Saint Germain, 
blessed and beloved Violet Flame of Transmutation, 
enter our hearts and flow through our physical, mental and emotional bodies… 

Thank you, thank you, blessed and beloved Violet Flame, we thank you.

Violet Flame of Transmutation, as you enter our hearts and 
flow through our physical, mental and emotional bodies, burn away the debris 
and the dross accumulated through all our embodiments 
and restore us to pristine purity.

Violet Flame of Transmutation, as you flow and dance through our physical, 
mental and emotional bodies, burn away all biochemical, hormonal and endocrinal imbalances and clear away all defunct and dysfunctional programs; 
burn away all unnecessary, unwholesome addictions, beliefs, 
prejudices and obsessions.

Violet Flame of Transmutation, as you flow and dance through our physical, 
mental and emotional bodies, reignite the Divine Spark of All-Being, 
All-Knowing and All-Sensing within the nucleus of every cell; 
reactivate the memory banks and all data bequeathed us by our ancestors and predecessors; reintegrate all aspects, all fragments, 
all components of our greater existence 
and restore us to the fullness and wholeness of our present being.

Violet Flame of Transmutation, as you flow and dance through our physical, 
mental and emotional bodies, fill us to overflowing with remembrance, 
understanding and compassion.

May all injuries to our physical bodies, subconscious minds and our 
emotional bodies be completely and finally healed; 
and may that healing ripple outwards to our home sweet homes, 
our beautiful countries, our beloved planet, 
our magnificent galaxy and beyond.

We thank and honor all who have served the Sacred Flame of Intelligence, 
Compassion, Love and Wisdom across the Aeons, 
especially the Archangel Michael who has valiantly held and supported us 
in all our battles, internal as well as external, 
with shadow aspects of ourselves. 
Let there be an end to cruelty, injustice, tyranny and violence 
in all planes of existence.

We thank and honor Metatron and Melchizedek for protecting and 
preserving the integrity and sovereignty of Universal Form and Spirit; 
for serving as conduits of our physical and metaphysical expression.

We thank and honor Lady Portia and Saint Germain for blessing, 
guiding and protecting us as we shift into the New Aeon, 
the Age of Aquarius; and as we quantum jump from the 3rd to the 5th dimension 
and consciously begin a new cycle of cosmic evolution.

We call upon the Chohans and Kumaras, luminaries and teachers 
of the Seven Rays, to bless and guide and protect us 
on our journey home to Oneness.

We call upon the Elohim and the Star Councils, 
emissaries and embodiments of Prime Creator, 
the Source of Life and Light and Love, 
to grant us free access to all accumulated experience 
and accompany us as we evolve beyond Duality 
and reclaim our Wholeness and Integrity.

We call upon the Elements within us and around us, 
the Devas of all Domains of Existence, 
to share our joyful celebration of a 
Unified and Coherent Field of Awareness.

We call upon thee, Keeper of the Genetic Keys and 
Guardian of the Portals of Initiation, 
to bless and guide and protect us – 
and to help us know and love ourselves.

In the name of the Beginningless and Endless, the Mystery of Mysteries, 
the Master of Masters, the Feminine and Masculine Principles 
(Sophia and Thelete, Isis and Osiris, Sita and Rama, Shakti and Shiva, 
Magdalena and Yeshu) Mother of Mothers and Father of Fathers;

In the ineffable name of the One and the All, 
the eternal and infinite “I AM” presence within, 
Source of My Being, my Original and Ultimate Self:

I am the One.

I am the All.




[Deep breath]

AUM [articulate on the outbreath till the sound gently fades away]

[First posted 12 May 2012, reposted 10 April 2014]