According to a report on Thursday by online news portal Malaysiakini, the MCMC chief operating officer, Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi, confirmed that the commission was behind the site blackout. "It is being blocked because we found that some of the comments on the Web site were insensitive, bordering on incitement," Mohamed Sharil said.
Local news reports indicated that users were unable to access Malaysia Today through three major ISPs: TMnet, Maxis, and Time. However, a check by ZDNet Asia on Thursday evening found that the portal could still be accessed through a mirror site.

Not only has the attempt to block Malaysia Today been totally ineffectual, it has also been extremely bad publicity for the Umno/BN government - something it certainly doesn't need. So what exactly have they achieved with this knee-jerk reaction?

They have only enhanced RPK's stature as a national hero and made his explosive No Holds Barred column even more credible. If what RPK is saying isn't true, why bother trying to shut him up?
RPK's prime target in recent days has been Najib Razak. By flatly accusing his wife, Rosmah Mansor, of ordering the vicious, cold-blooded murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu, RPK has exposed himself to defamation charges which he is fully prepared to answer in court. Najib's greatest fear, however, is that in an open court, evidence might surface that could drag him and Rosmah into the spotlight. What if RPK's lawyers subpoena Rosmah Mansor and Najib Razak as witnesses and cross-examine them? It would be interesting to see them attempt to squirm their way out of that. What about Lt. Col. Aziz Buyong and his wife Norhayati - whom RPK named in his June 18th statutory declaration as active participants in the disposal of Altantuya's body with C4 explosives? Will they be summoned to court too? That is exactly what Najib has been trying to avoid since November 2006.

Shafee has become the #1 Enemy of Internet Freedom and exposed the fascist inner core of Umno
Umno's credibility is below zero. Can you imagine what Shafee Abdullah's credibility rating is, now that everybody knows he has been promised the post of Attorney-General if he does some dirty work for Umno?
You could say that RPK has successfully dashed the political ambitions of more than a few people. In fact, it wouldn't be too farfetched to say that RPK and Anwar as a combined force have proven to be absolutely fatal to Umno/BN.