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Cosmic Serpent by NahimaArt |
Date: Sat, 03 May 2003 13:07:01 +0800
From: Antares
Organization: Magick River
To: Magick River Network
This is in response to Sherry's incisive comments about the "Christ" mystique and how it fits in with our innate ability to free ourselves from external control mechanisms, reclaim our self-governing, self-navigating skills, and regain self-mastery through self-knowledge.
At 14, I attended a Presbyterian Sunday School on a fairly regular basis but, by the age of 15, had begun seriously questioning everything that was preached. At 16, I was generally agnostic, verging on atheistic - indeed, I was fond of describing God as an Atheist!
And yet, throughout my entire adolescence (or perhaps even when I was 7 or 8) I remember chatting telepathically with an entity I called "Jesus" (my mother was a Methodist, my dad a freethinker) in my own childish way. By the age of 15 or 16 I was aware that this "Jesus" character was actually my own Higher Self - a really kind and wise entity, totally accepting and extremely cool, never scolding or judging, just happy to be my best friend.
At 19, I found myself staring (completely stoned on marijuana) at my own reflection in the mirror and coming to a sudden conclusion - nay, an explosive revelation - that "Christ" was not a personal name, "Christ" describes a state of being or consciousness. And that state can also be called Universal Compassion or All-Embracing Love... what Buddhism calls the Bodhisattva, the next step beyond Buddhahood wherein the enlightened soul vows to remain in embodiment to serve those as yet unawakened. From agnosticism I crossed over into my own species of Gnosticism and began to devour all manner of esoteric knowledge. Mythology became "Mytheology" and History became "Mystery." "Jesus" became "Yeheshuah" (IHShVH) = "The Word Made Flesh" or Spirit-as-Matter (and vice versa).

Anyway, to keep this brief, I discovered many more levels to the idea of the Christ than is to be found in conventional Christianity - and since I view Christhood as the state of being towards which all humanity is aspiring, it was only natural that I used the term Christos as a code name for my Core Self. In other words, the Christ for me is not some deity to be worshiped but a state of initiatory consciousness to be attained through direct experience. That's why I have no problem with the expression "Christ consciousness." It's something we're all going to experience sooner or later.
I'll begin typing out the chapter on the 'Three Christs' from Ashayana Deane's VOYAGERS II. If I can get it done tonight, it will be posted tomorrow!
I was excited by the information revealed therein because I've long felt that there was a multidimensional mystery yet unsolved in the entire Palestine Project that initiated the advent of the Christian Era. But no one had a grip on the whole story. Ashayana's version may not be all there is, but to my mind it's a good start, and much of it feels right to my cellular memory.
With love,
[First posted 3 December 2006, reposted 20 December 2013]