Thursday, July 19, 2018
EARTH: Paradise or Prison Planet? (reprise)
While it may appear that the "Zionists" have much to gain from America's new-era military adventurism, the truth is that the faction with the biggest vested interest in destabilizing the planetary equilibrium are the Zeta-Drako-Zephelium Confederacy who time-traveled to current Earth's 18th century to install a "Frequency Fence" designed to thwart humans from evolving into conscious multidimensionality before and after 2012 - when the next opportunity to transcend the dense-matter spacetime loop will occur.
In our remote future, circa 4300 CE, the Z-D-Z's are already colonial masters of a totally mind-controlled, microchipped humanity who worship them as living gods. That's right, this "possible Future Earth" is a virtual prison planet - exactly as envisioned in The Matrix.
However, in the late 1980s, more than 8% of the human population began reintegrating their "missing" DNA strands and this resulted in millions across the planet experiencing more vivid dreams, intuitive impulses, and life-changing glimpses beyond the 3D Veil.
Within a generation, the human tribes would have permanently released themselves from the insidious scenario whereby they would meekly allow the Zeta-Drako-Zephelium Confederacy to hijack their evolution and turn them into automatons. The elitist "Secret Government" and its covert operations would be exposed and true mental and spiritual autonomy would at last become a possibility on this planet.
In the event that humanity successfully catches the meta-galactic evolutionary wave that peaks from 2012-2017, the prison planet Earth of 4300 AD will dissolve as a possible reality and all entities trapped in that nightmare automatically released into the heavenly reality option of Gaia-Sophia, the Earth's higher harmonic planetary blueprint which exists in Harmonic Universe 2-3 (we are currently in Harmonic Universe 1).
The Zeta-Drako-Zephelium Conspiracy would be a complete failure and those destructive entities would be compelled to go back to the end of the evolutionary queue and give up their parasitic tendencies.
Perpetual conflict on earth generates a high level of pain and panic - and effectively destroys the ecosystem. Only when humans are in harmony with nature can we evolve into the subtler (heavenly) realms. That's why the human agents of the Zeta-Drako-Zephelium Agenda are hellbent on wreaking maximum havoc in the 3rd Dimension at this juncture.
Do not buy into the Fear and Panic they are generating in order to hijack your spiritual destiny. Instead, stay centered in compassion, trust, and inner joy. All will be well that ends well.
At the Goddess Gaia-Sophia's Sacred Service,
Galactic Agent Antares
[Written 14 April 2003. First posted 1 September 2008, reposted 18 November 2013]