Everyone on board was accounted for and alive, officials said. About 15 people were being treated at hospitals and others were being evaluated at triage centers.
Flight 1549, headed to Charlotte, North Carolina, was airborne less than three minutes, according to FAA spokeswoman Laura Brown.
The pilot [Chesley B. Sullenberger] radioed to air traffic controllers that he had experienced a bird strike and declared an emergency, a New Jersey State Police source said.

"I think a lot of people started praying and just collecting themselves," said passenger Fred Berretta. "It was quite stunning."
He said he was expecting the plane to flip over and break apart, but it did not.
"It was a great landing," Berretta said. [CNN]

Here are two very different takes on the same incident...

It was reported that more people watched the inauguration of President Barack Obama than any other event in the history of television. This collective cup of Humanity's consciousness was overflowing with wondrous expectations, hope, gratitude, commitment, oneness, prayers for peace, and prayers for viable solutions to the maladies existing in the global economy, as well as every other facet of Life on Earth.
Now, with these positive frequencies of Light building in momentum, we are being offered another opportunity. During the upcoming Solar and Lunar Eclipses, and the two-week period in between the Eclipses, we can expand the patterns of perfection for the New Earth and empower the hopes and dreams we have for our own individual lives.
The Company of Heaven has revealed that the most receptive frequency of Light to use in this endeavor is Divine Love. Please join with me, and thousands of Lightworkers around the world, by focusing on the following Invocation throughout this rare opportunity. Together, we will empower our visions, our hopes, our goals, and our dreams.
O, Supreme Presence of God within all Life, into your Eternal Heart of Love do I immerse myself and all Life on this sweet Earth. I consciously surrender my vehicles to be merged with the Love Nature of Your Being until I AM a pure focus of Love—a living jewel in Your Crown of Adoration.
The path I walk in Life leads only to Love. My physical body filled with Love becomes shining and invincible. My etheric vehicle radiating Love transmutes the past. Love in my mind ensures the expression of Your Divine Thoughts. Love in my feelings reaffirms that God is the only power acting.
As I AM thinking, feeling and remembering only Love, I know that my I AM Presence is working through me, radiating forth the perfection of my omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God, All That Is, to Humanity and all Life, which I have promised to Love free.
In this awakened consciousness of Divine Love, my spirit becomes Holy Spirit, and I AM the Love of God reaching out to claim this Earth.
In Love I magnetize all of God’s blessings to me, and in Love I radiate these blessings forth to all Life around me. I AM the Spirit of Love permeating form until all is drawn back into the indivisible whole.
I feel the pulse beat of Love in all Life and the continuity of Love in all of the experiences I have ever known. It is ALL Love.
I was born out of Love, I AM evolving through Love, and I AM Ascending back into Love.
I AM ALL LOVE, and I AM Grateful.
And so it is, Beloved I AM.
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Russian Military Intelligence reports circulating in the Kremlin today state that an attempt to shoot down an American passenger plane over New York City carrying some of the top officials from the United State's largest bank, and largest financial services company in the World, Bank of America, failed when the pilot quickly reacted to his crippled and burning aircraft by landing it in the Hudson river extinguishing the spreading flames and saving the lives of all aboard.
Quoting some of the direct statements from passengers on the attacked aircraft (including Jeff Kolodjay who stated "I heard a loud explosion from the left side of the plane [and] the smell of gas was strong," and Dave Sanderson who also stated "I heard an explosion and saw some flames coming from the left wing.") Undoubtedly the missile used to attack this US Airways aircraft was a Russian made Igla-S man-portable air-defense system manufactured at the Degtyarev factory in the city of Kovrov due to its "unique frequency signature" recorded by [listening devices] located at Russia's UN Mission offices in New York City and orbiting satellites.
It has long been known by Russian Intelligence Analysts that the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has been in possession of 50 Igla-S missiles stolen from Russia by the British MI6 terrorist spy ring run by their agent Hemant Lakhani, and who in 2003, while being pursued by FSB commandos was "rescued" by CIA forces and brought to the United States where he remains today.
It should be noted that the United States has stated that Hemant Lakhani was "convicted" by their Federal Court and sentenced to 47 years in prison for his arming of terrorists with stolen Russian weapons, but to this date, our requests to have this verified, and to actually see and interrogate Lakhani, have been denied by US Intelligence Officials. Likewise, repeated Russian requests to have the stolen Igla-S missiles returned have been denied as the Americans have stated that they are still being used as "evidence."
The reason behind this attack on some of the most powerful bankers in the United States was to accelerate the collapse of the American economy by assassinating Bank of America's top officials who were returning to their home base in North Carolina after negotiating a $138 Billion US government bailout, and which would "totally destroy" the stock value of America's largest bank, plunging the US into further financial chaos.
* Brief History of the Order of Sorcha Faal
The Order of Sorcha Faal was established in 588 (BCE) in Tara, County Meath, Ireland, and claim as their Founder the oldest daughter of King Zedekiah, Tamar Tephi.
The name, Sorcha Faal, comes from the ancient Gaeilge branch of the Goidelic languages of Ireland and derives from Sorcha: She Who Brings Light and Faal: the Dark and Barren Place.
The Order of Sorcha Faal comprises 18 Monasteries in Ireland, Russia, Egypt, Lebanon, and the United States. Join Sorcha Faal’s mailing list by sending your request to: sorchafaal@fastmail.fm