Late last night, a group of us met up and, very quickly, the conversation turned to RPK’s ‘Probably my last message’ post.
The discussion became very heated.
Tempers flared.
At the heart of all that was said was an earnest concern for a man who has come to mean so much to so many of us.
A man who has thus far displayed such tenacity in pushing for change, in pressing for greater transparency and accountability in governance, and tirelessly working to free so many from the mental bondage inflicted by a media so long subservient to their corrupt, political masters.
Yet, we feared that it was this same tenacity that would leave our friend dead in less than two weeks.
[Read the rest at Haris Ibrahim's blog, The People's Parliament.]

Monday, 23 February 2009 marks the day the would-be Malaysian emperor Najib Abdul Razak gleefully awaits word that his wishes have been faithfully carried out and that his archenemy, Raja Petra Kamarudin, would have his freedom curtailed under the grotesque operation of an obscene and archaic law, by order of an utterly despicable and unscrupulous home minister named Syed Hamid Albar.

Is it any wonder that Raja Petra Kamarudin (or RPK as everybody calls him) has won the hearts of all honest, truth-loving citizens; and has become Malaysia's greatest living hero, mobbed by fans wherever he goes? RPK's indefatigable support for Anwar Ibrahim and the Pakatan Rakyat government in the making helped swing the votes against Barisan Nasional on 8 March 2008. A large portion of the credit for the political tsunami of 2008 therefore goes to RPK - and that is precisely why the nefarious Najib Razak and his Umno supporters want RPK safely locked away.

This would focus international attention on the tattered state of justice in Malaysia and put the spotlight on Najib Razak's immense unpopularity as a potential prime minister, making his bid for power an accursed and illegitimate one in the eyes of the rakyat.
I salute the courage and fortitude of those who are about to lay down their lives for freedom, justice and truth in Malaysia. And I spit upon the cowardice of those who continue to carry out unjust orders rather than risk their jobs by making a moral stand at this critical juncture of our history.