Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Zaid Ibrahim on the Rule of Law

"The Rule of Law has no meaning if judges, especially apex court judges, are not prepared to enter the fray in the struggle for the preservation of human rights and the fundamental liberties.

Supreme Court judges in other jurisdictions have done so time and again. Though it is far less difficult to accommodate the will of the government, that must be resisted at all costs, particularly where justice so demands. Only then can we say that Malaysia is grounded on the Rule of Law.

To all our judges I say discard your political leanings and philosophy. Stick to justice in accordance with the law. As Lord Denning reminded us: Justice is inside all of us, not a product of intellect but of the spirit. Your oath is to the Constitution; shield yourself behind it. Without your conviction, democracy is but a concept."

Zaid Ibrahim (from a speech delivered at the LawAsia Conference, 30 October 2008)

"LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO VOTE UMNO!" ~ Hussein Abdul Hamid