Dicks, Pussies & the Occasional Elephant (revisited)
Here's an amusing collection of random images forwarded by friends, some of which are well worth revisiting, especially on days when words fail to express the overwhelming sense of absurdity and utter meaninglessness engendered by the powers-that-were in their desperation to cling on to their wholly undeserved privileges. The images have been loosely classified into three main categories: dicks, pussies and the occasional elephant (though several remain unclassifiable, like the first two...
Whoever came up with this world map deserves a hearty spanking.
Brilliant geopolitical map: easy for plutocrats to carve up the world!
This priceless image tops the dickhead category...
Stylized dickhead oozing an amphibious substance...defectors, beware!
This dickhead stands out in a crowd!
Rampant banana with undeniable appeal, heh heh.
Great names for these dickhead twins.
Some pussies HATE getting wet!
Pussy in hot pursuit: watch out for those toxic talons!
What's a mere cat doing amongst these meerkats?
Waking from a long winter?
Totally awesome pussy?
Famous last words.
Very useful service from Google...
The radical leftwing strikes a blow against humanity.
When Umno is booted out we might see a level playing field.
Pachyderm romance? You need a thick hide to survive that!
Vicarious sex
Hostile alphabet soup?
Excellent advice spotted at a Thai temple (by my daughter Moon).
They thought he was dead... but Bala lives on forever in our memories.
Coming soon to a cinema near you (when Covidiocy comes to an abrupt end)!
[First posted 2 July 2010. Reposted 10 November 2014 & 3 November 2020]