We know that our ancestors have been around for over 100,000 years. According to the alien genetic engineering theory, every 5000 years our planet is visited by aliens from Planet X, the tenth planet in our solar system. In Assyrian records those aliens are known as Anunnaki.
The reason for the long periods in between visits is that it takes that long for Planet X to come close enough to Earth for the Anunnaki to make the trip. On their second last visit, around 8,000 B.C., the Anunnaki implanted a sufficient amount of their genes into humans to enable us to make the switch from primitive group hunting to agriculture in the area of the 'Fertile Crescent', encompassing today's Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Israel and Palestine, besides the south-eastern fringe of Turkey and the western fringe of Iran.

The aliens didn't conduct those experiments out of the goodness of their hearts, but in an effort to make us more useful. They needed us as workers, soldiers and slaves. What they were after is fairly obvious: gold. All ancient cultures had only one purpose, the production of gold and other precious metals for our visitors from space. The Anunnaki didn't want to do the hard work of digging the gold out of the dirt themselves, so they created us and other humanoids like hobbles and Neanderthal men to do it for them.

During their last visit a revolt broke out amongst the Anunnaki, making them split into two warring camps. That conflict is reflected in the biblical story of Satan's revolt against God. The trigger for the revolt was an attempt of the leader of the Anunnaki visitors to crack down on rampant fraternization between Anunnakis and humans, which was bound to create a hybrid race that one day could become a threat to the total control and exploitation by the Anunnaki.

The camp of the rebels was able to win a significant followership amongst human leaders. The latter were more than happy to produce off-spring with Anunnaki superpowers. What is more, the 'evil'' camp was more appealing to them because siding with 'Satan' was far more rewarding than the hypocritical demands of frugality and unconditional obedience demanded by 'God.' After all, why does the 'good shepherd' take such good care of his sheep? Because he wants their wool and meat.
The Anunnakis left, but the human leaders of the two opposing camps have kept warring each other for the past 5000 years, Romans vs. Phoenicians, Hohenstaufens vs. Guelphs, Guelphs vs. Ghibellines, Medicis vs. Huguenots, Fascism[1] vs. Communism and Freemasonry.

The solution to this dilemma is obviously not as simple as joining either side. My point is that in this 'Alien vs. Predator' conflict, it doesn't matter which of the two reptile camps wins, mankind always loses. The big challenge for us - regardless of the amount of Anunnaki genes we carry in us - is to find a third option, in which we treat each other the way we would like to be treated if we were in the other person's shoes.
P.S. The next visit of our alien creators is scheduled for 2012-2014.

A Concise Adamic History
The Lethal Legacy of Warlordism
[First posted 15 November 2010. Reposted 13 December 2013]