Sunday, May 8, 2022

EARTH PRAYER (revisited)

This prayer was channeled 28 October 2003 specifically for the Harmonic Concordance of 8-9 November 2003...

Great Mother Earth... Gracious Embodiment of Gaia:
I embrace your beauty and bounty with all my heart!
With profound gratitude and sublime joy,
I sing your praises with every breath -
You are the Divine Matrix of Life,
The Sacred Being that knows no death!
You are beyond struggle and strife,
The promise of Paradise regained;
Vision of glory, power, and love reclaimed!

Great Mother Earth... Gracious Embodiment of Gaia:
Your blessings are infinite and rainbow-hued!
For our sake you have known pain and sorrow -
You have been pillaged, plundered and raped -
But the sins of yesterday will not stain tomorrow!
Your children are all awakening now to truth:
We solemnly vow to honor you
And your many-splendored biosphere,
As we plant on your lips true love's first kiss.

Gaia by Sabrine Moles
Great Mother Earth... Gracious Embodiment of Gaia:
O Sleeping Beauty... Awake and Ascend
In peace, harmony, and perfection!
Peace, Harmony, and Perfection!
Peace, Harmony, and Perfection!

Great Mother Earth... you are our Home!
Great Mother Earth... we have Come Home!
Great Mother Earth... My Beloved Home...
Om Sweet Home
Om Sweet Home
Is where the Heart is!
Is where the Heart is!
And so it is.
So it is.

28 October 2003

[First posted 2 December 2010. Reposted 29 August 2014, 24 May 2015 & 
24 March 2020]