Saturday, April 29, 2023

Cuteness Therapy. Quite Painless! (repost)

Feline daydream
No checked luggage
Oy! Stop leaning!
Oh, that's the bus at last!
Think I'm dry now, can I go play?
Don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing...
Caught a cat burglar!
Hmmm... I think I need a facelift...
Furball blues
Canine pathos
Duck off!
Oops... wrong neck of the woods!
Is the war over?
You've heard of Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat? Well, I'm Hang Dog!
A boy and his elephant
Identity crisis!
Don't give a hoot!
It's the UV that gets me...
Look ma, no ears!
Is this your child, ma'am? I'm a truant officer
I'm only an additional 110 grams!
Ma.... he stole my cherry!
Another sultan of swing
See ya later, momma!
Chimp nanny
Duck Wader
Don't try to right-click!
Gotta lose weight!
Why Me-ee-ee-oo-oo-w?
Sleeping partner
Fetal position keeps the body heat intact
Cuddly fuzzy-wuzzy in search of a little girl
Close encounter with a mirror
Irresistible pussy
Learning to be a Chipmunk
Phwooah, it's true what they say about dog breath!

Who da fuck is Shirley Temple?
Out of my way, pockface!

[Thanks to Olivia de Haulleville who kindly shared these images with me.
First posted 28 February 2012, reposted 6 December 2013 & 26 April 2018]