Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Plutocrats' Plan To Enslave Humanity ~ What Can We Do About It?

Retrieved from an email dated 13 March 2002...

Subject: IMF Plan for Total Slavery of the World | Marga's Crucial Question!
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 21:46:01 +0800

Marga wrote:

Well Antares, thank you for sending me this little bit of news. It's very disheartening but not at all surprising. So what do we do? What are people of good heart to do about all of this? We can't just run to our caves and hide in meditation and prayer, we can't protest in the streets because that would be the perfect way for the bankers and power brokers to get rid of us. I can hear it now: "In a late breaking news story, demonstrations broke out among protesters of the World Bank today. Because of the violence of the demonstration the National Guard was called in. 800 protesters presumed dead." So what do we do? Wondering as I am wandering. Love, Marga

Marga le Fey, you delightful being, I'm glad you asked, because many are asking the same question right now. WHAT DO WE... WHAT CAN WE DO... apart from commit suicide or regicide (which may be the same thing, for aren't we all kings and queens of our own sovereign being)?

First, let me ask you: would you rather NOT know about any of this? Would you prefer the childlike bliss of ignorance? I look at Ahau (who turns 6 on the vernal equinox) and it's clear that he's not in any way bothered about geopolitics or the reprehensible behavior of the World Bank (even though their ecocidal activities could destroy his future in the 3rd Dimension, making him inherit a toxic wasteland instead of paradise on earth). He doesn't judge the moral status of the grownups he meets - although he's attracted by some and repulsed by others. I wish I could be as spontaneous and living-in-the-now as Ahau, but alas, I know too much.

Once I was very much part of the Illuminati, that whole false god game, and even in this incarnation, I might have ended up being a top-earning spin doctor with some PR firm like Hill & Knowlton or Saatchi & Saatchi whose clients may include Monsanto, Exxon-Mobil, General Electric, North American Rockwell, or the Pentagon. That sort of career choice might have lubricated my petty ego - made me a little god in my own private domain with all the perks and privileges that come with being a high-level minion of Sauron... oops, I mean Enron!

But in 1977 - shortly after reading That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis - I quit a full-time job in advertising and sought to create a path for myself using whatever skills I could muster. After a while I discovered there was no escape from the 3D Matrix generated by Big Economics and Big Politics and propped up by Big Military and the Big Brother secret police... except by reclaiming my authority and power from within and no longer allowing myself to be beholden to ANY external authority, especially if it proclaimed itself to be God.

I unsubscribed from belief systems that dictated the lives of billions. I disconnected from the illusion of Progress (measured quantitatively by scientific materialist criteria), renounced the education system and insurance and real estate and the concept of personal income tax and the spurious notion that we need governments and police and military to protect us from outright CHAOS and ANARCHY. I weaned myself off the need for externally imposed LAW and ORDER and accepted that indestructible and immutable principles of fractal harmonics and sacred geometry were in operation that eternally transform and regenerate visible structures - and all that was required of a sentient, evolving soul-entity was to be conscious of this process - and remain conscious through all its fascinating phases, occasionally focusing the heart-guided will in this or the other direction, purely as a navigational device, to minimize damage to our physical vehicles.

In other words, I began to deprogram myself from being ruled by FEAR. I'm not saying I deleted all CAUTION programs from my biocomputer, but the deeply ingrained seeds of FEAR planted by the cunning Creator gods who colonized the Earth aeons ago and manufactured from their own genetic material a docile semi-intelligent slave race to dig for precious metals and build their empires.

These Creator Gods are commonly referred to as the Anunnaki or reptoid ETs and some of their aristocratic bloodlines continue to rule the earth (under the astral influence of their ancestors) through monolithic religious, financial, and military institutions established over millennia. Others have woken up and understood the stupidity of their earthbound ambitions, and rededicated their energies to helping others wake up, so that yet another massive catastrophe (such as has happened many times in previous creation cycles) can be averted in the nick of time.

Marga, now is the time to reintegrate our multidimensional aspects and become whole unto ourselves once more. As we perform this essential alchemy on our beings, we shall retrieve long-forgotten knowledge and abilities, forgive long-buried trangressions, transmute all past pain into present and future pleasures, and release ourselves from the Dead Zone of automatism. No secret cabal can control a Buddha (Fully Awakened One) or Christ (Totally Compassionate One). That's what we MUST become, not in a hundred lifetimes, but right now, in the next couple of days, weeks or months!

Institutionalized (in effect, rigidified) forms of religious teachings have deliberately implanted the notion in earthbound humanity that such states of consciousness are well nigh inaccessible and remote; that it takes many lifetimes of hardship and suffering to attain Buddhahood or Christhood (or Prophethood if you happen to be Muslim). That's absolute nonsense. We could easily have 10,000 times more Buddhas than Bachelor degree holders and 1,000 times more Christs than PhDs.

The moment you disconnect yourself from the belief of unworthiness or sinfulness, you become once again a living miracle - a tabula rasa (clean slate), the embodiment of innocence and complete receptivity to angelic, archangelic, deific inspiration (which appears to enter from "above" through the soul-star and crown chakras, but actually arises spontaneously from your innermost core - the original seed of Total Awareness). Of course, the vast majority of earthbound humanity is emotionally clogged from generations and lifetimes of debilitating and paralyzing trauma. This needs to be cleared first (throwing out the stale wine so that fresh wine can be poured into the holy grail) - and there are so many healing options available to us these days from deep massage to rebirthing, Reiki, releasing, crystal cleansing, aurasoma, and so on; one or more of these therapies is bound to work for you).

I have done it, I am doing it, it's easy and painless and fun and rejuvenating. And I have absolutely no doubt that YOU are or will be doing it too.

Remember, a billion bombs have no power against a single Buddha. An entire Age of Darkness holds no terror for a single Christ. We, the Public, must become We, the Christ. Then all "sins" will be forgiven, all ignorance dispelled, all lack fulfilled, and all hatred transmuted INSTANTLY to healing love.

Infinite Rainbow Blessings on Your Voyage of Eternal Bliss,

[First posted 23 February 2014]