Thursday, January 30, 2020

Don't forget who's the boss! (reprise)

It's been a while since I wrote about Malaysian politics - or. for that matter, politics anywhere.

Day in, day out, the same old dead-boring programs keep repeating - generation after generation, century after century, millennium after millennium - at least, within the narrow confines of the holographic sound-stage most humans consider "the real world" - the world where grim-faced gray-haired men in dark suits and red ties emerge from sleek black limos to attend interminable conferences, while gnomish international bankers gleefully sponsor their sybaritic revels at Bohemian Grove.

The majority of established journalists believe this to be "the real world" - the "grown-up" world of economic necessity and political expediency. They get paid well to report knowledgeably about this paved-over Dead Zone where no fresh outlooks or reality options can grow. Well, folks, I've had enough of this benighted charade.

The way I see it, with all the data freely available online, ignorance must now be regarded as purely optional. Many choose to remain ignorant - or zoom in on only what interests them to the exclusion of everything else. I've come to realize that adults with attention spans greater than that of a 9-year-old are a distinct minority. The power hierarchy capitalizes heavily on this factor to maintain the corrupt and diseased status quo.

Meanwhile, I'm also becoming aware that I'm either suffering from writer's block - or going through a period when I find myself with little left to say that hasn't been said before by myself or other aspects of myself. I'm glad to observe that many have picked up the baton and are going all out to help remove that moral tumor named BN from our body politic.

I'm with you all the way, folks. Ini kali lah, this time we'll make it happen.

[First posted 19 February 2013]