Thursday, October 18, 2018
Truth be told, we no longer need oil, nuclear, wind or solar energy... and the villainous corporations that use their power to enslave us!
Published on 16 Sep 2013
Ralph and Marsha Ring at the Breakthrough Energy Movement conference, 2012 Holland
Title: Anti-gravity and conscious awareness in aether technology
Run time: 1.44.57 min
Speaker: Ralph and Marsha Ring
Produced by: Globalbem
Country of origin: Holland
Language: English
Empty space is not empty at all!
The vacuum is actually a plenum. It contains an abundant amount of energy, the zero point energy. There is a cosmic dance of energy back and forth between the physical realm and the zero point field, a constant creation and destruction of matter from the void.
The continuous flow of energy in and out of the material world resembles what Eastern Hindu cosmology described as the cosmic dance of Shiva. Could it be that what scientists are observing as the zero point energy is in fact our own collective consciousness and that we are creating the physical world from this energy?
If consciousness is indeed the first cause of physical reality and not the effect, at least we have identified a candidate for the required spiritual energy. Ancient science has been secretly preserved throughout history and is now being reconstructed by modern science. This ancient knowledge is called sacred geometry and for some reason it was very important to be preserved for future generations.
In antiquity it was taught in the mystery schools of the Egyptians and the Greeks. On penalty of death, initiates had to keep this knowledge secret throughout history. In the West this knowledge was preserved in Gnostic circles and secret societies of Knights Templars and Freemasonry. The science of sacred geometry claims that everything in our universe has an underlying invisible geometric structure following a fundamental principle. Contemporary scientists now use sacred geometry to explain how physical reality is constructed from the omnipresent and all-pervasive background energy of the physical vacuum.
Ralph had an ongoing interest and participation in areas of Esoteric & Aether Knowledge and Technologies. After leaving the US Army in 1954, he began an ongoing search for answers to many questions concerning the Unknown. In brief, he worked for a US Government funded research facility in the areas of Magnetic's, Levitation and Teleportation. His search eventually led him to the Realities and participations of Teleportation and Esoteric Consciousness.
Ralph is a Natural Scientist and a Creative Technician who in the late 50's and early 1960's worked together with Otis T. Carr (A Prodigy of Nikola Tesla) and a team of dedicated Scientists on Alternative Technologies, one of which was Teleportation . He was One of three to pilot a Man Made Spaceship, the OTC-X1. His Dream since birth has and is to produce Levitating Homes, Cities and Countries. He and his Spiritual partner and wife, Marsha talk on Expanding Consciousness and Natural Law which enables people to see the Simplicities of All things there-by bringing their dreams closer to Reality.
About Marsha Ring
In 2005 Ralph Ring requested Marsha to be his colleague and assist him on his lecture tours. In 2007 Ralph and Marsha joined their lives together, at which time they became a team, speaking together on interviews and lectures, enjoying the meeting of people and helping them to remember who and what they were created to be.
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The Global Breakthrough Energy Movement (GlobalBEM) is a non-profit volunteer-powered organization dedicated to educating & activating the public about breakthrough energy technologies which are clean, sustainable and world changing
Disclaimer : We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals or as Globalbem, may not agree with everything presented on this video, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth. We are a non-profit organization of volunteers and thus each member or any other person involved in any way, have to take responsibility for their own statements, acts and beliefs.
all rights reserved © GlobalBEM 2012
[Thanks to Shalamee Campbell for alerting me to this video. First posted 27 November 2013]