Why I Am No Longer a Light Worker
No, I haven’t turned to the dark-side, but rather I am transcending sides. This article is probably the most important piece I have written to date, and in order to convey the full message, a bit of back-story is necessary. Hang in there with me, and by the end you will understand why I will never call myself a “lightworker” again.
Planet Earth and much of our corner of the universe has been under a spell for a very long time, a spell which casts doubt within our minds about whether or not we are connected with the Infinite Source of all creation.The spell causes us to feel alone, vulnerable and isolated – cast out from the Heavenly Realms into a cruel, dog-eat-dog world. This spell is pure fiction, a deception of the highest order, but it has taken hold deeply on this and other worlds.
Intrinsic within this holographic spell is the notion that duality and polarity are natural aspects of life, and that we must serve one side of duality or the other. This elegantly simple binary imprint has become so prominent that we have lost sight of the larger holographic spell that spawned it. Indeed, we have lost sight of the hologram all together, and come to believe that it is the sum total of reality.
Humans have been conditioned to worship the holographic deception and the agents that perpetuate it. This hologram has been called Maya by the Hindus, and the Gnostics referred to it as the Corrupt Demiurge. I find this term a highly accurate description, and from the point forward I will refer to it as the corrupt demiurge.
Dark vs (False) Light – Duality of the Demiurge
In order to capture and control the widest possible spectrum of souls, the corrupt demiurge split its agents into two seemingly opposing teams: Dark vs (false) Light.

Not everyone can be a saint, so there must be room for sinners within the demiurge, as long as everyone involved is under its spell. What matters most to the demiurge is that we worship it or one of its agents, regardless if they are on the light team or the dark team.
There are many names of the players within this cosmic, multi-dimensional drama that you will have no doubt heard of such as: Lucifer, Jehova, Beelzebub, Arch Angel Michael, Satan (different dude than Lucifer), Ashtar, dozens of Arch(on) angels, supposedly ascended “masters” and various other channeled entities.
While some of these beings play for team dark, and some play for team (false) light, they are ALL ultimately playing for the corrupt demiurge that controls them.This, in essence, is the big secret of the archons: They are not just the “evil, demonic beings” but also those who pretend to be angels and ascended masters..
What is the Point of All This Control?
The corrupt demiurge is an entropic system of artificially-induced separation consciousness that is slowly dying, and it depends on harvesting the energy from the souls incarnated within its system in order to preserve its existence. In order to harvest the largest amount of soul energy possible, it created the dark-light duality paradigm to ensure that every being incarnated on a world that is under its spell would serve as a “soul battery” to help keep the demiurge energized. The “good” souls would seek out the (false) light team, and the “bad” souls would seek out the dark team, but unknown to most of those souls, they are all serving the same system.
[Read the full electrifying essay here...]
Tell the “Lords” of Karma That You Are Sovereign – No Longer a Lightworker Part 2

It has been a while since I published a long article, and I have been working for many hours on this follow-up to the August article,Why I Am No Longer a Lightworker. That piece generated a lot of positive responses, as well as tremendous resistance and scorn from those within the New (c)Age movement who are heavily invested in the illusions of the false light.
I know that much of what I revealed in that article was difficult to accept, but I am committed to Truth, wherever it leads.
This article is going to pick up where the last one left off, so if you haven't already read the first part, please go read that first because the terms defined in Why I Am No Longer a Lightworker will be used here without any definitions.
The "Lords" of Karma
The false-light demiurgic parasites known as the "Lords" of Karma are perhaps the worst violators of free-will that I have encountered, second only to the corrupt demiurge itself. They are the primary gatekeepers that allow or deny beings access into and out of the demiurgic system, and as such, they must be exposed.

Their perversion of the natural law of karma is so staggering in scope that I will only be able to cover a small portion of it in this article. To begin with, they are responsible for forcing beings to reincarnate over, and over, and over (and over) again, in clear violation of Universal Law.
In the "Free Universe" outside of the corrupt demiurgic enslavement system, a being is free to incarnate onto any planet that they choose.
When a being's physical life comes to an end (after hundreds, perhaps thousands of years), they return to Infinite Source for a rest, and then decide what they want to do next in order to continue to learn and grow. Nowhere in this process is a hierarchical group of controlling, manipulative beings like the "lords" of karma present.
As you can see by my use of quotes around the word "lords," I despise calling them that at all. So in my usual style, I have given these beings a new, somewhat sarcastic name: The Turds of Karma. I started calling them this after an encounter several months ago when I was removing deep layers of imposed agreements that they were trying to hold in place. At one point in the process I forcefully told them, "You are the biggest pieces of sh** that I have ever seen. I don't owe you ANYTHING. YOU owe every single being that you have manipulated a debt that you will never be able to repay!" At that point, they left very quickly.
After that, the name Turds of Karma just kind of stuck. Although it is somewhat juvenile, I think it fits, and I hope that you will think of them in this same way, so that you won't be fooled by their con-artistry now, or later when you depart from the physical realm. With that bit of renaming out of the way, let's explore some of the ways the Turds of Karma (ToK) manipulate beings.
[Read the rest here...]
Loving thanks to Kalasara Seytasha for sending me these links!