Harald Kautz-Vella (a perfect blend of wizard, scientist & mystic) presents his detailed lecture on the two types of Black Goo, Morgellons, and Artificial Intelligence at the Bases Woodborough conference held on June 20th, 2015.
Call them Predator ETs, Archons, or Retarded Jinns... it's hard to ignore the evidence that this insidious blight on Life & the Evolution of Consciousness has managed to insinuate itself into the deep psyches of many generations of aberrated human egos - the same way Saruman the White was seduced by contact with palantirs into submitting to the Will of Sauron & allowing himself to be transformed into an Evil Scientist & would-be World Conqueror. (As far back as the 16th century CE, such a diabolical scenario was already envisioned by Christopher Marlowe in his Faustian play.)
After listening to Harald Kautz Vella, I experienced at first a sense of utter helplessness in the face of such nefarious revelations about the delinquent way R&D resources have been squandered on establishing a permanent Hell on Earth, rather than the opposite... then suddenly I was reminded that the Original Spark of Divine Consciousness within every atom of my physical & metaphysical being would never have permitted such a travesty to occur, if there was no possibility of our deactivating or neutralizing this nihilistic agenda.
Just as Gandalf fearlessly threw himself into mortal combat with the Balrog & transcended his own mortality & previous limitations, what we essentially require is to let our capacity to understand, love & forgive increase exponentially, while becoming fearless of our own hypothetical non-existence... & in so doing attain natural immunity against inane & demented notions (like killer smart dust & ninja nanoparticles) concocted by the insectoid Archons & their psychopathic human agents.
Call them Predator ETs, Archons, or Retarded Jinns... it's hard to ignore the evidence that this insidious blight on Life & the Evolution of Consciousness has managed to insinuate itself into the deep psyches of many generations of aberrated human egos - the same way Saruman the White was seduced by contact with palantirs into submitting to the Will of Sauron & allowing himself to be transformed into an Evil Scientist & would-be World Conqueror. (As far back as the 16th century CE, such a diabolical scenario was already envisioned by Christopher Marlowe in his Faustian play.)
After listening to Harald Kautz Vella, I experienced at first a sense of utter helplessness in the face of such nefarious revelations about the delinquent way R&D resources have been squandered on establishing a permanent Hell on Earth, rather than the opposite... then suddenly I was reminded that the Original Spark of Divine Consciousness within every atom of my physical & metaphysical being would never have permitted such a travesty to occur, if there was no possibility of our deactivating or neutralizing this nihilistic agenda.
Just as Gandalf fearlessly threw himself into mortal combat with the Balrog & transcended his own mortality & previous limitations, what we essentially require is to let our capacity to understand, love & forgive increase exponentially, while becoming fearless of our own hypothetical non-existence... & in so doing attain natural immunity against inane & demented notions (like killer smart dust & ninja nanoparticles) concocted by the insectoid Archons & their psychopathic human agents.
[First posted 28 December 2016. Reposted 30 December 2020]