Well, folks, I don't believe in disease, having unsubscribed from the hypochondria channel decades ago. True, I can still experience the inconvenience of a bad case of the sniffles or a prolonged bout of coughing whenever my immune system is subject to emotional stress - but I've long decided that disease is a state of mind to begin with. It only becomes a physical condition when your emotional tone goes below zero for more than three days.

Wong has, in my opinion, got the problem well sussed out - even if he erroneously pins the blame on the Americans. The benighted souls who engage in biowarfare and clandestine population culling projects know no ethnic or national allegiances. I suspect they aren't even fully human - and if they are, they must have been bodysnatched at some point and are now merely human agents (perhaps unwittingly) of an inhuman evil that seeks to perpetuate its stranglehold on human evolution and the destiny of the planet through the rule of fear.
Wong Ang Peng | Apr 27, 09 4:24pm
I refer to the Malaysiakini report Global alarm as killer swine flu spreads.

A strong stain of the dengue virus was created in the labs of the US Army and released in Latin America and Nicaragua in the 1980's. There are many other examples.
Every pre-winter season, there will be much hype through the mass media in the West to create fear in the masses that an impending fatal strain of flu equivalent to Great Flu Epidemic that killed millions in the West in the 1920's is imminent.

Generally, the people in China and Vietnam who died about four years ago were those who had been taking the avian flu vaccine shots.
The H5N1 hype a few years ago caused nations all over the world to stock up on the anti-bird flu Tamiflu vaccines. Malaysia spent about RM60 million. These vaccines usually have a shelf life of around five years. We have another year to go before the Tamiflu stockpile becomes useless.

If we apply logic to basic knowledge in biology and genetics, the horizontal transfer of genes can only happen when genes are artificially tampered with, i.e., through genetic engineering, or GMO (genetically modified organisms). In today's geopolitical-economic conflict, and the threatened beginning of the end of the US empire, it is not absurd to reason that covert activities are planned and executed to destabilize different parts of the world, in favour of and for prolonging the hegemony of the US empire.

From past events and the hype over impending flu outbreaks, it is inevitable that this swine flu which originated in Mexico, will very soon reach the shores of South East Asia and other parts of the world.
There will be panic. There will be public clamouring, and even stampedes for anti-swine flu vaccines. Remember that Vitamin C is the best prevention for any natural or man-made flu outbreak. Sugar and junk food will aggravate any flu symptoms.


It is puzzling to us that these dark ones did not learn from their abject failures with SARS and then the avian flu, both of which were widely publicized with the same global pandemic prognosis; eventually the publicity was forced to cease because those diseases caused a few deaths, then totally fizzled out.
This swine flu situation will have the same result. The technology of our family in other star nations has neutralized the vaccine that is intended to spread this disease, just as they did to prevent the spreading of SARS and avian flu.

"This new diabolical plan has been done without the US government leader's knowledge, unlike the previous two pandemic attempts, which were fabricated with the approval of the highest members [of the Bush] administration. Think about the timing of this latest disease publicity. In addition to authorizing the creation of a virus and its intended worldwide fear, the darkly-inclined individuals’ aim is to distract the attention of the populace from their growing demands for peaceful negotiations; indicting responsible ones in the US government who authorized torture; the truth about the perpetrators of 9/11; what caused the collapse of the global economy; the decades of government cover-up about the presence of extraterrestrials; who operates the illegal drug industry; the real purpose of chemtrails and weather control; the aims of the worldwide Zionist movement; and the ‘black ops’ behind terrorism around your world.

All of those are anathema to dark individuals as those conditions are the opposite of all dark goals. But just as the collapse of the global economy is exposing the truth about who has been manipulating it, so will this swine flu plan expose other evils perpetrated by the same dark ones within the Illuminati or under their control. Welcome this evidence of progress in ‘bringing to light’ the truth and the fast-withering tendrils of dark energy around your planet!”

Suzanne Ward

[First posted 29 April 2009]