That's right... Nurul Izzah, Anwar's feisty princess, surprised everyone by showing up unannounced at an outdoor ceramah in Kg Pertak. The event was sponsored by a Pakatan Rakyat supporter to neutralize the vile and pernicious influence of the Jabatan Hal Ehwal Orang Asli - which has been used as a weapon to bludgeon the Temuan of Ulu Selangor into submission to more misrule under BN.
Izzah's enchanting presence at the Orang Asli ceramah was a poignant reminder to everyone present that the campaign was ultimately all about putting an end to gross injustice and abuse of power.
The Batin of Pertak, Bidar Chik, was visibly thrilled to be introduced to Izzah. "I greatly admire your father," he told Izzah. He had earlier had a long conversation with Selangor exco for environment and tourism, Elizabeth Wong, who spoke last in the program.
The event at Kg Pertak was notable for the spirit of fun and freedom that permeated the ceramah. A band from Pos Iskandar, Pahang, was on hand to provide lively joget numbers between political speeches. Jenita Engi, a young Temuan girl from Parit Gong, Negri Sembilan, was the emcee for the evening and she put everyone at ease with her easyflowing banter. An observer noted that many of the Asli tend to hang back in the shadows at ceramah hosted by the JHEOA. I guess they instinctively know better than to get too close to the density and darkness symbolized by the Dacing.
Many Orang Asli from other tribes were present to lend support to the Pakatan Rakyat campaign. They voiced their frustrations against the deeply entrenched arrogance, insensitivity and greed of the Umno/BN government and exhorted their fellow Orang Asli to awaken from slumber and vote them out.