Saturday, August 7, 2010

Unity Consciousness & Bi-Polar Politics

Some of us feel drawn to the noble notion of Unity Consciousness - which I define as a transcendent perspective wherein one is increasingly aware of a greater, more inclusive context of our existence. Indeed, Unity Consciousness implies a pluralistic view of reality that reconciles, redeems and integrates apparent conflicts and contradictions.

Fashionable phrases like "unconditional love," "non-judgment," "loving allowance" and "oneness" get bandied about in New Age circles, making some of us feel unworthy every time we experience a bad hair day and find ourselves using foul language on people or situations that irk us and impinge on our sense of justice.

Meanwhile, within the 3D Matrix, atavistic and recalcitrant egos descended from fallen angel bloodlines with pronounced criminal tendencies continue to call the shots in economics and politics by setting themselves up as the ruling elite. It's all very well to acknowledge that these destructive and diabolical elements are ultimately an aspect of our greater self - but does this mean we remain passive in the face of their virulent abuse of power and tyrannical exploitation of the semi-conscious masses?

Fortunately I've learned how to dance between the third and fifth dimensions, occasionally venturing beyond to catch a glimpse of existence beyond the semantic universe. This frees me from being overly attached to outcomes on the 3rd dimension and allows me to build energetic links between these realities. In the third, we are conditioned to think in terms of either/or, win or lose - but in the fifth we begin to intuit the beauty of both/and situations and the possibility of win-win scenarios.

The 3rd dimension creates a great divide between hero and villain, white hat and black hat. Looking at events from the 5th dimension, we easily perceive the transitional effect of various behaviors. For instance, what appears to be a vile and vicious act on the 3rd dimension reveals itself as a catalytic incident with positive precessional effects (90-degree spin-offs that trigger evolutionary transformations).

Expressed in simple terms, no matter how evil one's intentions may be, the outcome of one's misdeeds invariably results in some unexpected good - the silver lining that offsets even the darkest cloud.

What good came out of Mahathir's megalomanic 22-year misrule? Firstly, he politicized and activated a few million previously apathetic citizens like myself with his excesses. Secondly, he equated the Internet with accelerated progress and installed the very mechanism that would soon reveal Umno/BN to be a monster of Dr M's own miscreation.

And, thirdly, his ruthless, vindictive and violent retaliation against his erstwhile deputy Anwar Ibrahim's rebellion effectively planted the seeds of a two-party parliamentary system that would germinate ten years later as the 8 March 2008 political tsunami.

Similarly, Najib Razak's inevitable rise to power in accordance with the Umno Agenda would fulfil the "RAHMAN prophecy" and mark the end of Umno misrule. And since Umno has always equated itself with Malay vested interests, the warlords can only spin the end of their era as an unbearable loss of political power to the pendatang or "immigrant races."

The more xenophobic fear the bigots whip up amongst the ignorant and illiterate, the stronger the desire for radical transformation will grow in the hearts and minds of the intelligent, the young and free-spirited. Indeed, the crude and imbecilic rantings of political troglodytes like Ibrahim Ali only serve to enhance the appeal of enlightened cosmopolitanism and universal, rather than local, values.

It took an Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich to liberate the German people forever from narrow-minded racism and cultural insularity. I'm counting on Ibrahim Ali and his ilk to force the more intelligent and honest Malays from under their monolingual, monocultural coconut shells... and into the light of a far greater vision of unity that totally transcends race and religion.

Perhaps we will emerge as a nation of truth-speaking justice-lovers from our collective nightmare of being saddled for more than a decade with moral anomalies like Abdul Gani Patail as Attorney-General and Musa Hassan as Inspector-General of Police.

Bear in mind, nevertheless, that all those who have tacitly or overtly endorsed this obscene state of affairs - from the despatch rider to the Yang Di Pertuan Agong himself - bear equal responsibility for allowing the nation to be dragged into the depths of depravity.

In 1998, at the height of Dr M's vicious campaign to destroy Anwar Ibrahim (his No. 1 political threat), Gani Patail (then a senior prosecutor with the AG's Chambers) was exposed by veteran lawyer Manjeet Singh Dhillon as a blackmailer who attempted to force a false statement from Nallakaruppan (an erstwhile Anwar ally arrested and charged with possession of live ammunition) who was offered a token sentence in lieu of death by hanging if he agreed to testify to having procured the services of prostitutes on Anwar's behalf.

Now that is indeed a very serious offence punishable by at least 10 years' jail - particularly so when the blackmailer is doing so in his formal capacity as a senior officer in the Attorney-General's department. That is a clear-cut case of betrayal of the public interest and gross abuse of power. And yet, Gani Patail was never indicted for this dastardly act. Instead, he was promoted to Attorney-General after Mohtar Abdullah suffered a stroke. This was undoubtedly on Dr Mahathir's recommendation, with the Agong's silent acquiescence.

Can we simply shrug and say, "Let bygones be bygones"? Most certainly not when self-serving, morally compromised flunkeys like Gani Patail and Musa Hassan are put in charge of law enforcement in this country.

We might as well appoint a cold-blooded murderer as prime minister!

No amount of Unity Consciousness can ameliorate the absurdity and utter insanity of such a situation. We have to surgically remove the bullets from our gunshot wounds before we can begin to speak about healing from acute trauma.