Monday, February 27, 2017
Alternate Realities Revisited ~ by Paula Peterson
MODERN DAY MYSTIC: Awakening to Alternate Realities
"Reality is merely an illusion, although a very persistent one." ~Albert Einstein
"Reality is just a crutch for people who can't cope with drugs." ~ Robin Williams
Many find it difficult to believe that "ordinary" people can have mystical experiences. Just like some of you reading this, I have experienced such events ... and yet, to avoid being categorized as a "looney" I have kept much of it to myself or briefly shared a few stories with trusted listeners.
After all, super-sensitive folk who hear voices that no one else hears, see visions that no one else sees (angels, ascended masters, elves, fairies, spirits, star-people, spaceships, strange lights, etc.) and feel energy or vibrations that no one else feels are often perceived as kooks - even labeled schizophrenic - while some end up being institutionalized when talk of such topics are too openly and too often discussed in the presence of the wrong people.
As if threatened by the unknown (or sometimes even envious of the mystic), the non-experiencer will often resort to ridicule, debunking or harassment of those who are brave enough to tell their stories. Because they believed strongly enough in their experience to tell about them, the lives of some very fine and honorable folk have been severely damaged and their reputations unfairly shattered by vicious skeptics and debunkers. I personally know such individuals and have, myself, been subjected to cruel and ignorant ridicule.
Many have a personal or collective investment in keeping things the way they are. They may employ extreme methods - or engage in subtle, indirect manipulation - in order to maintain control, secure a state of comfortable existence and manage their version of reality. From individual to entire governments the agenda is the same: to oppress or eliminate whatever threatens a reality that appears to insure a sense of control and security.
It seems that the vast majority in this culture still cannot accept that there are other planes of existence not ruled by the "laws" and perceptions of this physical world nor easily and comfortably explained through use of logic. Doors flung open wide to greater enlightenment are just as quickly slammed shut when the fear of closed-mindedness reduces a mystical experience to a fabrication of an overactive imagination.
By forcing an extraordinary experience into the limiting confines of trite and easily managed explanations, one is robbed of the power of the mystical event to inspire and awaken its beholder through awe and wonder ... and a potential breakthrough to deeper unity with the divine is missed again.
This is why the urban mystic of industrialized, high-tech, First World cultures often chooses to conceal extraordinary experiences and are content to simply allow these events be known only between himself (or herself), their chosen Higher Power (God, Jesus, Great Spirit, Buddha or whomever) or a few trusted individuals. Those living in less advanced countries are fortunate in that a large segment of the population - mostly those still living close to the land and the spirit of nature - still accepts the supernatural, mystical and unexplained phenomena as another part of life - and an important one. In those cultures, the mystic in the form of shaman, currandero, healer, sage, medicine man, etc., is a respected member of society.
Thankfully, the more advanced societies - like America - are witnessing increasing numbers of folks who do believe - or want to believe - even if they themselves don't have these experiences. Perhaps this is true because the hopes and dreams that we were raised upon - which emphasized accumulation of possessions; personal fulfilment and accomplishment through monetary gain; cultivating intellectual and academic status; and a myriad of other material pursuits - has finally reached the saturation point for many of us: we have found that in striving for the accoutrements of a mundane, material world that we have become "spiritually bankrupt" and sadly lacking in miracles and deep soul fulfilment.
Seeking deeper, more meaningful experiences that unite us with a Higher Power through re-uniting with the inner, mystical-self is becoming the new adventure. The inward journey abounds with discoveries just as rich and juicy - even more so - than any experience of the external world.
And so it serves us greatly to embrace stories of mystery and awe ... not because we're gullible ... but because such stories have the power to instil wonder and awe and bring our over-busy, chattering, analytical minds to a screeching halt - which can then give way to a quieter but more compelling voice that whispers, "What if it's true?"
What if it really IS true .... then what? Will our world seem less predictable? Will we feel less in control of our reality? Will we have to question our beliefs and all the things we were taught while growing up? Will we feel less secure with ourselves if the mysteries of the unknown remain unexplainable? Will it really be all that bad for us if we are simply left with a wondrous feeling of awe in the wake of a mystical experience?
What if we really are being visited by advanced civilizations from other worlds that wish us no harm? What if these advanced civilizations use telepathy to communicate instead of the spoken word? What if some of these same visitors recognize the benign and peaceful intelligence of dolphins and choose to hide their ships in the quiet depths of the ocean?
What if these advanced civilizations were simply observing while waiting for earthlings to stop being so disrespectful and hurtful towards each other, the animals, the forests, the land and all living things? What if they were waiting for us humans to stop fighting so much before revealing more of themselves to us?
What if visitors from other worlds are to play a significant role in helping to raise the consciousness of humankind and lead us into a more peaceful, productive and fulfilling future? Its entirely possible when we are willing to think "outside the box" of the old paradigm.
Of course, I could go on and on with the questions ... its fun to contemplate the possibilities. Posing such questions is also another way to trigger a shift consciousness since a deeper part of our awareness will try to rise to the surface in the attempt to answer: not with the usual answer that comes from beliefs taught by a disbelieving society - but an answer that comes from an ancient, abysmal and long forgotten aspect of ourself that "knows."
The unexplainable and the mystical happens everyday - in small or large ways - in some area of the world. We may call these events miracles, super-natural or extraordinary (extra-ordinary!). Or we may simply accept them as another part of life that is just as real and significant as any other part of life.
After all ... we can order plain, ordinary pizza or we can order a cosmic pizza with an extraordinary array of tasty items - both known and unknown! Maybe we'll suffer momentary mystical "indigestion" as the mix clashes: the familiar with the mysterious. But it is guaranteed that the first burst of amazement will remain in our memories forever as a moving experience that left us changed ... to become an experience we can draw from for inspiration and wonder forever after.
Paula Peterson