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My Family Constellation (with 3 missing siblings who didn't survive entry) |
Then the world - or our collective experience of reality - becomes OURstory (although such a word and such a world does not yet exist, but as soon you have read and understood this sentence, it shall!)... and then I can continue to write MYstory, which has always been, and shall always be, a Mystery.
On the fourth day of the 11th Gate Master Cylinder, Solara got all of us into small groups so we could write the closing chapter of our Old Stories. Then one day after the Activation Ceremony, we got together again to write the first chapter of our New Stories. Every one of us is essentially a Story - either well or badly told but nonetheless a Story. A Story badly told can be rewritten so it becomes readable. A Story well told will eventually be made into a Blockbuster!
Blessings upon my Godfather (Dr Peter Tong Kwok Kee) for pointing out the stars to me when I was just a few months old - and for igniting in me the spark of intelligence.
I was pretty normal until my 18th year when I stumbled upon the Book of Tao, read the first verse, and had goosebumps.
A year later I realized - much to my surprise and delight - that I was, in truth, God incarnate.
That got me in the mental asylum for three months. The only way I could secure my release was to renounce my divinity.
The next 20 years of my life were a slow process of reassembling the scattered pieces of the gigantic jjgsaw puzzle of my multidimensional being.
Finally most of the pieces fell into place and I regained access to the whole enchilada.
The problem now was, I was afraid to reveal who I truly was - in case I got put away again.
Just as well, because my 40 years in the desert gave other aspects of myself time to awaken and reclaim their vastness - so it became safe to finally proclaim my Godhood - safety in numbers!
But the greatest joke of all, it was no longer necessary, no longer important nor significant to be "divine" or to even identify with any primordial, deific, or noble lineage.
I was content to simply be a human being.
I still am. And although I'm a little curious about how it might feel to NOT exist, I'm in no hurry to experience the Ultimate Nothingness - since that's where it all began.
End of my old story. Time for tea. And, yes, a cigarette break is always welcome.
Antares Maitreya
(formerly known as the Ancient of Days)
18 November 2012
What next? Who knows and who cares? Well, I do.
I know the meaning and purpose of my life - all Life! And I care for every living atom of it. Why? Simply because all of it is ME.
On a more "personal" level I want nothing - and everything. I know that acceptance, recognition and reward for being what I am and who I am is already flowing in, like the first rush of water from taps that have long been dry (or just dripping).
I know that whatever happens - or doesn't - to the financial system will make no difference to the abundance that I have finally, consciously, learned to receive - and to recirculate freely and universally.
I know that the planetary awakening of which my own has been an integral part will accelerate at the speed of love.
As more souls emerge from their cocoons, they will go in search of guidance and advice - and I will be here to serve in my own unique capacity.
I enjoy teaching and also learning. Aeons of ignorance and misapprehension of what Reality is all about have to be cleared. I happily lend my energies towards this joyful task.
I can't think of any specific desires I wish fulfilled - but whatever I wish for will manifest much more swiftly now that I no longer resist being all that I am and more.
At this juncture, it makes little difference whether I continue using my physical vehicle a little longer and then surrender it to the elements - or if I will be among the ones granted immortality through complete transmutation of my molecular structure.
Immortality is only acceptable in a self-regenerating, self-rejuvenating, non-degrading physical body. In a body subject to constant wear and tear, extreme longevity may not be such a pleasant prospect - unless the body remains capable of enjoying everything bodies were designed to enjoy.
23 November 2012
Huayllabamba, Sacred Valley of the Incas, Peru
[First posted 6 January 2013, reposted 9 April 2018, 7 November 2018,
26 October 2019 & 25 Aoril 2022]