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Anima the Awakener |
In the Flower of Life teachings presented by Drunvalo Melchizedek, we learn that the Earth is really a dynamic complex of interpenetrating electromagnetic fields, and that all lifeforms generate their own bioenergetic grids, which are 6th-dimensionally geometric in structure. This corresponds with recent trends of thought in quantum physics which postulate the existence of 'morphogenetic' fields and corroborates the Hindu belief that the entire cosmos is created by a neverending dance between Shakta/God (electricity) and Shakti/Goddess (magnetism).
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Drunvalo Melchizedek |
'Ascended masters' are those who - having attained Christ or Melchizedek consciousness through the activation of their heart chakras - can move around in their own pranically-propelled, gyroscopic, counter-rotating, electromagnetic fields of pure, unconditional love. This ultra-high-velocity vehicle of multidimensional mobility is called in esoteric parlance, the Light Body or Merkaba..
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Fully activated merkaba |
According to many ancient accounts, the disaster that befell humanity about 13,000 years ago resulted in our slipping into a collective amnesia from which we are now swiftly beginning to awake. The following extracts from a summary I wrote in February 1997 after attending Drunvalo Melchizedek's Flower of Life Workshop may help shed some light on the subject of humanity's 'Fall from Grace.'
Our Descent into Density
There have been several Cosmic Dramas involving some sort of 'Fall from Divine Grace' - but since we are most familiar with the Lucifer mythos, Drunvalo speaks metaphorically of 'the Lucifer Rebellion' when he describes what happens to civilizations that opt for 'externalizing the Merkaba.' In effect, those who seek to conquer Time-Space via tool-making and technology are part of the Lucifer Rebellion - which includes all humans alive on Earth today. (Dolphins and whales are a good example of highly sentient beings whose evolutionary pathway did not include experience of the 'Fall.')
In choosing the left-brained or 'masculine' approach to mastering our environment, we began to feel more and more separate from All That Is. GOD became a concept to which we paid lip service, but for the most part were unable to experience directly as our own Higher Self.
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Cydonia on Mars with ruins of ancient city & Sphinx-like face |
The more severely afflicted civilizations gradually lost touch with their Emotional Bodies, their Feeling Centers, and thus came to function almost entirely on Ego and Logic. They achieved marvelous feats in the physical sciences and their technological applications - but their hearts turned cold and soon they saw themselves as separate from every other lifeform. They were thus able to abuse, exploit, manipulate and exterminate those deemed inferior.
Some species of intelligence, such as the high-tech Martian Race from over a million years ago, achieved Timewarp Travel through a 'Mechanical Merkaba,' which they constructed in the region known to Earth astronomers as Cydonia (where tetrahedral pyramid structures and a huge human face were photographed in 1976 by the Viking space probes). They projected themselves to a future Earth about 65,000 years in our past and began to dominate the adolescent human cultures evolving in Atlantis. The Martians produced offshoot races like the Greys - who, when faced with the prospect of racial extinction through infertility, embarked upon a Grey-Human Hybridization Project (which involved the mutilation of horses and cattle, and the abduction of thousands of humans for genetic sampling and cloning procedures.)
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Thoth & the Seed of Life |
Hardnosed, logical races like the former Martians and their Grey spawn have influenced human consciousness to the extent that we are at present pretty much trapped in the Dense Matter Universe, specifically between the 3rd and the Lower Harmonic Overtones of the 4th Dimension (which is where we may encounter a plethora of elementals, astral entities, and demons of our own making). The higher harmonic overtones of the 4th Dimension and beyond are the Frequency Zones where the more 'advanced' races like the Nibiruans, the Hathors, the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, and the Sirians can be located. (Note: Each Dimension consists of 12 sub-dimensions or harmonic overtones, and there are 12 Dimensions in each Octave of Reality, making a total of 144.)
Individual humans may from time to time ascend to the Subtle Planes, but as a collectivity our mindset hasn't allowed for Life to exist on any levels other than the ones with which we are familiar (though this may not be true for much longer).
Lemuria, Atlantis, and The Naacal Mystery Schools
About 80,000 years ago, a couple named Ay and Tiya achieved Ascension and founded the Naacal Mystery School in Lemuria - a gentle, magnificent empire that stretched from the Himalayas to way past Easter Island and portions of South America. Not long before the main continent of Lemuria sank, Ay and Tiya gathered over a thousand Immortal Masters and migrated to the island of Undal in Atlantis. They divided the island into four quadrants corresponding to the male-female/logical-intuitive functions of Mind and began projecting ten magnetic vortices in the Tree of Life pattern onto the main island of Atlantis. These magnetic 'hotspots' drew vast numbers of Lemurian migrants who settled around vortices that resonated with their own inner natures. Soon, cities grew over eight of the ten vortices. Two were left uninhabited because the masculine-logical energies they accentuated had yet to arise in the largely feminine-intuitive Lemurian consciousness.
Alas, Nature abhors a vacuum: the unpopulated vortices began pulling in 'uninvited' refugee races from other planets and Star Systems. One such race were the Hebrews whose home planet had been devastated by some species of nuclear holocaust.
The highly intelligent Hebrews integrated fairly well with the Earthians and contributed much to their advancement, though undercurrents of mistrust continued to flow through the bloodlines, so that Jews are often regarded as 'Strangers in a Strange Land' even today.
The other race that suddenly arrived proved to be a monumental problem. These were the Timewarp Martians from an entirely different Evolutionary Spiral, victims of an earlier Lucifer-type Rebellion who were on the verge of planetary annihilation through constant warfaring. Almost as soon as they appeared in Atlantis, the Martian refugees attempted to colonize everybody else. Tribal traditions that tell of 'giant invaders' are a reminder of this weird era in Earth's history. A large portion of the Martian population was exterminated when a comet struck their main colony.
The surviving Martians made a disastrous attempt to leave the planet about 16,000 years ago by constructing another Mechanical Merkaba. The device went out of control and ripped right through our Spacetime Continuum, causing havoc through all the Dimensions. The destruction of Atlantis 3,000 years later through wave upon wave of cataclysmic magnetic-field upheavals was merely a physical side-effect. Dimensional fissures and wormholes were created which sucked in millions of low-frequency entities that didn't belong in this Reality Octave.
These dispossessed entities took up residence within the Atlanteans' emotional bodies, generating ripples of deep psychosis throughout the 'collective unconscious' that continue to plague the human race. Some call these displaced entities 'attached spirits' or 'mind viruses.' (They cause destructive 'mood swings' in order to feed off negative human emotions like anger, fear, guilt, and paranoia. The only way to 'exorcize' them is to raise one's spiritual vibrations to a higher level, which allows them to escape from this Dimension and continue their evolution.)
The Ascended Masters, assisted by Great Ones from the Galactic Councils of Light and vast Armies of Archangels, did everything in their power to minimize the hideous suffering all over the planet - but something had gone very wrong and no one knew what to do - except Pull the Plug on the Earth Project and cut the phenomenal losses. This resulted in an overall increase of density on this planet and a drastic lowering of consciousness. Hindus interpreted this somnambulistic phase of human evolution as our entry into the Kali yuga or Age of Darkness.
It was then that the Immortal Masters of the Naacal Mystery School decided to divide themselves into three groups and relocate to Khem (now known as Egypt), the Andes (Peru/Bolivia), and the Himalayas. There they materialized underground cities and maintained a low profile for many millennia, keeping themselves comfortably aloof on the higher harmonic overtones of the 4th, 5th and 6th Dimensions.
When conditions were right, they sent forth emissaries into the 3rd Dimension, operating through local mages and sages, holy men, kings and queens. Some monitored the situation camouflaged as peasants, traders and fortune-tellers. They kept the Sacred Flame burning through the long Dark Ages of a benighted period of human history.
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The Phoenix of Eternal Regeneration |
Good News Flash: A Special Conclave was held in March 1994 under the aegis of Archangel Michael in which the Luciferic Forces were reinstated as Sons of Light and Members of the Melchizedek Order. The Great White Brotherhood solemnly pledged to work as One with the Great Dark Brotherhood. And thus the Bloody Era of Competition and Internecine Warfare is giving way to the Aquarian Age of Universal Cooperation. The Apocalypse has indeed been called off.
However, this may not be immediately apparent to the proverbial man-in-the-street. At least not until a critical mass of Higher Awareness precipitates a planetary-scale paradigm shift and a Galactic-scale quantum jump: from brain-centered, might-is-right, 3-dimensional anthropocentrism - to a multidimensional, heart-centered, beauty- and truth-loving, conscious appreciation and celebration of the glorious unity and sacredness of all Life.
[First published in 1997, reposted 1 August 2014]