It is easy for most of us who are still relatively free and safe to forget that Raja Petra and other Malaysians are detained in Kamunting, Perak under the cruel and anachronistic* Internal Security Act, all of whom stood for freedom, democracy and justice.
Interest in his fate by the Malaysian public is difficult to sustain, but I am proud to say that his friends like Haris Ibrahim, Bernard Khoo aka Zorro Unmasked, KP Waran, Bangsar Bala, Amarit Sidhu and Visu, and others who are part of the fraternity that meets frequently at the Fisherman’s Wharf in Taman Desa Danau, Members of Parliament like YB Lim Kit Siang, YB Gobind Singh, YB Ronnie Liu, YB Teresa Kok and members of the Anwar Ibrahim Club led by Farhash Wafa Salvador and Najwan Hilmi have remained steadfast and faithful to the mission of securing the release of Raja Petra and his associates. The vigils are intended to remind us that Raja Petra and others are being denied their freedom.

However, we need to see more Members of Parliament and State Assemblymen and the Malaysian public at vigils which are being organized in the main urban centers throughout the country by Free RPK campaigners. We also require the support of bloggers and the international community, especially Amnesty International, and television networks overseas to keep the anti-ISA movement active and alive, since we cannot expect the mainstream media to help the cause.
I spoke to Marina Petra this morning (November 3, 2007) to find out how she and her two daughters and the Petra grandchildren were coping without their patriarch. She told me that she was doing fine (but it would be better if Pet were around and blogging away furiously from morning till late into the night on Malaysia Today and I suspect Marina must surely miss his sense of humor and companionship).

She told me that she was looking forward to November 7, 2008 for the court’s decision on Pet’s habeas corpus application. Having heard the arguments presented by lawyers on both sides, the court will in its wisdom will set him free. There is no point in further detaining Raja Petra who is not a threat to national security. Please turn up in full force early in the Shah Alam courts to give Raja Petra our moral support. I hope to see you there.
Din Merican
*Sorry, Din, I can't stand the word "draconian" - dragons are very wise beings and such an evil law is far from wise! [Vigil photos courtesy Zorro-Unmasked]