Why comedy in these serious times? It's simple... there's definitely something funny going on!" - Swami Beyondananda
Considering the increasingly serious condition our society and planet seem to be in, and given the persistent failure of just about every one of society's institutions, focusing on comedy might seem counterintuitive.
Or, it might turn out to be just what the doctor (or for that matter, the paradox) ordered. Let's take, for example, the sad truth that the Obama Administration has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Democratic Party misleadership (like the Republican misleadership) has betrayed the commonwealth in favor of the uncommonly wealthy.
The Evolutionary Up-Wising is Up to Us!
We can do what is expected of us - fall into cynicism, apathy or denial, and numb ourselves with reality TV because it's easier to face than reality. Or, we can use this as an opportunity to go cold turkey on "hopium addiction," and recognize that neither freedom nor functionality can be bestowed from above, but comes from cultivating two evolutionary practices: awareness and community.

In order to take advantage of this evolutionary opportunity, we humans will need to cultivate the two great gifts that have been bestowed on our species: love and imagination.
Laughter - and the awakening that comes in the wake of laughter - will help us magnify and cultivate both of those precious tools.

And the perspective of humor (the "aha" that comes with the "ha ha") will help us process and put into practice the understandings Bruce and I write about in Spontaneous Evolution.
Give the Gift of Laughter ...
So ... if you wish to help move forward the "evolutionary up-wising" where we overgrow our current system from the grassroots up, one simple and highly-enjoyable step is to read the freely-available book introduction here.
And order your copy (or copies for a dozen friends and cohorts) here.
We have purposely extended the one-third off $10 price through Friday, December 18th to make it easier for you to give the gift of enlightening laughter -- and enlighten up your friends as well through our Buddysattva program.
Remember, the laugh you save may be your own!
... and Give the Gift of Encouragement
You can also help move the evolutionary up-wising forward this Holiday season by giving the gift of encouragement. For a truly heartening story based on modern science and ancient wisdom, consider giving Spontaneous Evolution to friends, family and "co-hearts" on your list.
The reviews are coming in, and tend to echo what biologist and author Elisabet Sahtouris has written: "Spontaneous Evolution is a wonderfully exciting, enlightening and heartening ride! Read it and know exactly where we stand and how we can thrive."
You will also note that 19 of the 21 reviews Spontaneous Evolution has received on Amazon are five-star reviews!
You can support our own "global local" bookstore, Source Books by buying your copy of the Spontaneous Evolution book here.
And support the Swami and I directly by ordering the Sounds True Spontaneous Evolution 5 CD set here.
Already read the book? Add your reviews to, or send them here.

[Left: Bruce Lipton & Steve Bhaerman]