Extracts from an email message sent by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles, 7 June 2010...
All we have to do is turn on the news to see that we are in the midst of a very tumultuous time on this planet. Challenging and even catastrophic things are taking place in every facet of people’s lives. It is very easy to feel overwhelmed and fearful about the future and what is going to happen to us and our families. Unfortunately, our fear just compounds the problem and motivates us to cling to the old paradigms that are surfacing to be healed and transmuted into Light. Even if our old behavior patterns and our previous ways of thinking and acting have made us miserable, at least they are familiar to us and we know what to expect. As the expression goes, “Better the devil you know than the devil you do not know.” This attitude is common, but nothing could be more counterproductive during this time of transformation.
Contrary to outer appearances, the things that are occurring all over the world are not going to destroy Humanity or the Earth. These horrific things are coming up to get our attention and to motivate us to find a better way of interacting with each other and the Earth. We have been buried in our own self-inflicted pain and suffering for so long that we are numb. We have fallen into the destructive habit of using extreme pain as our motivator. Unless something catastrophic happens in our lives, we just muddle through each day without paying much attention to what we might do to make things better. However, when something disastrous happens in our personal lives or on the planet, we start scrambling around to see what we can do to correct the situation.
The devastating environmental disaster occurring in the Gulf of Mexico at this time is a prime example of this Truth. We have known for decades that oil and coal are polluting the planet and wreaking havoc in the lives of people everywhere. Time and again, awakening souls have tapped into the Realms of Illumined Truth and come up with clean energy sources and technologies that would eliminate our use of oil and coal. Because of the power and money associated with the oil and coal industries, these new methods of energy have always been suppressed and hidden from the mass consciousness of Humanity. People have come to the erroneous conclusion that we must have oil and coal in order to survive and maintain our livelihoods. Even now, with oil destroying the precious wetlands and ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico, many people there are upset that President Obama has called for a moratorium on deep-water drilling. This is a graphic demonstration of Humanity’s distorted perception at this time.
Our lives are so interwoven with the very things that are causing the problems on Earth that we feel we must perpetuate them in order to survive. This illusion is the direct manipulation of our fear-based, fragmented human egos. Our lower human egos believe that the physical plane is all that exists and that our purpose and reason for being is to gratify our physical senses. Our human egos are aware that we are awakening and that our God Selves are beginning to reclaim dominion of our lives. Our egos are fighting tooth and nail to prevent our God Selves from taking back the power this wayward aspect of our personality usurped after our fall from Grace aeons ago.
What would happen if all of a sudden disease and the degenerative process of aging were eliminated from the planet? Imagine the number of people who would be out of work: doctors, nurses, hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, pharmacies, drug companies, medical insurance companies, and all of the workers who support these industries. Millions of people have a vested interest in keeping us sick.
What would happen if war was eliminated? If you will remember, just before September 11, 2001, and the manifestation of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, there was a lot of talk about having to close some of the military bases in the USA for financial reasons. This was causing a great deal of concern for military personnel. Look at the millions of people who would be out of work if our military complex and the war machine were no longer needed. There are millions of people who have a vested interest in perpetuating war.
What if Humanity remembers the Oneness of Life? What if we all recognize the Divinity within each other, and we truly develop a reverence for all Life? Crime, corruption, violence, greed, and everything associated with the criminal aspects of our present existence would be eliminated. Think of the number of people who would be out of work if we no longer needed the criminal justice system, police, security officers, prisons, prison guards, criminal lawyers, et cetera. What in the world would we watch on television or in the movies? It is interesting to observe that since many of the prisons in the USA have been privatized, the population of the prisons in this country has more than doubled. Prisons cannot succeed as a private business without lots of prisoners. There are millions of people who are vested in keeping crime alive and well.
When we ask people if they want to see disease, war, and crime eliminated, they usually say “of course.” But when their livelihoods depend on these things, they are afraid of what will happen to their financial security if these conditions cease to exist. That fear creates an underlying need that perpetuates the painful things people say they would like to eliminate.
We are so accustomed to living with disease, war, and crime that we think they are normal. We cannot even imagine living without them. The concept of a world without these maladies seems unrealistic and far too good to be true. Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are striving to remind us of the fact that these terrible things were never part of our Divine Plan. We created them through the misuse of our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions and they are being perpetuated and sustained by our fear-based human egos. It is time for us to stop this insanity. It is time to turn things around.
We must free ourselves from the paralyzing grip of our human egos and raise our consciousness. Instead of looking at the outer world and coming to the erroneous conclusion that this is all there is, we need to see the bigger picture.
WE ARE COCREATING THIS REALITY!!! Everything existing on Earth at this time is the result of Humanity’s collective consciousness. If we do not like what is happening in our individual lives or on the planet, we can join together and cocreate a new reality. Our task is to have enough of us focusing our attention on the patterns of perfection for the New Earth to reach a critical mass.
NOTE: The above text was truncated from a longer email announcing the 24th Annual World Congress on Illumination to be held from 14-19 August 2010 in Arlington, Virginia, USA. Please visit the link if you're interested in participating!