"It is now proved beyond doubt that smoking

Sorry but this has got to be one of the stupidest pro-smoking posts I've read in some time. Seriously, are you for real? No one is against your right to smoke yourself to death. That's your right. However, smoking is hardly the PERSONAL choice many smokers make it out to be.

Again, if you choose to smoke, by all means, go ahead. It's your life. But please do it in the comfort and privacy of your room or car. Please have a thought for other people who do not care for your cancer sticks. We really would love to live a longer, healthier life. Thank you.
capno-, capn-, capnod- (Greek: smoke; vapor; sooty)

capnophobiac (s), capnophobiacs (pl) - Those who have a dread, or extreme hatred, of smoking and being around people who are doing it.
capnosis - The smoking of cigarettes, cigars, etc.
capnotic - A person with the smoking habit; pertaining to smoking.

I have been a smoker for the last 27 years, I don't smoke in no-smoking zones, in front of children, non-smokers or domestic animals. I mean, what next? Gruesome pics on McDonald's wrappers to deter fast food overindulgers? Customized cigarette cases have been selling like hot cakes recently. Allow me to share a series of smokophobia forwards I received by email some time back (author unknown).
What is Smokophobia?

Smokophobia is so entrenched in modern Eurocentric cultures that even seemingly intelligent non-smokers have a hard time seeing it for what it is. Examples of smokophobia include:
The many laws passed against smoking, restricting when and where smokers can partake of their inhalational preference. (Smokophobes have tremendous legal and political clout!)

The "health education" programs in public schools that scare impressionable young children and create dark images of death and disease linked to smoking. (We're not talking about Nazi Germany or the Inquisition: this still happens in 20th century America - even in seemingly "modern" communities like Boston and San Francisco.)
The blatant segregation of restaurants, hotel rooms, and public transportation systems into two classes: non-smoking and smoking, with smokers clearly being treated like second-class citizens.

Frequent lies from all sources claiming that smoking "causes" cancer and other diseases, neglecting that fact that everyone is at risk for cancer.
Strong parental opposition to safe smoking education in schools. These parents often forbid their children to ever even try smoking - afraid that their child might discover he or she is a smoker.
Levels of smokophobia

2) Hateful intolerance. While you may recognize that some people naturally are smokers, you still find smoking repulsive and refuse to be in the same room as smokers. You don't want smokers to baby-sit your children. You aren't troubled when smokers have to leave their workplaces to smoke outdoors - even if it's bitter cold outside. And taxing cigarettes makes perfect sense to you.

4a) Limited tolerance. You accept others who have found their identity as smokers and recognize their right to smoke. But you don't want them smoking in your home - and you secretly hope that none of your children turn out to be smokers.

5) Enlightenment. You realize that smoking is a natural and delightful experience for those with that orientation. You advocate smokers rights and embrace the smoking lifestyle as a valid and wholesome expression of the full human experience. You are not afraid of finding out that you or your children are smokers. You are even willing to take a puff or two to find out. Isn't it about time you enlighten up and rid yourself of smokophobia?
Have you hugged a smoker today?

Warning signs of smokophobia:
You are afraid to even try smoking a cigarette (or anything else) because you think you might get "addicted." You are uncomfortable sitting next to smokers, fearful that their smoke might "harm" you or make your lungs "unclean."

You think that states should be allowed to pass laws against smoking. You feel upset when you see a smokers' pride parade. When you see a burning building or a hotel fire, you immediately wonder if a smoker is to blame. After spending time with smokers, you feel a compulsive urge to wash your clothes lest others think you, too, are a smoker.